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2-53, , emistry), , Science, , Metal Corosion, its Prevention and Electrochemistry, , sie, , MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS, , Q.1, place, a, , Electrolysis, , is the process in which, , chemical reaction takes, , of, at the expense, , electrical energy, , chemical energy, , dnone of these, , cheatenergy, , b1.00 volt, , a0.00 volt, , an, , potential, none, , +3Cl22FeCl3-, , 2 Fe, In the reaction, , Q.3, , fixed, , has arbitrarily, c0.10 volt d, , Standard hydrogen electrode, , Q.2, , F e is oxidized, , Fe is reduced, , a, , a, , dnone of these, , cCl2 is oxidized, When fused, , Q.4, a, , bromine, , is clectrolyzed, , PbBr2, , appears, , at cathode, , the cathode, deposited at, l e a d is, anodee, at the, appears, , Clead, , dnone, , of these happens, solution, , Q.5, Q.5, , When, , is, , a Cl, H 2 is, , Q.6, , electrolysed, , aqueous, , evolved at, evolved, , appears, , During, , the, , cathode, , at cathode, , N a is deposited, Na, , is, of NaCl, , cathode, at the, , at the anode, , electrolysis, , aanode, cboth (a) and (b), , of, , KNO3, H2, , evolved at, , cathode, , dnone of these, , -, , PUBLICATIONS', , TECHNICAL, , is, , for, An up thrust, , knowledge, , of these
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Basic Science (Chemistry) 2-54, .7, , During clectrolysis, , the current is, , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and Electra, , of, , CuSo4 (aq) using Cu, , passed through, , , hen, electrolytic solution, which ofWhe, the, , an, , following process will occur, <, , ochemi, s, t, r, y, electrodes, , anions move towards anode and cations move towards cathode, , cations and anions both move towards cathode, , Ccations and anions both move towards anode, no, , Q.8, , movement of the ions occur, , During electrolysis, , reaction, , a, , occurs at, , of füsed, , C, , C Nat ions oxidized, , d, , wwww, , electrochemical cell, , following, , ions reduced, , wwww, , An, , of the, , anode, , Cl- ions oxidized, , Q.9, , which, , NaCl,, , Nat ions reduced, , is based upon, , aacid-base reaction, cnuclear reaction, , redoxredox reaction, wwwm, , d, , wwwwww, , none of the above, , Q.10 Which one of the, following will be good conductor of, electricity, a Pure distilled, water, , c, , r, , 16Molten NaCl, vwownS, , Dilute solution of, , Q.11 Which, the, , of the, , one, , electrolysis, , of, , glucose, , d Chloroform, ****, , following represents, , aqueous H S04, , electrolysis of water, , Celectrolysis, , of aqueous HC, , gainsgains electrons, , it is, , bK, , a, , an, , ?, , reaction, , an, , b electrolysis of molten NaCl, ww, , delectrolysis of aqueous NaCl, oxidizing agent, , salt bridge KCI is, used because, , electrolyte, , and CI transfers, , same net, , bisoxidized, dishydrolysed, , c loses electrons, , 0.13 In, , the, , www.ww., , Q.12 During a redox reaction,, , a, , ?, , casily, , as
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Science, , 2-55, , (Chemistry), , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and, , asie, , gar-agar, , good, , forms a, , agar, , jelly, , Electrochemistry, , with it, , 1KCI is also present in the calomel electrode, , 14 A oxidizing agent is a substance which brings about, , Oxidation, , electron donation, e, , d hydrolysis, , reduction, , ****, , the process, o15 In the electrolysis, , of oxidation occurs, , cathode, , anode, , d i n electrolytic solution, , both cathode and anode, , the oxidation number, Q.16 In an oxidation process, , dnone of above, , does not change, , the, Q.17 In the reduction process, , a, , increases, , d, , none, , oxidation number, , of above, , During, , eboth a and b, Q.20, , ***, , d, , The e.m.f. produced, , aelectrode potential, , Ccell potential, , Removal of O, , www**, , electrolysis of, , cathode, , ?, definition of oxidation, , Loss of electrons, , aGain of electrons, c Addition of H2, a, , ofthe element, , change, bdecreases cdoes not, , is the, Q.18 Which of the following, , Q.19, , of the element, , bdecreases, , aincreases, , c, , at, , is evolved at, , H2 SO4 (aq) O,, anode, dnone of these, , by, , a, , voltage cell is, , breduction potential, d, , oxidation potential
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Science (Chemistry), .21, , 2-56, , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and Electrochem:, , mistry, , Which element acts as a reducing agent in the reaction, , Zn +HS0,, , ZnSO + H, ?, d, , aZn, , o, , When the current is passed through an clectrolytic solution, whih, , Q.22, , hich, , of the following process will occur ?, , aAnions move towards anode and cations move towards cathode, , bCations, , and anions both move towards anode, , c, , Cations and anions both move towards anode, , d, , No movement of the ions occur, , Q.23 Electric, , current passes, , through, , NaCl because of, ionic bonding, , Na and C, , cions of water, Q.24, , d, , A cell which, , produces, , astandard cell, Creversible cell1, Q.25 Which, , following, , ainsulators, Q.27, , through, , (R, , conduct, , electricity, , due, , which electric, current, , can, , bconductors c cathode, , Substances hrough, , ainsulators, canode A, , electric current by redox reaction is, called, , to, , the, , migratior, , ot, , b NaCl molten, d NaCl solution, , eNaCI, called, , both a and b, , d concentration cell, , copper metal, , 0.26 Substances, , ions, , b voltaic cell, , of the, , electrons only ?, , both molten and solution form, of, , pass, , are, , danode, , which electric, current cannot, pass, , bconductors, , dcathode, , are, , calieu
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(Chemistry) 2-57 Metal Corrosion,, Metal Corrosion, its, Q.28 Metallic, Prevention and Electrochemists, conduction is due to, the, amovement of electrons, Rasic Seience, , bmovement of ions, , cboth(a) and (b), , d, , Q.29 Metallic, a, , none of, , conductors conduct, electricity, with chemical change, , without any chemical change, , cboth (a) and (b), Q.30, , d, , The flow of, , electrons, , aelectrolyte, , none of, , these, , is called, , electric current, , cathode, , 0.31, , these, , danode, A, , substance which, , electric current, , in molten state, to pass, through it is called, , électrolyte, , binsulator, , Q.32, , The process, is called, , of producing, , aelectrolyte, , or, , in, , cconductor, a, , chemical, , change, , split, , up into, , aelectrolysis, Q.34, , dnone of these, in, , an, , electrolysis c electrodesdconductor, , compound when, charged particles is called, bhydration, ionization, , fused, , or, , dissolved, , in, , conduction, , An apparatus in which chemical energy in converted to electrieal, , energy is called, , electrolytic cell, , fuel cell, .35, , electrolytic cell, , ****ww, , Q.33 The process in which ionic, water, , solution form allows, , bgalvanieell, ddown cell, , The reaction in a galvanic cell is, , aspontaneous, cacid-base, , bnon-spontaneous, , dnone of these
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Basic Science (Chemistry), , 2-58, , Prevention and Electroc, Metal Corrosion, its, , chemistry, , of, .36 Caustic soda is obtained by clectrolysis, of NaCl in a cell called, , a, , conc., , aqueous, us sol:, solution, , bNelson's cell, , Daniell's cell, , dVoltaic cell, , Down's cell, , Q.37 Sodium metal is obtained by the electrolysis of fused NaC, , ina, , cell is called, , a, , Nelson's cell bDown's cell cDaniell cell, , Voltaic cell, , *wwwww, , Conamaans, , Q.38 The branch of chemistry which deals with the relationshins, between electricity and chemical reaction is called, , a, , chemical kinetics, , belectrochemistry, , stiochiometry, , d, , Q.39, which, called, , A, a, , thermochemistry, , system containing of electrodes that dips into, chemical reaction either uses or, an, , generates, , avoltaic cell, cvoltaic or galvanic cell, , Q.40, , A cell in, current is called, , which, , electrolyte, , in, , electric current is, , (belectrochemical cell, dfuel cell, , spontaneous, , aelectrolytic cell, , an, , redox reaction, , generates, , an, , electnc, , 5electrochemical cell, dbiological cell, , cvoltaic orgalvanic cell, , ********, , ****AA, , Q.41 In lead, , a30 %, Q.42 During, , depositedat, a, , c, , accumulator the electrolyte, H, SO4 solution, b 60 %, , c80%, , electrolysis, , anode, , both (a) and (b), , of, , CuSO4 (aq) using, , d90%, , Cu electrodes, Cu is, electrodes Cu, , hcathode, ******, , *****w, , is, , none of these
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RasicScience(Chemistry) 2-59, , e a Corrosion, its Prevention and Electrochemistry, , 43 Which among the, following metals, athodic protection to iron ?, , Q43, , a, , b Nickel, , Zine, , 044 Corrosion, , can, , a Alloying, , be, , is, , employed, , ef Tin, , to, , provu, , Lead, , prevented by, , bTinning, , cGalvanizingd, , all of above, , 045 Electrolyte used for tin plating is, , asulphideore, , V6stannous sulphate, , chydrogensulphate, , dsodium chloride, , Q.46 An electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to drive, , aChemical reaction, , b, , cno reaction, , dnone of above, , Q.47, , physical reaction, , The best way to prevent rusting of iron is, , aputing it in an acidic solution, , cboth (a) and (b), , making iron cathode, , dneither (a) nor (a), , Q.48 Several blocks of magnesium are fixed to the bottom of a ship to, prevent action of water and salt, , bkeep away the sharks, , Cprevent puncturing by, , under-sea rocks, , dmakethe ship lighter, 9.49, , Corrosion of iron is essentially an electrochemical phenomenon, , where the cell reaction are, Fe, is oxidised to Fe" and dissolved oxygen in water is reduced to, , OH, , b Fe is oxidised to Fe and H,0 is reduced to O;, C, , Fe is oxidised to Fe, , F e is oxidised, , to, , and Ha0 is reduced to O, , Fe" and H,0 is reduced, , to, , O,
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nce, , Q.50, , (Chemistry), , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and Electroche., , 2 - 60, , ectrochemistry, , Aqucous, , copper sulphate solution is electrolyzed using, using platinu, platinum, CIectrodes. The electrode, reaction occurring at cathode is, Cu aq) + 2e Cufs), b Cus) -> Cu (aq) + 2e, , c 24,01) »0,(g) 411 (aq) 4c, d0-(g)+41H (aq)+ 4e 2H,O0), +, , Q.51, , Conductivity of 0.01, , M NaCl solution is 0.00147 ohm, cm, happens to this conductivity if extra 100 ml of, H,0 will be added, to the above, solution ?, , What, , a, , Increases, , Decreases, , c Remains unchanged, , d First increases and then, , decreases, Q.52, , Faraday's constant is defined, , a charge, charge, , carried by 1 electron., carried by one mole of, , as, , electrons, , ccharge required to deposit one mole of, a substance, dcharge carried by two moles of, electrons, Q.53 The electrochemical, equivalent of a metal is '*, The, equivalent weight of metal, , x, , is, , xx96500 e x/96500, , Q.54, , d1.6x 107 xx, , One ampere of current is, AICl3. What is the weight in, , (Atomic weight, , of Al, , =, , 27), , passed for 9650 seconds, through molien, grams of Al, at, deposited cathode?, , b9.0, 0.55 One, , of, , one, , solulion, , The, , Faraday, molar aqueous, , number of moles, , respectiwely, a1.0, 0.25, 0.5, C0.5, 1.0, 0.25, , e0.09, , electricity, ol, , gram-coulomb., , ol, , Ag,, , is, , (i), , d90.0, , passed separately, through, , AgNO,,, , Sn, , (ii), , and Cu, , litre, , o, , SnCl and (ii) CuS04, deposited at cathode art, , 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, , d0.25, 0.5, 1.0, , TCLA!MCAL :piIRLICATIONiçTM, , one
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Science (Chemistry), , Bisic, , Faraday, , 0.56 One Fa, , gueous, , solution, tic, , olytic cell, cells, posited at the, , 3:6, , 2-61, , Mete, , Corrosion, its Prevention and Electrochemistry, , of, , of, , electricity, CusO4 and, , connected, , and, , is, , chemistry, passed, molten NaCI through molten, taken is three Al03,, series. The, , in, , respective cathode is, , mole ratio of, different, Al, Cu and Na, , b6:2:3 c6:3:2 1:2:3, , 057 Li, , d :2:3, , occupies, higher, as compared to, Cu since position in the, , electrochemical series of metals, , ahe standard reduction, potential of Li /Li is lower than, Cu/Cu, that of, b the, , standard reduction, , potential of Cu"/Cu is lower than that, LiLi, of, cthe standard oxidation potential of Li/Lit is, lower than that of CuCu, is, dLi smaller in size as compared to Cu, Q.58 Which, , among the, , cathodic protection to iron ?, , 32inc, Q.59, , following, , metals is, , employed, , CTin, , bNickel, , to, , provide, , dLead, , Consider the following reaction that occurs in a breathalyzer, 3+, +, , T0 (ag) +16H (ag)+3CHOHg)4Cr (aq) 1IH,O, , +3CHCOOH(ag), Which atom undergoes, , Consider, , (Refer, In, , Fig., , in oxidation number ?, , Chydrogen, , boxygen, , acarbon, Q.60, , an increase, , the following, , 2.1. See, , Fig., , 2.1, , electrochemical, , on next, , electrochemical, , ai, , Zn., Electrons, , Cu., , flow, , chromium, , cell, , page), , cell,, , this operating, toward the, Electrons flow, , d, , Cu, , an, , the, , Cu, , Zn2", and the Zn*, ward the Cu, toward, , ons, , migrate, , ions, ions, , mio., , migrate, , toward the, , toward the