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BIHAR TET – Preparation Tips

It is imperative to prepare for exams if you want to pass them. Prepare well, and you will have half the battle won. Start preparing now, instead of waiting until the last minute. This blog post will focus on some Bihar TET preparation tips and tricks that you can use to score high! Read on to know more.

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This test is known as Bihar Teachers Eligibility Test, and it is recognized by Bihar State Council of Examinations, Pune, for determining eligibility for teachers working in primary (Classes I to V) and elementary (Classes VI to VIII) states in Bihar. Read how to become a teacher.

According to the eligibility criteria, there are many candidates who apply every year for the Bihar TET examination. To qualify for this examination, candidates must score well. 

Now, you know what Bihar TET is, let us glance at these Bihar TET preparation tips. 

Overview of the BIHAR TET Syllabus 

Bihar school education board has clearly defined the BTET syllabus. In order to succeed in the exam, students must adhere to the syllabus defined by BSE. There are many important topics that must be covered in this syllabus.

Following are the subjects covered that you need to understand for Bihar TET preparation tips: 

  • Child development and pedagogy
  • Language I and Language II
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Studies
  • History
  • Geography
  • Social and political life
  • Pedagogical

Preparation Tips & Tricks to crack BIHAR TET

Candidates should analyze their preparation level before they begin the Bihar TET preparation for the exam by looking over the detailed syllabus and the exam pattern. The BiharTET exam isn’t as hard as a Civil Service test, but it’s also not as simple as it sounds. 

The first thing you need to do for Bihar TET preparation tips is to analyze what your weak areas are as well as your strongest areas so you can make a strategy accordingly. You must be a strict believer when it comes to preparing for the exam, without shortcuts but with a determined and honest approach.

  • Using Previous Question Papers Is The Best Way To Prepare

As solving the previous year’s question paper is an important Bihar TET preparation tip, it will not only give you an idea about the questions, but it will also help you understand the method of solving such questions. It is very important to solve previous exam question papers in order to prepare for the TET exam.

  • Get An Overview Of Your Performance

As you solve the previous year’s papers, it is important to analyze your performance to understand where you stand, i.e. where you are doing well and where you are making mistakes. Try out as many mock tests and question papers as possible to level up your performance. Identify your weak areas and work on them.

  • Knowledge Is Power

You should go over all topics of the Bihar TET exam and then determine which parts of it you’re good at. Therefore, you should focus on the topics in which you excel. For your study efforts to be successful, it is essential to write your own notes. Aspirants who run out of time when preparing for exams can turn to these notes as a lifesaver.

  • Prioritize Your Topics And Subjects

Learn the topics or subjects you are interested in first and take your time to learn them thoroughly. Prioritize the topics/Subjects and spend your time planning and preparing appropriately.

  • The Two A’s: Accuracy & Attempt

The Bihar TET exam has no negative marking; however, you need to keep in mind the accuracy of questions rather than trying every question. If you are familiar with a topic or question, begin by answering it. Then try other questions. If you are uncertain about any questions, mark them and only attempt them when you have enough time left.

  • The More You Practice, The Better You Become

Examine previous year’s question papers and practice with mock tests. As a result, you will become highly confident and adhere to solving your papers within the time limit.

BIHAR TET Exam Pattern

After you’ve known the Bihar TET preparation tips, you should look at the Bihar TET exam pattern to make sure you practice accordingly. 

The BTET paper I exam pattern for child development and pedagogy is as follows:

  • This section contains 30 questions in total.
  • The section can be completed within 30 minutes.
  • Each question is a multiple-choice question.
  • Negative marking is not allowed.

The language I of the BTET paper I consist of the following:

  • There will be a maximum of 30 questions in this section.
  • The total number of questions will be around 30 despite the subparts.
  • In 30 minutes, all questions can be answered.
  • It is generally 1 mark per correct answer for subparts; the marking scheme is the same for all parts.
  • You can ask about the roots of words and the basics of grammar, like verbs, adjectives, etc.

The BTET exam pattern Language II for paper I are as follows:

  • There are 30 multiple-choice questions.
  • The maximum number of marks in this section is 30, and the questions are evenly distributed.
  • The descriptive passage will be graded, and marks will be assigned to the subparts.

Environmental studies for the paper I in the BTET exam:

  • MCQ-type questions.
  • The section has a time limit of 30 minutes.
  • Four responses will be provided for each question, and one answer will be marked.


Listed below are some of the best Bihar TET preparation tips that you should never miss out on. But that’s not all. To pass this exam, you must also pay attention to important topics. Make sure when you are reading through Bihar TET preparation tips, you are also aware of the exam pattern to avoid any room for confusion. 

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