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ination 2021-29., Taths, Class :-III Marks : 20, Q.1. A) Fill in the blanks. (1), 1. A fraction ofan object isalways___than the whole object., , 2. When an object is divided into a number of equal parts each equal parts is called is, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , B) Match the following, (2) ;, 1. Cylinder Solid rounded object, 2. Cube Solid object (oil drum), 3. Cuboid Square shape, 4. Sphere Rectangular, C) In fraction write full form. (1), l.N= 2.D=, Q. 2. A) Fill in the boxes. (3), 1) S0f6= 2 Fofl0= 3) 20f15= 4) Sof21= 5) F0f30= 6) Sof 18=, B) Draw the basic shapes. (Any four) (4), 1. Circle 2)Square 3)Triangle 4) Oval 5) Cone 6) Star, Q.3. A) Count the number of edges, faces and vertices in each shape. (Any two) (3), a) Edges= b) Edges =, Faces = Faces =, Vertices = V Vertices =, c) Edges= d) Edges=, Faces = Faces =, Vertices = Vertices =, B) Write the name of the following / or identify the following. (2), a) e b) « e c) = d) 2&-———2, - x B x. P os”, Q. 4. A) Fillin the tables. (2), SI.No. | Fractions | Numerator | Denominator, a) 2, 5, b) 6, 8, c) x, 10, d) 6, 10, B) Tick the correct and fillin the boxes. (), 1. There are 15 chocolates. Ajay eats 5 of them. : :, The fraction of chocolates eaten by Nileshis_—.- A) = Bs, 2:, Thisisa_ and Se, Ithas___flat surface., Q.5. A) Word problem. (), , 1. Raj divides a cake into 5 parts. he eats two part. What fraction of the cake is left?