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Palnts, Varnishes, Insulators,, , Bastc Science (Chemistry), , 3-41, , Polymers, Adhestves, , Lubrlcant, , MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS, Which, , Q.1, , of the, , following, , is not, , constituent of paint7, b Thinners, , Pigment, , TAntiskinning agents, 0.2, a, , a, , aAlcohol, , Which of the following pigment gives white colour to the paint, , bFerric oxide, , Chromium oxide, , dBrown umber, , Zinc oxide, , of pigment is, opacity to the paint, provides, the fluidity of paint, reduces, a, c improve the drying quality of paint., and skinning of the paint film, gelling, prevent, d, arrangement, Q.3, , Q4, , The function, , The, , pigment particles, , paint are, , in, , bpigments, , athinners, , ddriers, , Icfiflers/Extenders, , Q.5, a, , The, , constituent, , the, which reduces, , thinner, , of bad, An examnple, , Q.7, of, , Handles, , thermal, , insulator, , of saucepans, , is, , dwool, , ccork, , bpaper, , lapetassium, , fluidity of painti, , driers, , antiskinning agent, , cfillers/Extenders, , Q.6, , the random, , increases, , which, , constituent, , and, , other, , cooking, , utensils are, , made up, , hermal insulators, , dinsulators of electricity, , athermal conductors, , cshares of heat, P, , n, , H, , N, , I, , C, , A, , L, , U, , B, , L, , I, , C, , A, , T, , I, , O, , N, , S, , -, , A, , n, , up thrust for, , knowledge, , of
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cloth, , Cair, , Palnts, Varnishes, Insulators,, , dalúminium, , Polymers, Adhestves & Lubricans, , o.18 Polyvinyl chloride, , dlow density, , .D density, dall of the, above, , d, , cBoth a and b, , materials, , cannot be, , bakelite, , heating, , the, , polymers, , which do not soften on, , dall polymers, , thermosets, , recycled, , d Bakelite, , DNylon 66, , TECHNICAL PUBLIGATIONS, , An up thrust for (onu, , b polythene c polystyrene d PVC, , Q.15 Name polymer among, , c elastomers, , athemoplasts, , Q.14 The polymers, , Teflon, , a Epoxy resin, , Q.13 Which of the following is an example of thermoplastic material?, , None of the above, , Thermosetting, , a Thermoplastic materials, , molecular structure ?, , Q.12 Which plastic materials contain strong cross linking in their, , c porosity, , a composition, , because of variation in, , Q.11 Thermal conductivity of glass wool varies from sample to sample, , eporous body, , batoms colliding frequency, , is, , from the monomer, , Formaldehyde, , of epoxy resin ?, , d Ethylene, , The monomer, , starch, , d shellac resin, , phenol formaldehyde resin, , joined, , adherent, , are, , a Neoprene, , Buna-S, , synthetic adhesive, , is, , Epoxy resin d Polystyrene, , as, , adhesive d infinitum, Q.24 The polymer which can be used, , aadherend, , for the parts that, , Q.23 In adhesive bonding, which one of the following is the term used, , casphalt, , a, , Q.22 The thermosetting synthetic adhesive is, , formaldehyde, , apichlorohydrin and bisphenol b epichlorohydrin and phenol, cbisphenol and phenol, d epichlorohydrin and, , d None of above, , of vinyl chloride contains, double bond, , Q.21 Epoxy resin is prepared from, , ctriple bond, , angle bond, , o40, , BPolystyrene bNylon 66 CEpoxy resindBakelite, , polymer is, , dEthylene, , b Formaldehyde, , prepared, , o.19 The example of linear, , eWinyl chloride, , free electrons, , Paints, Varnishes, Insulators,, , Polymers, Adhesives & Lubricants, , dproteins and PVC, , formation, , Bisphenol, , is used in the, , a, , none of the above, , Which, Phenol, , Q.1, , aEthyl,chloride, , d, , 3-43, , polymers occur naturally, astarch and nylon, starch and cellulose, cl proteins and nylon, , Q.16 Name the, , Basic Sclence (Chemlstry), , Q.10 Glass wool is a good insulator because it has, , remain unaffected, , Bdecrease, , The insulation ability thermal insulator with the presence of, , a increase, , c, , 3 42, , example of conductor of heat is, , moisture would, , Q.9, , a paper, , Q.8, , An, , Basic Seience (Chemistry)
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Paints,, , The purpose, , Q25, , Basic Science (Chenistry), , of lubrication, , to, , b t o reduce wear, , Q.26, , Which, , one, , is, , o33, , a i l of above, , not a, , example, , a, , of solid lubicat ?, , temperature, , flash point, , o,34, , D Molybdenum disulphite lubricam, Polytetrafluoroethylene lubricant d Multigrade lubricant, , aGraphite lubricat, Q27, , The, , Apart from reducing friction and wear, the secondary purpose(s, , b, , a, , breducing corrosion, d none of these, , Q,28 For rocket and, , submarine the lubricant, , use, , is, , asolid lubricant, , liquid, , semisolid lubricant, , lubricant, , dall of above, , tool, , a, c, , is the, , property, , absorb on the surface, of the, , as a, , d, , following, , is not true for, , good lubricant should, TECHMIGAL PLR, , water., , bgravitational force, , Select the incomect statement from the follkowing option, , Tbe, , transmit fluid, , low, , act as a, , Lubricant, , enbance corrosion, , for hydraulic iffs is, , cmoderatedvery high, b, , Remain same, , Q.41, , power, , Which, , Decreases, , dDoes not get affected, , of the following stalenma, , s, , mcomect, , order 2.1 tao 23, It has high density of the, , Lbi It, , seal, , Lubricant, , the machine, On increasing the hubrication, the eliicicncy of, , Increases, aj, , b, , viscosity of petroleum oil, , high, c, , dmagnetic force, , Lubricant keep out dirt, , Q39, , none of the above, , form stable emulsion with, have high, viscosity index, , Lubrication is necessary to protect wear and tear carsed due to, , mctional force, , Q40, , should, , d, , talk, , bflm fonming material, d drier, , electrostatic force, , Lubricant, , d gun parts, of lubricant, , lubricants?, a A good hubricant should have high, mechanical stability., bA good lubricant should have low, volatility., Agood lubricant, A, , a, , a, , adsorb on the Surface, , mixed with the surface, , Q.32 Which, , pois, , copolymer, dmer, , pigment, , Q.38, , 6steam turbine, , sewing machine, , Q31 Oiliness, , isomer, , Q37, , Q.30 Solid lubricant is used for, , c, , ccastor oil, , ethinner, , Q.29 The type of lubricant used for cutting tools is, , acuting, , fire, , a, , synthetic oil, , cmineral oil, , c, , fow froB, , to, , our poit di, , Q30 Turpentine oil in paints is used, a, , bvegetable oil, , animal oil, , ceases, , Q.35 Repeatable unit of polymers, , Chomopolymer, , (a) and (b), , cloud point, , bvaseline, , a, , heat dissipatíon, , which oil, , The example of solid lubricant is, , grease, , of lubricant is/are, , both, , at, , machinery part is called, , reduce corrosion, , Paisa, V n a , L l e n ,, Payor Adeiva & L r i o s, , 3-45, , is, , to reduce friction, , e, , ishes, Insulden, , Polymers, Adhesivatri, , 3-44, , Besic Scine C i e s y ), , abour the Te tlon, , gm cm, , insultion propertic, has excellend electrical, , ?
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Paints, Var, , nishes, Insulator, Polymers, Adhesives&i, Lubricants, , 3-46, , Basic Sclence (Chemistry), , Lhas high coefficient of friction, dIt is dense and chemically inert, , Thermosets cannot be remoulded, reused or reclaimed, , cThe, , are, , Q.43 Which of the following, , Epoxy, c, , is not, , an, , example, , of, , thermosets, , b, , 0.48 Select, , ?, , of monomeric, , the, , a Thermosets, b Thermosets, , dBakelite, , Q44 Which of the following statement is incorrect about the Teflon, , a, , number, , units contained, in polymer is called, , aDue to their small size, polymers are also called, , Teflon, , Vulcanised rubber, , the, , degree of polymerisation, , hard, strong and brittle, c, Thermosets are soluble in suitable solvent, Thermosets, , Paints, Varnishes, Insulators,, Polymers,, , 3-47, , Adhesives &Lubricants, incorrect, statement, the, from, following options, When in form ready for further, working,, polymers are called resins, The chemical process leading to, the, formation, as polymerisation, of polymer is known, , Select, , Q.41, , 0.42 Select the incorrect statement from the following option, a Thermosets have 3-dimensional, cross-linked network structure, b, , Basic Science (Chemistry), , CThermosets, ?, , It has high density of the order 2.1 to 2.3, It has excellent electrical insulation, properties, , gm/cm, , incorrect statement, , are, , from, , the, , formed by condensation, , micro-molecules, , following option, , polymerisation reactions, , have 3-D, cross-linked network, structure, soften on heating and stiffen on, , cooling, Thermosets are generally insoluble in any solvent, Q.49 Which of the following, , is, , a, , conducting polymerT?, , rhas high coeficient of friction, , aPolyaniline, , d It is dense and chemically inert, , Polyacetylene, , c Polypyrole, , A l l the above, , Q.45 Select the incorrect statement from the, following option, a Condensation polymerisation requires two reactive functional, groups, to be, present at both ends of the monomer, , No by-product is formed, Lc, , In, , condensation, , in, , polymerisation, growth, , d, , of chain occurs at minimu, , In, , condensation polymerisation,, polymer MW rises steadily, throughout the reaction, , Q.46 Which of the, polymerisation ?, , a Grignard reagent, Benzoyl peroxide, , The monomer tetrafluroethylene can be used for the preparation, , a, , volatility, Q.52, , la, , act, , as, , initiator, , b Lewis acids, d, , Potassium amide, , in, , free-radical, , d, , b, , oiliness, , acidity, , A lubricant is used, , d Polyethylene, , out, , d, , none of these, , primarily to prevent., , boxidation of metal, , corrosion of metals, , wearing, , following, , DPolyurethande Teflon, , PMMA, , Q.51 A lubricant should possess high, , condensation polymerisation, , of the two active centres, , Q.50, of, , of rubbing metallic, , surface, , reduction of metals., , 53, , for, A suitable lubricant, , a Grease, , watches, , DGraphite, , azel-nut oil d, , Palm oil
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Paints, Varnishes, Insulators,, , Besic Science (Chemistry), , Q.54, , a, , 3-48, , clow fire point, Q55, , Capacity, , of oil to stick, , the surface of machine, , on, , condition of heavy load is, called, , a volatility, Q.56, , In, , case, , a flash-point, , oiliness, of liquid, is, , higher, , c, , acid value, , d, , parts under, , Q.62, c, , d, , flash and fire point are identical, , Q.57 When the resistance, due, , to, , called, , to movement, , Q.58 Grease are not used, a rail axel boxes, , c, , to, , sliding/moving, , parts is only, , lubricating, , oil will, , off sufficient, , Dfire point, , pour point, , d, , combustion poit, Boiling point, , to prevent lubrication oil from entering the combustion space, , b, , to prevent leakage of combustion chamber products past piston, , c, , to, , transfer heat from piston to cylinder walls, 2, , Petrol engine b] Gas engine fc Diesel engineGas aurbine, , Q.66, , b gears, , a, , Thermoplastic materials are those materials which, , are, , flexible and, , can, , withstand considerable, , wear, , under suitable, , conditions, , lubricated by,, , bare, are, , solid lubricants, danimal Oil, , formed into, , edo, , dviscosity index, , heat and pressure and results in, , not become, , a, , and no, hard with the application of heat and pressure, , chemical change occurs, , a r e used, is, , shape under, , permanently hard product, , best, ., , Q.60 Single most important property of lubricated oil, a its fire point, bgloud point, c oilincss, , a, , a, , lubricate, , Q.59 Machines operating under high, temperature and load, , grease, , which, , Q.65 Which engiae has the ighest air fuel ratio, , bearing working at high temperature, , mineral oils, , at, , combustible mixture with air knowngive, as, is, , a l l of above, , delicate instruments, a, , temperature, , to form, , C Pour point d, , boundary, dextreme pressure, , thin film, , bostwald viscomete, , a l l of the above, , Q.64 The function of piston ring in intemal combustion engine is, , internal resistance between the lubricant itself, and lubricant, is, , afuid film, c, , of, , measured by using,, , Q.63 Which temperature for hubricating oil will be lowest?, a Flash point, Fire point, , Efire point is higher than the flash-point, fire -point is lower than the flash-point, , The, , vapours, , Elash point, , flash point, , Generally,, fire-point, , c, , of oil is, , Csay bolt viscometer, , lubricants., than the, , Viscosity, , aredwood viscometer, , g h viscosity-index, d high volatility, , Paints, Vanishes, Insulators,, Polymers, Adhesives& Lubricants, , -49, Q.61, , A good lubricant should have, , low viscosity-index, , Basic Sclence (Chemistry), , Polymers, Adhestves & Lubricants, , as a friction, , Q.67 Example, , of inorganic, , m i n e r a l wool, , rubber, , brakes, lining for clutches and, thermal insulator is, , Dwool, dnone of the above
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Paints, Varnishes, Insulators,, , Q.68 Example, , 0.76, , basbestos, d, , dNone of above, , 0.78, , Polymer that softens on heating and stiffens on cooling is, , backelite, of, , drubber, , step-growth polymer, , CThermal behavior, Polymer with, , low, , bakclite, , of the, , following polymers, , can, , polymerization is, , a potassium dichromate, polymers, , of ethylene, , acation, , of the medium is, , a, , major disadvantage, , csuspension polymerization, , d, , be, , used, , as, , aPolythene, Q.81, initiator, , in, , addition, , Q.83, , any, , one, , of the, , of the, , Which of the, , a Monomer, , predicted, d, , Which, , Folyurethane [c, following, , following, , a, , has the, , Dimer, , homopolymer, , ?, , largest molecular, , Coligomer, , mass, , Polymer, , A polymer with higher T value is, , a PVc, c polypropylene, 984, , is, , d Plexiglass, , Teflon, , bStyrene acrylonitrile, dBuna-N, , a Buna-S, olyvinyl chloride, Q.82, , Endothermic process, Cannot be, , emulsion polymerization, , Q.80 Which of the following is a copolymer ?, , species responsible for, propagation of polymerization reacuo, using benzoyl peroxide as, initiator is, b anion, above, f r e e radical, TEGHNIGAL PLURI CA, , Polyethylene, dPolypropylene, bsolution polymerization, , aExothermic process, b, cDepends the compound used d, The, , condensation, , bulk polymerization, , from unsaturated monomers, , on, , viscosity, , fomed by, , bStructure/shape, , b potassium sulphate, dany of the above, , Lebenzoyl peroxide, , in, , is, , None of the above, , dcopolymer, , Q.73 The compound that, , 0.79 Increase, , eon, , is, , n, , 6oligomer, , cmacromolecule, , of, , criteria for, , degree of polymerization is knownas, , a high polymer, , Q.74 ormation, , as, , Lubricants, , PVC, , C Polystyrene, , Q.71 Which of the following may not be used, classification of polymers ?, , Number of monomers, , terylene, , 2Polyethylene terephthalate, , thermoplastic, , elastomer, , Q.75, , Which, , Polymers, Adhesives, , chain-growth polymer is, , polymerization ?, , thermoset, , Q.72, , of, , Paints, Varnlshes, Insulators,, , 3-51, , teflon, Cpolybutadiene, , salled, , a, , example, , o.77 An example, , Polyvinyl acetate, , cEpoxy resin, , An, , anylon 6, 6, , calcium silicate, , Which is the example of natural adhesive ?, , aAsphalt, Q.70, , Basic Science (Chemlstry), , of organic thermal insulator is, , glass wool, polyurethane foam, , Q.69, , Polymers, Adhestves & Lubrican, , 3-50, , Basic Sctence (Chemistry), , Chemical resistance of a, , a increase in crystallinity, Lincrease in molecular mass, , b polyethylene, polystyrene, polymer decreases, , with, , bincrease in cross-linking, , none of the, , above
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