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TGT exam 2021- An analysis in general

Conducted by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, DSSSB Recruitment 2021 is a state-level exam taken to recruit candidates for different posts every year under the National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCT of Delhi).

Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the library management system for efficient school management.

The DSSSB TGT Exam is conducted for different subjects, and the exam analysis for shift 1, shift two, and shift 3 for various papers. The DSSSB is conducting the TGT Exam 2021 from 2nd to September 14, 2021, for aspirants who have applied for the TGT or Trained Graduate Teacher post. The written test for the first stage of the recruitment process is divided into three shifts a day for the Advt. no. 02/21 and 03/21. 

Important Note: Some written tests are already conducted, and some are yet to be conducted.

DSSSB TGT Exam Analysis 2021 For Natural Science: Shift 1

SubjectsDifficulty LevelGood Attempts
General AwarenessEasy10-12
General Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityModerate12-15
Arithmetical & Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate11-12
English LanguageEasy14-15
Hindi LanguageEasy13-14
Subject Concerned (MCQs from the subject concerned and on teaching methodology/B.Ed.)Easy76-80

DSSSB TGT Exam Analysis 2021 For Natural Science: Shift 2

SubjectsLevelGood AttemptsNo. of Questions 
General AwarenessEasy10-1220
General Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityModerate12-1520
Arithmetical & Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate11-1220
English LanguageEasy14-1520
Hindi LanguageEasy13-1420
Subject Concerned (MCQs from the subject concerned, teaching methodology/B.Ed.)Easy80-85100

DSSSB TGT Exam Analysis 2021 For Social Science: Shift 1

SubjectsLevelGood Attempts
General AwarenessEasy10-12
General Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityModerate12-15
Arithmetical & Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate11-12
English LanguageEasy14-16
Hindi LanguageEasy-Moderate15-17
Subject Concerned (MCQs from the subject concerned, teaching methodology/B.Ed.)Easy-Moderate75-80

DSSSB TGT Exam Analysis 2021 For Mathematics: Shift 1, 2, and 3

DSSSB TGT Mathematics Exam Analysis Shift 1:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
General Awareness2012-14Moderate
General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability2012-13Easy
Arithmetic & Numerical Ability2011-12Easy to Moderate
Hindi Language2015-16Easy to Moderate
English Language2015-17Easy to Moderate
Concerned Subject10050-52Moderate

DSSSB TGT Mathematics Exam Analysis Shift 2:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsGood Attempts Shift 2Difficulty Level
General Awareness2013-14Easy to Moderate
General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability2012-15Moderate
Arithmetic & Numerical Ability2013-14Easy to Moderate
Hindi Language2015-17Moderate
English Language2015-18Easy to Moderate
Concerned Subject10050-53Easy to Moderate

Know more about LMS and how it can help in seamless school operations management.

DSSSB TGT Mathematics Exam Analysis Shift 3:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
General Awareness2012-13Moderate
General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability2013-14Easy to Moderate
Arithmetic & Numerical Ability2010-13Moderate
Hindi Language2012-15Easy to Moderate
English Language2015-16Moderate
Concerned Subject10052-54Moderate

DSSSB TGT Exam Analysis 2021 For Hindi: Shift 1 and 2

SubjectsDifficulty LevelGood Attempts
General AwarenessEasy12-15
General Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityEasy13-15
Arithmetical & Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate11-12
English LanguageEasy14-16
Hindi LanguageEasy-Moderate11-12
Subject Concerned (MCQs from the subject concerned, teaching methodology/B.Ed.)Moderate67-72
SubjectsLevelGood Attempts
General AwarenessModerate13-14
General Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityEasy12-13
Arithmetical & Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate11-12
English LanguageEasy14-16
Hindi LanguageEasy-Moderate15-17
Subject Concerned (MCQs from the particular subject, teaching methodology/B.Ed.)Easy-Moderate50-52

Applicants who are yet to take up the upcoming shifts can look at this article to get a thorough overview of the DSSSB TGT 2021 Exam Analysis. DSSSB releases all the notifications regarding the TGT exams on their official website. Therefore, it is advised to visit the website for any new notifications and updates regularly.