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ALICE WILLE WIIIUIRE RELL, In order to perform these functions, the skeleton, should be as strong and light as possible. For this, reason, the skeleton is made up of hollow bones, instead of solid ones. Hollow bones are much, stronger than solid bones and save a great deal, of weight., , 14.3 Human Skeleton, , Human skeleton includes three constituents, , (i) Bones form the hard framework of body., , (ii) Cartilages include supporting and connecting, structures., , (iii) Ligament connects the bones together., Human skeleton (Fig. 14.1) consists of, (i) The axial skeleton, composing the skull,, , the vertebral column (backbone), the ribs, and sternum (chest bone), and, , (ii) The appendicular skeleton consisting of, the bones of the limbs and limb girdles, (pectoral and pelvic girdles)., , Gq