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SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME, , Mensuration:, , It is branch of mathematics which is, concerned about the measurement of, length area and Volume of plane and, Solid figure., , 2. Perimeter, , a) The perimeter of plane figure is, defined as the, , length of the boundary, , b)It's units is same as that of length, j.e. m,cm km., , 3. Area, , a)The area of the plane figure is the, surface enclosed by its boundary, b) It's unit is square of length unit., i.e. m2, km?, , 4 Volume, , Volume is the measure of the amount, of space inside of a solid figure, like a, cube, ball, cylinder or pyramid. Its units, are always "cubic", that is, the number, of little element cubes that fit inside, the figure.
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Cube, , , , e Lateral Surface Area = 4a 2, e Total Surface Area = 6a 2, , e Volume =a?
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Surface Area and volume of Right, circular cylinder:, , Radius, The radius (r) of the circular base is, called the radius of the cylinder, , Height, The length of the axis of the cylinder is, called the height (h) of the cylinder, , Lateral Surface, , The curved surface joining the two, base of a right circular cylinder is, called Lateral Surface.