Assignment Details
Antonyms & Synonyms
1. DEVOUT (ADJECTIVE): (समर्पित): dedicated Synonyms: devoted, committed Antonyms: apathetic Example Sentence: He is the most devout environmentalist. 2. AMENABLE (ADJECTIVE): (आज्ञाकारी): compliant Synonyms: acquiescent, biddable Antonyms: uncooperative Example Sentence: Parents who have amenable children are blessed. 3. ONSET (NOUN): (शुरुआत): start Synonyms: beginning, arrival Antonyms: end Example Sentence: The onset of the flu was abrupt with fever followed by vomiting. 4. OBLIGING (ADJECTIVE): (सहायक): helpful Synonyms: accommodating, willing Antonyms: disobliging Example Sentence: He is one of the most obliging students I’ve ever seem. 5. UNTOWARD (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रत्याशित): unexpected Synonyms: unanticipated, unforeseen Antonyms: expected Example Sentence: Both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened. 6. DISENGAGE (VERB): (अलग करना): remove Synonyms: detach, disentangle Antonyms: attach Example Sentence: I disengaged his hand from mine. 7. SLY (ADJECTIVE): (धूर्त): cunning Synonyms: crafty, clever Antonyms: honest, artless Example Sentence: She asked me out with a sly smile. 8. REPUDIATION (NOUN): (अस्वीकृति): rejection Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment Antonyms: confirmation Example Sentence: The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract. 9. NEGATE (VERB): (अमान्य करना): invalidate Synonyms: nullify, neutralize Antonyms: confirm Example Sentence: Alcohol negates the effects of the drug. 10. UNPREMEDITATED (ADJECTIVE): (अनियोजित): unplanned Synonyms: spontaneous, unprepared Antonyms: premeditated Example Sentence: It was a totally unpremeditated attack.
Jan 15, 11:59 PM
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