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2-63, Metal Corrosion, ius Prevention and, , as, , Fig. 2.2, the anode and water is oxidized., , Magnesium, , Iron acts, , Iron, , Water containing dissolved oxygen, , BasicScience(Chemistry), , a, the cathode and oxygen is reduced., iron is oxidized., , the cathode and iron is reduced., , anode and, , as, , a, , corrodes, , ol, , on, , holes, , holes, , ratio, , rate, , statements, , in, , is true?, than, , agent than H, is placed in 1.0M, , d n o change occurs, , bZni decreases, , when a piece of Zn, , faster, , d, , distilled water., , bsottwater, , hno/ecge, , HC, , Electrochemistry, , 1.0M, , zinc-coated iron articles are less comsIN, oated riron, o n articles due to, , tin-coa, , on, , of tin, , nodic to, to cathos, cathodie arcas, anodic, , potent, , anodic to cathodic reas, corrosion, , of, , CuNO,), , with, Au does not react spontaneously, , acts as, , acts as the, , acts, , Tron, Magnesium, Magnesium, , Q.64 A piece of, is, a, , occurs, , stronger oxidizing, , weaker, , H2, weaker reducing agent, agent than H2, stronger reducing, than H, oxidizing agent, , Which of the following, , Au, , b, a, , Au is, , CAu is, a, , What, , dAu is, Q.65, [ C u " ] decreases, , Iron, , cNOg] increases, Q.66, a h a r d water, , pin, , Pin, , Cdemineralizedwater, , Q.67, than, high, , high, , l o w ratio o f, , b l o w reduction, , c, d, , TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS M - An u/» thuust h
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Basic Science (Chemistry), , 2-64, , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and Elect, , Q.68 At low hydrogen overvoltage, , remains the, , rate of, , corrosion, , of metals, , ochemistry, , Which, , ts, layer of, , decreases, , ot the, , own, , 2-65, , Metal Corrosion, its Prevention and, Electrochemistry, , following metals protects, , itself, , oxide ?, , b, , aPt, , same, , Au, , by forming, , a, , passive, , CFe, , o.77 Anodized coatings are generally produced on, , Waterline corrosion in steel tank is an example of., , stress corrosion, , a, , non-ferrous metals, , differential aeration corrosion, d differential, an, , metal corrosion, , dgrain-boundary corrosion, technique, , coating, ocean, , is most suitable in, case of, , a, , b, , SO2, , process, , frequency, , C, , bferrous metals, , alloys, , dnon-metals, , the noblest metal acts, , Q.79 During galvanic corrosion,, , Presence of copper, , as, , impurity, , example, , for anodic, , coating, , Cathodic, , in zinc, , as, , causes, , 6galvanic, , waterline corrosion, , Q.81, , Q.82, , of, , an, , corrosion, , dcrevice corrosion, corosion control, , protection, , is, , most, , suitable for, , bburied iron pipelines, , abimetallic couple, cmetallic articles completely, awindow grills, , of rainfall, , dpresence of O2 in air, , Electrochemical, , immersed, , corrosion, , is, , in, , water, , essentially dueto, , anodic and cathodic areas, a formation of, between anode and cathode, bl electrical contact, , bcoating iron on zinc, , for conduction of, , electrons, , dnone of the above., is, , bCathodic part, None of the above, , cBoth (a) and (b), , cathode, dcorroding metal, , a anode, Cboth (a) and (b), Q.80, a, , suffer from, , pitting corrosion, , corrosion is caused by, , of gases like, , is, , of the, , Q.78 Which part(s) of corrosion cell undergoes corrosion ?, , Anodic part, , example of, , differential aeration corrosion, , corrosion, , Anodic metal, , presence, , Basic Science (Chemistry), 0.16, , increases, , decreases, cincreases initially and then, , d, , Q.69, , pitting corrosion, , c, , Q.70 Caustic embrittlement in boilers is, , a pitting corrosion, , stress, , Q.71 Which corrosion control, buried iron pipelines ?, , a, , bAnodic protection, dCorrosion inhibitors, , Cathodic protection, Q.72 Ships sailing in, Stress corrosion, , a, , bGrain-boundary corrosion, Waterline corosion, , c Pitting corrosion, Q.73 Atmospheric, ahumidity in air, , c, , Q.74, , Galvanizing, , acoating tin on zinc, , coating zinc on iron, Q.75 Which, , following, , a Tinning, , Galvanizing, d Chromaluminizing, , cPaint, TEGHNICAL, , usually provided by the presence, , Celectrolyte,, ?, , of the, , all, , of moisture., , above, , RURUO, , AL, , RURLICATI, , uolM
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Basic Science, , (Chemistry), , 2-66, , Q.83 In which of the, is more than, that of the, , a Cr, , Metal Corrosion, its, , following, , c, , more, , metals, , is the, , metal ?, , DAl, , Q.84 Chromate, coatings, , eW, are, , anon-porous, , Prevention and, Electroche, , specific volume, , rochemistry, of oxid., ide, , All of the above, , BasicSe, , ence (Chemistry) 2-67, , Aetal, , O.90 Sacrificiai anode method of, , aanodic protection, , c metal coating, , bamorphous, , resistant than, phosphate coatings, , all of the above, Q.85, , 91, , fferential, , Dif, , discontinuous, , In, , physical, , nature and, , behavior,, , the, , cstress Corrosion, , corrosion, , binsoluble and fixed to the metal, , and not fixed, , aall of the above, , following, , metals, , aqueous solution of, chromite, , produced, , by chemical reaction, , of, , a, , acid and, , oxide, , of the, , Large anodic, , Corrosion, its Prevention and, , an, , a, , metal is, , Electrochemist, , an, , example, , of, , example of, , b crevice corrosion, , dwater line corrosion, , 0.92 Anodized coatings have good resistance to corrosion because, they are thicker than neutral oxide films, , b they, c, , are, , thinner than neutral oxide films, , both (a) and (b), , dnone of the above, , Q.93 During corrosion, evolution of hydrogen, , 1a increase in the, increase, , protection is due to, , in the, , Q.95, , Pitting, , d, in, , corrosion, , of anodic, can, , all, , in, , are correct, , in the rate of corrosion, , reaction, , reaction, , the basis of, , protection, , can, , be applied, , cathode, , of the above, , all, , localized corrosion, Anodic, , on, , be explained, , bsize of anode and, , differential aeration, , C, , .96, , ., , rate of corrosiondecrease, rate of cathodic, , dincrease in the rate, , dorganic coating, , a, , rate ?, , area, , to, , all the metals, , a, , occurs, , bbasic medium, , acidic medium, , Cneutral medium, Q.94 Polarization of anode results, , phosphate, dstannic acid and stannate, , corrosion, , bphosphate coating, , following, , factor accounts for, higher corrosion, cathodic area, , and small, , area, , protecting, , cathodic protection, dorganic coating, , metal corrosion is, , galvanic corrosion, , On the basis of, , products may be, , asoluble, c, , Q.86 Which, , of the, , are more, expected from, their, corrosion, in the, position, electrochemical series ? resistant than, aMg, b Co, dFe Ans.: c, Q.87 Phosphate, coatings can be, , base metal with, , a chromic, , esulphuric acid and sulphate phosphoric acid and, Q.88, , anodized aluminum, the, , a passive, , coating, , Cchromate coating, O.89 Which, , a, , Small, , anodic and large, cathodic, , High temperature, , dHigh humidity, , undergo, m e t a l s which, , active-passive, , transition, , LCmore electropositivemetals, metals, , less electropositive, , d
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Basic Science (Chemisry) 2-68, Q.97 The flux used, , aHCI, Q.98, , At, , in, , Metal Corrosion, its, , galvanizing, , bBaCl2, , Prevention and, Electrochemisteury, , an, , dpalm oil, , the rate of corrosion, , bdecreases, , c, , 2-69, , the, , Metal Corrosion,i its, to be, , Prevention and Electrochemistry, , plated is subjected, , at, , cathode, is, , pickling, , a l of the above, , binsoluble anodes, both (b) and (c), , a electroplating, , favorable condition for, , having brighter and, , evolution, , hydrogen evolution, , cboth, , metals, , a, , and, , occurs, , occurs, , very, very, , b exhibit, , easily, , easily, , similar, , to metal, , at metal A than at metal, ai, , metal b than at metal, , tene.JCy, , to, , liberate, , B,, , b, a, , hydrogen, , of the above, , dnone, , Ag, Au3+, , When the metal, , structure to, , employed is, , dAu3+, , smooth, , ow metal ion concentration, dnone of the above, , low temperature, , then, hydrogen, , a, , hydrogen overvoltage, , CHg, containing Zn*, Cu2, , to, , lectroles, , bsemiconductors, , insulators, , Q.107 In chromium plating, anode is, , asoluble chromium anodes, , inert anodes, , Q.108 Conductors and insulators can be plated by, , belectroless plating, none of the above, , C electropolishing, Q.109 During plating,, , deposits is, , area, , a, , concentration, , both (a) and (b), , overvoltage compared, Q.110 If metal A has high hydrogen, , electroplating involves, ions, , arn, article, , Thisis t0, aremove grease, , b increase the rate of, plating, oremove oxide scale, dget a bright deposit, plating can be used for plating of, Q.106, , a metals, , The main, , the ionic, , the ionic, , c, , and (d), , The process of, , Ni, For, , mixture, , Science (Chemistry), , o.105 In electroplating, , is, , cNaCl, , high hydrogen overvoltage,, , increases, , increases initially and then, decreases, d remains the same, , Q.99, , objective of metal finishing is to modify, achemical properties of materials}b surface, properties of materials, cphysical, properties, of, materials, delectrical, properties of materials, Q.100 Electrolytes, decompose at a specific potential due to, a development of electrolytic, cell 6 development of galvanic cell, development of electrical double layer, none of the above, Q.101, , Polarization of, electrodes is reduced by, , increasing, , a, , concentration, , bincreasing the electrode surface, c decreasing, both (c), Q.102, , aelectrolysis b discharge of metal, credox reactiond all of the above, O.103 The electrode with lowest, , aZn, Q.104, , electrolytic, , the ion which is discharged first is, , Q.111, , b Cu2, , Zn2, , CAg, , be, , is, , plated, , iregular, the, , process, , electroless plating, , aelectroplating, , none of the above, , lcelectropolishing, , TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONSAn up thrust for knowle, , PUBLICATIONS"-, , TECHNICAL, , An up thust, , for knowledge
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Basic Science (Chemistry), , 2- 70, , Metal Corrosion,, , its, , Prevention and, , Q.112 The practical, Electrochemistry, decomposition, theoretical, is, greatcr than the, decomposition potential becausepotential, of, a ionization, b dissociation, , cpolarization of electrodes, Q.113 Which, , of the, , aMetal ions, , d, , It, , of the, , none, , following is not essential, , c Substrate for plating, Q.114, , Formation of rust on, , a oxidation, , following, , an, , on, , of buried, , better, , pipelines, , in, , from, , ence (Chemistry), , 2-71, , one, , Metal rrosion, i, , Masle, , d, , sion, , cor, , occurs, , sheets, , or, , at, , anode and, , blocks is, , an, , acathodic protection, ?, , Crevice corrosion, , soil type, , of, , galvanic corrosion, , a, , of, , stress, , occur, , due, , to, , corrosion, , dpitting coosion, , is, Which of the following, , cannot, , not a, , d, , microbes, , than, , at, , be used for sacrificial anodic, , Zn, , CAl, , Mg, , Pb, to, , Q.123, , joining technique, , chemucal conversion coating, , ?, , Chromate coating, , Phosphate coating, , using mechanical, , Q.124, , The process, , and steel with powdered zinc and zinc, of coatingiron., , Oxide is called,, , bmetal cladding, , sherardizing, , corrosion, , c, , dchnizing, , colorizing, , electrode, , standard, , because o f _, , deposited, , Prevention and Electrochemistry, , rust is, , example, , bimpressed voltage protection, Sacrifical anodic protection, of corrosion does not, , bWaterline corosion, dSoil corosion, , Wire mesh corrodes faster at the joints due to, , Q.121, , ?, , crevice corrosion, , C, , the following, , Q.122 Which among, protection of steel ?, , metal, , passing, , protection, , following types, , formation of oxygen concentration cell ?, , a, , b liquid metal corrosion, dry comrosion, , heterogeneous metal surfaces only, , uniformly, , by direct chemical attack, on, , corrosion, , a, , prevents, , crevice, , from acidic solutions, even though, be electrodeposited, is less than that of hydrogen, p o t e n t i a l of zine, , electrode potential, , Q.125, the, , occurs at anode and rust is, , Ceramic coating, , Chemical oxide coating, , d presence, is, it, , stress corosion, , deposited at anode, The protection of ship hull from marine, corrosion by using, , Q.119, , nesjum, , of the above, , electroless plating, , sacrificial cathodic, , hich of the, Q.120 Whi, , example of., , Erosion corrosion, , dehemical corrosion, is not true for, , takes place in dry conditions, , The, is, , in, , b Reducing agent, , dtlectrical contacts, iron is, , electrochemical corrosion, Q.115 Which, , a, , I t takes place, It takes, place, c, , dIt takes place, Q.116, , another, , caused by, , differential aeration, , bstress, , cerosion, , Q.117 Welding, , fasteners because, a, , b pitting corrosion, , Cgalvanic corrosion, Q.118 During rusting of iron, acorrosion occurs at cathode, , bcorrosion product is deposited at anode, a, , corrosion, , bdecomposition potential, , polarization, , cathode, , dnone of the, , Tehydrogen overvoltage, , above
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of the, , Basic Science (Chemistry), , Stirring, , Q.126 Which, electrodes?, , a, , 2-72, not affect the, , component, , of, , power, , plating, , polarization, , rochemistry, , Prevention and Electrochemi., Metal Corrosion, its, , ww., , a, , conductivity of electrolyte, , not, , wwwwww, , Conductance of solution, , throwing, , dComplexing agent, , wwwww.w, , Conducting solution, , of electroless, , bNature of electrode, , following factors does, , Concentration and, , None of the above, Q.127 Which of the following is, bath ?, , Metal salt, , a Reducing agent, c, , wwwwwwe, , electrodeposition of copper from CuCN,, , bas structure modifier, , NaCN is added to the, , dcompeting electrode reactions, , www, , wwwwwwww, , Q.128 Which of the following factors does not influence, of electroplating bath ?, Current density, , In, , Complexing agent, Q.129, as brightener, , electrolyte bath, a, , wwww, , wwwM, , ?wwwwa, , to enhance electrolyte concentration, , Let to reduce metal ion concentration, , d, , Answers