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English Grammar and Composition 1, , , , Parts of, , UNIT 01 s h, , , , , , , , , , Lesson 1: Noun, A_ Read the following sentences:, We live in Bangladesh., It is a beautiful country., Our mother language is Bangla., We love our country and our language., , Count the number of words in each of these sentences. Each word in a, sentence is a part of speech. There are eight parts of speech in English., They are:, , Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, , i, , i Interjection., B_ Read the following passage and look at the underlined words:, , Shanta lives in Rajshahi with her_parents. She is a student of class six. She, goes to school regularly. She loves to read books. She also loves music. All, her_friends are fond of her., , , , These are all naming words. They are called nouns. Nouns are a large number, of things. Here are some categories., , Names of people:, Names of countries:, , Forma-1, English Grammar and Composition, 6