Assignment Details
Ch 9
(2 MARKS) 1. Clarify the word meaning of Kornish? Ans. Kornish was a form of ceremonial salutation in which the Courtier placed the palm of his right hand against his forehead and bent his head, It suggested that the subject placed his head the seat of the senses and the mind into the hand of humility; presenting it to the royal assembly. 2. Name the dynasty which ruled India during 1526 to 1707.  Who was the founder of this dynasty? Ans. Mughal dynasty and founder of this dynasty was Babur. 3. What is meant by the term Kitabkhana? Ans. The literal translation of the term Kitabkhana is library. It was a scriptorium that is a place where the emperors collection of manuscripts were kept and manuscripts were produced. 4.  Manuscripts involved a number of people performing a variety of tasks. Give some such people engaged in the task. Ans. Manuscripts involved a number of people performing a variety of tasks. Among them were paper marker, calligrapher, gliders, painters, bookbinders. 5. Babur’s memories were return in which language? Ans.  Babur’s memories Tuzuk-i-Babari were originally written in Turkish. They were translated in Persian as Babur Nama. 6. Explain the meaning of the term “Jihad” or Holy war or Crusade. Ans. Most of the Muslim Sultans or rulers encouraged their soldiers to fight the Kafirs in the name of religion. This religious war known as jihad holy war or crusade Babur, too had declared his battle against Rana Sanga (or Mewar) a jihad.
Feb 10, 8:50 PM
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