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World, , ee, , , , * Indentured labour : A bonded labourer under, contract to work for an employer for a specific, amount of time, to pay off his passage to a new, country or home., , * Tariff : Tax imposed on a country’s imports, from the rest of the world. Tariffs are levied at, the point of entry, i.e., at the border or the, airport., , * Exchange rates : They link national currencies, for purposes of international trade. There are, broadly two kinds of exchange rates; fixed, exchange rate and floating exchange rate., , @ Fixed exchange rates : When exchange rates, are fixed, and governments intervene to present, movements in them., , @ Flexible or floating exchange rates : These, rates fluctuate depending on demand and supply, of currencies in foreign exchange markets, in, , prinetple without interference by governments., 4 Mtobalisation * Movement of people, goods, and services across the nations has been termed, , as globalisation., , oO. ie, , *, , . routes : These were the routes whic,, knitted together vast regions of Asia and linkes, Asia with Europe and northern Africa. These, routes are known to have existed since befor,, the Christian Era, and thrived almost till the, 15th century., , Corn Laws : The laws allowing the British, government to restrict the import of corn were, popularly known as the ‘Corn Laws’., , Trade Surplus : It is a situation under which, value of exports is more than imports., , G-77 : The G-77 is a loose coalition of, developing nations, designed to promote its, member’s collective economic interests and, create an enhanced joint negotiating Capacity, of the United Nations., , Assembly line production : The assembly line, is a manufacturing Process j, , | Mit rem