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Super TET Exam

Super Teacher Eligibility Test, known as Super TET, is a state-level eligibility exam conducted by the Basic Education Board of Uttar Pradesh to recruit primary and secondary level teachers in government schools. It is conducted once every year in offline mode. Super TET qualification is a mandatory requirement for candidates to teach in UP state schools and private schools for classes 1st to 8th.

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Teaching aspirants who have cleared Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) or Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in 2021 can apply for the Super TET 2022. But candidates must ensure that they’ve met all the other minimum eligibility requirements for appearing for the Super TET exam before filling the application form.

It is crucial that the candidates planning to apply for Super TET be aware of their opportunities after passing the Super TET exam. Candidates may have questions such as the scope after qualifying Super TET or the career options after the Super TET exam. But fret not! This article will help candidates learn more about the scope of Super TET and the teaching job profiles candidates can opt for after qualifying for the TET exam.

Scope of Super TET Exam

Super TET is one of the most honoured certifications for candidates in the teaching sector. The TET exam is conducted by the UP Basic Education Board (UPBEB) to hire passionate and deserving teachers for the state’s government schools. In addition, it is conducted to determine the intelligence of candidates with the aim to maintain and improve the quality of teaching by hiring only the best candidates. The UP Super TET exam is a second-level exam after qualifying for the first-level state exams.

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Candidates must appear for this exam if they dream of being a teacher as there are tremendous opportunities in the sector. Earlier this year, the UP government announced recruitment for the post of primary teachers for nearly 69,000 vacancies. The Chief Minister of UP had ordered the Basic Education Department to make the recruitments towards providing job employment opportunities to today’s generations.

Teaching aspirants can grab this golden opportunity and fulfill their dream of becoming government teachers. However, the UP state government has also issued a notice that the candidates in the general category must score 65%, and candidates in backward/reserved categories must score 60% as a minimum percentage for qualifying in the Super TET exam. The qualified candidates are then provided with the certificate of Super TET after the results of the exam.

Further, the final selection for the post of UP assistant teacher will incorporate various other parameters including,

  • 10% of the total percentage acquired in high school, intermediate, and graduation
  • Teacher training certificate
  • 65/60% weightage of the Super TET exam (written)

So, the overall cut-off will be based on marks acquired in the Super TET written exam and academic marks weightage of previous studies.

Career Opportunities after Super TET

Ultimately, all that matters is the salary structure and the future growth opportunities for one’s career. After a candidate qualifies for the Super TET exam, they can apply for assistant teacher positions in UP government schools. Even fresh candidates can apply for the post. But for the position of Principal of a school, the candidate will require teaching experience of 5 years. Teachers can also obtain great future growth opportunities after the role of assistant teacher, which we will talk about later in the article. First, let’s learn more about the profile of a UP assistant teacher.

Assistant teachers are responsible for performing many duties, and primary is educating the students on the whole syllabus while following the guidelines provided by the National Curriculum Framework. They must also make students aware of the complete syllabus, work on lesson plans, and help organize extracurricular activities. 

The teachers are also required to attend school meetings regularly and take training given by the UP education board for their development. Further, teachers also need to focus more on the weaker skills of the students and develop overall students’ interests in arts, crafts, games, library, music, and other activities for healthy development.

After a few months or years (according to the job profile), UP assistant teachers can progress in their careers and have growth opportunities which are listed below:

  • Senior Teacher in Upper Primary school: After gaining good experience from the post of assistant teacher, one can apply for the position of senior teacher in top primary schools. Although, being a senior teacher will require a high level of knowledge in particular subjects for teaching the students efficiently.
  • Headmaster in Primary school: After working as a senior teacher, candidates can get promoted to the headmaster of a primary school if they’re suitable for the post.
  • Principal in Upper Primary school: Lastly, a candidate can also get promoted to the post of principal of a school after a few years of experience. A candidate must be wise and responsible to get the position.


We hope this article has given all the information about the career scope after passing the Super TET exam. A candidate must have all the information about the examination before appearing for it. So if you’re planning to give the TET exam, go ahead with it as it has excellent career opportunities.