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enn, , i+ Distinguish between the, , followin, A ¥ . 9., . oe Physical change and chemical ch, (byPeriodic cl | hoe, Mange and non-periodic, change :, , ony Ren change and man-made change YS. Read th, = Under which different types can the, , following changes be classified ?, (a) Conversion of milk into yoghurt., (b) Bursting of a cracker., (c) Occurence of an earthquake., (d) Revolution of the earth around. the, sun., (e) Stretching of a spring., _ 3. Give reasons., (a) While purchasing canned food, its, expiry date should be checked., An iron article should be given a coat, of paint., ha c) A wooden article should be polished., "i (d) Copper and brass utensils should be, , -. tinned., , i t once, | handkerchief gets wet a, ine in water, but it takes long, for a wet handkerchief to dry., , , , , , - What wil, identifyin, (a) A ph, , (b) A ch, , various, “4{t was r, The su, blowing, Sahil v, balls ¢, variou, went, dougt, While, was, start, Sahi, ligh, , Projec, Vis:, cod, , ot, Lana, , W\