Assignment Details
Assignment No-1
****************Read it carefully.**************** Instructions: ★Write the assignment on copy with pen then click pics and upload here on Assignment page.(.pdf) Assignment is of 30 marks where each question is of 5 marks. ★Write your name at the top and bottom of each page of your assignment. Without this submission will not be count and will be rejected. ★ Submission date: 13 Sept. 2022 till 11:00AM ★After due date or late submission of assignment will not be treated. So try to submit with due date and time. *Online file/ .pdf name should be as first write your Enrollment number followed by Your Full Name. (For example if your Enrollment No is E20203550123 and your name is Vijay prakash Maurya- then name of pdf should be "E20203550123 VIJAY PRAKASH MAURYA" ************************************************* Q 1:- Define Modulation and its type with clear diagram. Q 2:-What is Multiplexing ? Why do we use this in digital communication? Q 3:- Explain purpose of Modulation and its applications. Q 4:-What is bit rate, bit lengh, noise, attenuation, bandwidth, channel capacity, SNR. Q 5:- What is topology? Also Explain its All types with clear diagram.
Sep 13, 6:00 PM
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