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STARS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM, , SAMPLE PAPER QUESTIONS, , , , SNAARWNo, , Name the star which is nearest to earth., Write the names of two constellations, , What is the speed of the light?, , How many bright stars are there in Orion?, Which star is called morning or evening star?, Name the planets which have no moon., Define phases of moon., , . Why size of the moon decreases every day, , after the full moon day?, , 9., , 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., , Why do we classify the sun as a star?, What is meteor?, Why does stars twinkle but planets do not., Differentiate between stars and planets., Why do phases of moon occur?, What is the sun? Name next nearest star., , Write the distance of sun from the earth? Write, the unit of the large distances., , 15., , Explain solar system.