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Name: Grade: VIII, Reaching the Age of Adolescence, , . Choose the most appropriate answer, ®, A. Which of the following secretes insulin hormone? ', a. Sperm b. Kidney c. Throat d. Pancreas u ", B. The pituitary gland is located:, a, above the kidney —_b. inthe neck —¢. at the base of the brain d._adernal, C. Which of the following hormones is produced in an emergency situation:, a, Adrenaline b. Oestrogen cc. Testosterone —d. Thyroxine, D. Which gland requires iodine. Lack of iodine can lead to goitre in that gland:, ‘a. Adrenal gland b. Thyroid gland —_c. Sweat glands. Pineal gland, , . Define, ‘a. Menstrual cycle b. Puberty, Menopause, , . Look at the picture and answer the questions., , Female Mate, , , , a. Explain what is shown in the pictures.