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Bihar TET Syllabus

The Bihar Board of Education (BSEB) conducts the Bihar Teacher Qualification Exam for candidates seeking a teaching career. Bihar TET notice will be posted on the official website soon. Applicants who wish to participate in the Bihar Teacher Qualification Exam scheduled for 2021 must have a thorough understanding of the Bihar TET Syllabus 2021 program to prepare effectively. This allows candidates to understand the topics covered in the program. The Bihar TET exam consists of two occupations: Class I-V – job 1 and class VI-VIII – job 2. Read how to become a teacher.

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The BTET exam is administered for the recruitment of primary and high school teachers in public, private and public schools in Bihar. Understanding the TET curriculum and Bihar exam design will help candidates systematically plan their strategies. Therefore, in this article, we have provided detailed information about the Bihar TET syllabus program. Read on to find out.

Bihar TET Syllabus 2021

Here is the complete review of the Bihar TET exam.

Name of Exam- Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test

Conducting Body- Bihar School Education Board

Exam Level- State Level

Mode of Exam- Offline

Exam Type- Teachers Recruitment Exam

Time Duration- 2.5 hours

Number of Papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2

Type of Question- MCQ

Official website-

Before moving on to the detailed curriculum for teaching Bihar TET, it is important to note that Bihar TET has two important documents mentioned below:

Paper-I: For the post of Primary Teacher (Class 1-5)

Paper-II: For the post of Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6-8)

Bihar TET Syllabus 2021: Topic Wise Distribution

The syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper II is given below:

Child Development And Pedagogy Syllabus

  1. Development and learning
  2. Principles of Child Development
  3. Influence of Genetics and the Environment
  4. Process of socialization
  5. Child-centred and progressive education
  6. Multidimensional Intelligence
  7. Creativity
  8. Language and Thought
  9. Individual variation
  10. Continuous comprehensive evaluation

Language I Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. Grammar – It includes nouns, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verb, tense, synonyms, idioms, expressions, word-combination, etc.
  2. Education Scholar Dimensions Principles & Language learning
  3. Language skills understanding language
  4. Understanding language details
  5. Development of communication skills
  6. Understanding of practical grammar
  7. Resolving difficulties/discrepancies in language teaching
  8. Teaching material
  9. Remedial Teaching

Language II Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. Comprehension
  2. Pedagogy of Language Development 15 Questions
  3. Learning and acquisition
  4. Principles of language Teaching
  5. Importance of grammar for communicating ideas
  6. verbally and in written form;
  7. Challenges in teaching language in the classroom
  8. Language Skills
  9. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency
  10. Teaching-learning materials including Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resources of the classroom
  11. Remedial Teaching

Mathematics Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. Geometry – Shapes and their local understanding
  2. Numbers – Numbers and Operations
  3. Currency – Money Resolve Problem
  4. Measurement – Length, Mass, Weight, Volume Time
  5. Game of statistics
  6. Mental Math Pattern
  7. Nature and Nature of Mathematics
  8. Importance of maths teaching
  9. Methods of Mathematics Teaching
  10. Math’s language
  11. Mathematical location in the curriculum
  12. Math teaching problems
  13. Diagnostic and therapeutic teaching and assessment
  14. Analysis of errors
  15. Learning-related dimensions

Environmental Studies Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. Family and Friends
  2. Food obtained from plants and animals, animal feeding, cooking meals, eating in the family, eating animals
  3. Shelter and its type, neighborhood and its mapping, home decor and cleaning, your family and domestic animals
  4. Water sources
  5. Travel Destination Location (Location, Water, Space), Travel Equipment, Communication, Letter Communication
  6. Automation and Behavior of Objects
  7. Environmental studies
  8. Conservation of the environment
  9. Relationship between social sciences
  10. Activities/practical work
  11. General evaluation
  12. Teaching-ingredient Problems

Science Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. Food
  2. Sources of food
  3. Components of food
  4. Cleaning food
  5. Materials
  6. Materials of daily use
  7. The World of the Living
  8. Moving Things People and Ideas
  9. Electric current and circuits
  10. Magnets
  11. Natural Phenomena
  12. Natural Resource

Social Science Bihar TET Syllabus

  1. The Earliest Societies
  2. Political Developments
  3. Culture and Science
  4. New Kings and Kingdoms
  5. Sultans of Delhi
  6. Architecture
  7. Creation of an Empire
  8. Social Change
  9. Regional Cultures
  10. Geography 
  11. Nature and the human environment
  12. Human Environment: settlement, transport, and communication
  13. Resources: Types-Natural and Human
  14. Social and Political Life
  15. Diversity
  16. Government
  17. Local Government
  18. Making a Living
  19. Democracy
  20. State Government
  21. Understanding Media
  22. Unpacking Gender
  23. The Constitution
  24. Parliamentary Government

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