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light of the Sun that fall ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Planets have no light of their own. They reflect the, them., , The Earth 4, Earth is the home of all living beings. The earth is made up of land i :, About 70 percent of the earth’s surface is water and only ee eanit land. Th,, earth has a layer of air around it, called the atmosphere, ; ‘, Earth is the only planet which has air and water. So, life is possible only o,, , the earth. All other planets have no life., from the earth. So, it looks, , The sun is about 150 million kilometers away hh, small to us. The sun’s light takes 81 minutes to reach the earth., , The Shape of the Earth, , The earth is round in shape. Many people have, gone into space. They took many photographs, of the earth from space. All these photographs, , also show that the earth is round., Baroun, , mew cern TDATEE EN oR c th, FACT FILE oe, The Earth is, in fact, not really round, ‘ a, "It is slightly flattened on the top and on, bottom poles. one, photograph of the earth f calle, The Movements of the Earth The, The earth makes two kinds of movements: rotation and 1 arot, You, , fort, , 1. Rotation: The earth moves on its axis, clas, , like a top. The movement of the earth, on its axis is called rotation., The earth rotates from west to east. It, makes one rotation in about, This makes a complete day., , e Rotation causes day and night : The, rotation of the earth on its axis causes, , and, , Th, , , , axis, earth, Rotation of the f