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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Dr. Uttam Panda M.Sc.PhD
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
10   Students Enrolled
Live Classes Schedule (3 per week)
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Dr. Uttam Panda M.Sc.PhD
Contact Me
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
7 Years of Experience
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Dr. Uttam Panda M.Sc.PhD
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
7 Years of Experience
Contact Me
I am devoted and devoted to learn Sciences after completion of Academic journey since 2003 and discovered in myself that I learnt nothing.I dream that learning with all can make me a perfect being!That's why you all have given me such an opportunity and I'm grateful so,
Teacher Stats by
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Joined on April 2021
Students Enrolled
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Live Classes Conducted
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Institute of Sciences
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Institute of Sciences; Online Classes; Teach Online; Online Teaching; Virtual Classroom
Institute of Sciences
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