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Super TET Syllabus

The Super Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) is a state-level examination that is carried out by the Uttar Pradesh Education Board for teaching jobs in various government schools located in UP. Candidates interested in these teaching jobs are required to fill the application form and apply for the exam. The Super TET is conducted once per year at various exam centres across UP.

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All important exam dates, details, and syllabus of the exam is available on their official website. Candidates qualifying for the Super TET exam are awarded a certificate that is valid for a lifetime. Qualification of Super TET does not ensure jobs to the candidate. 

Candidates are called as per vacancies following which they are selected based upon their TET score and interview. There is no restriction on the number of attempts a candidate can take on this exam. Also, there are no age restrictions for candidates who are interested in appearing for the Super TET exam.

The Super TET exam comprises two papers, Paper I and Paper II. Knowledge about the Super TET syllabus often helps the candidate prepare for the exam in a planned way that ultimately helps the candidate crack the exam.

Super TET syllabus

The details of the Paper I Super TET syllabus is given below. However, the Paper II syllabus is as per the subject that is chosen by the candidate.

Paper I comprises the following sections:

  • General knowledge
  • Science 
  • Logical knowledge
  • language-Hindi, Sanskrit, Eglish
  • Current Affairs
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Environmental and Social Study
  • Child psychology
  • Mathematics
  • Information technology
  • Life skill/ management and aptitude

The details of each of the sections are given in the table below.

Section Syllabus 
Mathematics DecimalLocalismNumerical abilityMathematical actionsProfit-lossArea averageGeneral algebraFactoringEconomic rulesRatioLogosVolumeGeometryInterestStatistics 
Logical knowledgeOrder and rankingPuzzlesBlood relationsInput-outputSeating arrangementData sufficiencyAlphanumeric seriesSyllogismVerbal and non-verbal reasoningCoding-decodingDistance and directionInequalities 
Language Basic language knowledge of English, Hindi, and Sanskrit.
Teaching methodologyPrinciples of learningInclusive examsInitial formation sillsCurrent indian societyNew initiatives of elementary educationEducational evaluation and measurementEducational focus and administration
Life skill/ management and aptitudeRole of educationProfessional conduct and policyConstitutional and original originsMotivation 
Child psychologyFactors affecting child development Creating environments for readingPersonal variationIdentification of learning needsTheories of learning and practical utility
Environment and social studyMarine ecologyEnergy pyramidSolar systemIndian freedom struggleIndian constitutionTraffic and road safetyIndian economy and challengesMicroorganisms and lifeformsBiomeEcologyNatural wealthWildlife and IUCNCommunities and population groupsEnvironmentLatitude and decimal
Science Human bodyHealthStates of matterEnergyLightSoundSpeed of forceDaily lifeNatural resources
Current affairsImportant events, books, issues, and personalities that are in news in the past year.
General knowledgeSportsTourismImportant days and datesHeritagePrizes and awardsEnvironmental issuesOlympic questions 

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Super TET exam pattern

The details of the exam pattern of Super TET is mentioned below.

  • The exam takes place in offline mode.
  • The total duration of the exam is 150 minutes for each paper.
  • The total marks of the exam are 150 for each paper.
  • The paper comprises only multiple-choice questions having four options.
  • All candidates have to appear for Paper I, while Paper II is specific as per the subject chosen by the candidates.
  • Each correct answer is awarded 1 mark, while no negative marks are given for incorrect answers.

The marks distribution of Paper I is given below.

Section Total marks
Mathematics 20 
Environmental and social study10
Science 10
Teaching methodology10
Child psychology10
General knowledge/ current affairs30
Information technology5
Life skill/ management and aptitude10
Logical knowledge5

Super TET selection procedure

The selection of candidates in Super TET is not just based on the examination score. The Super TET takes into consideration other academic cores as well. The division of marks is done on several parameters such as :

  • 10 percent of class 10 marks
  • 10 percent of graduation marks
  • 10 percent of class 12 marks
  • 10 percent marks of teacher training certificate
  • 60 percent of Super TET exam

The overall cutoff is thus determined by the Super TET written exam marks as well as other academic marks.