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et d, Quo,, jsan integral part 0 >ve ., e s, such F ae of our everyday life. We need water for various Thousands, purposes king, washing, cooking, irrigation and producing MY Dee aa, netic. Water is colourless, odourless and tasteless. OO ae, without, , water., , , , Water, Water Everywhere, Nearly two-thirds of the Earth is covered with water. There are several sources, of water like the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc. Rain is the main source, , of water. Of all the water available, only 3% of water is fresh (1.75-2% =, , frozen in glaciers, ice and snow). Rest is present in rivers, lakes, ponds =, and under ground. 97% of water is present in seas and oceans. It is eS, , unfit - for usage as it is salty. Some of the surface water seeps into the, groundwater. It, , , , , , , , , , , ground and forms a layer above the bedrock. It is called g, , is pulled out for usage with the help of wells, hand pumps and tube wells., omen used to travel long distances, , In earligr times, » WO), to fetch, water for their daily needs from rivers and, , Jakes, This water was stored in metal containers and, earthen pots. Even now, at places where there is no, regular supply of water, people depend on rivers, lakes, , , , , , Be ’Now | Know, In earlier times, step-wells or, baolis were built, , : —.. to store water to, be used by the, people., , , , , , and ponds for water., , , , EVS -5 Sa j 103