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CGTET – Scope

Overview of TET

The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is the minimum qualification required in India to be considered for a position as a teacher in classes I through VIII. For teaching employment in Indian government schools, the test is compulsory. The TET is administered by India’s central and state governments. 

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The majority of states have their own TET. The test is held in order to satisfy the goals of the 2009 Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. The TET certificate is indefinitely valid. 

The Government made the TET a compulsory requirement to achieve the following goals: 

  • To create a nationwide standard and benchmark for teacher quality and recruiting.
  • To motivate teacher education institutes and their students to improve their performance even further.
  • To make the government’s emphasis on teacher quality clear.

What is CGTET Exam? 

Each state conducts its own TET exam. The CGTET is the Chhattisgarh Teacher Eligibility Test, conducted by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board, Raipur. The CGTET is one of the most prestigious examinations held in the field of teaching.

In order to be eligible to work in a government or private school in the state of Chattisgarh, an applicant is required to appear for and clear the CGTET examination. The CGTET exam is held yearly where the applicants have two options to select from: 

a) Teacher training in a government/private school for elementary classes (Class I to Class V) 

b) Teacher training in a government/private school for upper classes ( Class VII to Class VIII) 

CGTET Eligibility

Before appearing for the prestigious CGTET examination, it is imperative for the candidate to check the eligibility criteria in order to determine whether they are eligible to be an applicant for the exam. The CGTET has no age limitations but requires the candidate to have the below-mentioned qualifications to appear for the exam: 

  • A Bachelor of Education in PedagogyB.Ed) or a Bachelor of Education in Pedagogy (B.Ed) with a minimum of 50% marks.
  • A two-year diploma or a graduation certificate in primary education.
  • Any candidate applying for the position of a primary teacher must possess a minimum of 45% marks in their HSC exams (Higher Secondary Certificate) or equivalent to that, or the candidate should have a degree in B.A/B.Ed/B.Sc with a minimum of 50% marks. 
  • Any candidate applying for the upper classes must have a relevant degree on B.SC/ B.AD/ D.ED with a minimum of 45 percent or at least 50 percent in their B.ED. 

CGTET Selection Process

Like any other TET, the CGTET also follows a stringent process of selection. Before applying for the CGTET exam, all applicants should understand the process of selection once they clear the exam: 

  • According to the CGTET job profile, candidates must complete a two-year training programme before beginning their tenure as a teacher with the Chhattisgarh Professional Education Board.
  • Candidates will be dismissed from the job if they are caught engaging in any unwelcome behaviours during their training or probation term.
  • Candidates who meet the CGTET Eligibility Criteria and are shortlisted for the position will receive a certificate with a seven-year validity term.
  • The CGTET salary ranges from INR 9300 to INR 39000 per month, including monthly grade pay of INR 4300.

Growth and Promotion after CGTET

The TET exams were introduced to enable teachers to impart correct skills to students and grow in their field. Examinations like CGTET widen the scope for teachers looking to attain higher positions within their industry. After a candidate is appointed by clearing the CGTET exam, they can aim for the sky. Read how to become a teacher.

The promotion policy for teachers appointed through the CGTET exam may differ, but this line of work is quite progressive and offers you up to a wide range of prospects where you can choose your own pace of advancement. Promotions are usually made depending on your work performance and the number of years you’ve worked in the industry.

There is also the option of applying for numerous entrance tests for various positions and qualifying for that position. The majority of primary or upper primary teachers who pass the CGTET exam become Headmasters for the remainder of their tenure. However, that is hardly the end of their possibilities. 

However, that is hardly the end of their possibilities. Based on their qualifications and interests, they can also become senior teachers in upper middle school, principals, senior teachers in primary schools, assistant teachers in primary schools, and so on.

The CGTET exam offers a good career prospect to the candidates who qualify for the exam. Chances of growth become higher once you have appeared for a prestigious exam like CGTET. A secure and stable government job allows you to have peace of mind and focus on your job along with your professional growth. 

Like every other TET, the CGTET also requires thorough preparation and research along with the discipline to be able to clear the exam and qualify as a candidate for a teaching job through the government of Chhattisgarh.

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