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. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary equivalent:, , a. 25 b. 128 €, 255 d. 19. e. 89., , . Convert the following binary numbers into decimal equivalent:, , a 1011, b. 111001, c. 1000001, d. 1001... , eI., , #3, , . Convert the following decimal numbers into octal and hexadecimal numbers, , a. 17 b 5 c. 100 d. 199 e. 256, , . Convert the following binary numbers into octal and hexadecimal, , a. 1011, b. 101001, ¢.11100011, d. 110001110, e. 10000010001,, , . Convert the following octal numbers into decimal., , a57, -b. 101, c. 77, d. 245, e. 1205,, , , , Computer Applications (Commerce) - XI, , . Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal., , a. 2D, b. 101, c. AB,, d. 1F8,, e. ABC,,, Convert the following octal numbers into binary and hexadecimal., a. 67, .b; 123), c. 167, d. 745, e. 1054,, , Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary and octal., a. TEie b. 207, c. AB,, d. 9F8., e. ABC,,