CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Vinod Kumar
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
18 Years of Experience
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Vinod Kumar
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
18 Years of Experience
Contact Me
Vinod Kumar is MCA and MBA, teaching Engineering, Diploma and Undergraduate students, having vast experience in teaching Computer Languages, Website Designing & Development and Graphics Designing. He has developed more than 300 websites and have the excellent industrial exposure.
Website Development
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Accounting with Tally
Accounting with Tally
Tally Accounting Inventory Payroll POS Concept of GST TDS Gratuity
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Certificate In C++
Introduction to C++ Data Types, Arithmetic operations if...else if...else Looping Arrays P ... See More ointers Functions Class & Objects Constructor & Destructor Constructor overloading Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multi-Level) Ambiguities in Inheritance Virtual class Virtual function Friend class Friend function File Handling See Less
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Certificate In C-Language
Here, the students will learn the complete knowledge of C-Language, covering all the follo ... See More wing portions: Concept of Computer Language Generation of Language Introduction to C Arithmetical & Logical calculations if...else, if...else if...else, Nested if, Logical Operators, Ternary Operators Arrays (One Dimensional & Two Dimensional), Matrices problems Pointers Functions (Library and User Defined functions) Structure File Handling union, enum, #define, Type Casting Practice of many questions See Less
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Certificate in Coding
This course is designed to teach coding through C-Language in easy way. The class will be ... See More very interactive, effective, influencing, competitive to prepare the students to go further and farther in programming. The contents are designed very carefully, covering complete chapters to prepare the students strong enough to face any kind of challenges in respective language. See Less
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Certificate in Java
Introduction to Java Data type, operators Arrays if...else if...else Looping Classes & obj ... See More ects Constructor Inheritance Upcasting Static variables & methods final class, variable and method Inner class Exception handling Package & Interface Threading Button & sound Working with images See Less
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Certificate in Python
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Office Automation
Computer Fundamental MS-DOS Windows 10 MS-Office 2010 MS-Word MS-Excel MS-Powe ... See More rPoint Internet operation See Less
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Website Dev (18/5/2021)
SQL Server
SQL Server (SQL) Website Designing Data Entry Form List Display Search Page Add, Edit, Sea ... See More rch, Display, Delete buttons Concept of Master Page Concept of Login & Logout 3 layers security implementation Repeater Random number concept Embedding SMS and Email Service Password concepts File uploading Testing & Debugging Buying Domain, Hosting, Email & Database Concept of SSL Website deployment See Less
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Joined on February 2021
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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CDIT INFOTECH; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
About Institute
CDIT INFOTECH is a private limited Company, teaching IT since 2003, having vast experience in Computer Software Training and Development.

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