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myCBSEguide, , Class 09 - Mathematics, Term 1 - Statistics - 01, 1. If, then the mean, , are the means of n groups with n1, n2, ..., nn number of observations respectively,, of all the groups taken together is:, , a., , b., , c., , d., 2. In a frequency distribution, ogives are graphical representation of, a. Cumulative frequency, b. Frequency, c. Relative frequency, d. Raw data, 3. The mean of prime numbers between 30 and 40 is, a. 37, b. 36, c. 34, d. 31, To practice more questions & prepare well for exams, download myCBSEguide App. It provides, complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams., 4. The mean of the below frequency distribution is 3.5, then the value of x is, Variable, , 1, , 2, , X, , 4, , 5, , Frequency, , 2, , 3, , 4, , 5, , 6, , a. 3, b. 4, c. 5, d. 2, 5. The range of the data: 25, 18, 20, 22, 16, 6, 17, 15, 12, 30, 32, 10, 19, 8, 11, 20 is, a. 18, b. 26, c. 10, d. 15, 6. Given the class intervals 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, …, then 20 is considered in class, a. 11-20, b. 21-30, c. 15-25, d. 11-30, Copyright © Mass distribution in any mode is strictly prohibited., , 1/5
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myCBSEguide, 7. The width of each of nine classes in a frequency distribution is 2.5 and the lower class boundary of the, lowest class 10.6. Then the upper class boundary of the highest class is, a. 28.1, b. 30.6, c. 33.1, d. 35.6, 8. A grouped frequency table with class intervals of equal size using 3-5 (5 included in this interval) as, one of the class intervals is constructed for the following data. The frequency of the class 3-5 is, , a., b., c., d., , 1, , 4, , 7, , 2, , 0, , 3, , 9, , 2, , 3, , 7, , 6, , 3, , 5, , 2, , 5, , 5, , 6, , 2, , 3, , 5, , 1, , 0, , 4, , 6, , 4, , 6, , 11, 8, 5, 3, , 9. The mean of n observations is, is:, a., , . If each observation is multiplied by k, the mean of new observations, , +k, , b. k, c., d., -k, 10. In a grouped frequency distribution, the class intervals are 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, .., then the class width is, a. 30, b. 10, c. 15, d. 20, Question No. 11 to 15 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the, questions:, The weights of newborn babies (in kg.) are recorded to maintain the health report cards in, Apollo hospital on regular basis. On a particular day the weights of newborn recorded are are as, follows:, 3.1, 3.0, 2.9, 2.9, 2.8, 2.8, 2.7, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1., , 11. Determine the range., a. 1.0 Kg, b. 2.0 kg, Copyright © Mass distribution in any mode is strictly prohibited., , 2/5
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myCBSEguide, , 12., , 13., , 14., , 15., , c. 2.7 Kg, d. 2.1 Kg, How many babies were born on that day?, a. 12, b. 11, c. 16, d. 15, How many babies weigh below 2.5 kg?, a. 6, b. 3, c. 5, d. 4, To practice more questions & prepare well for exams, download myCBSEguide App. It provides, complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams., How many babies weigh more than 2.8 kg?, a. 2, b. 1, c. 3, d. 4, How many babies weigh 2.8 kg, a. 2, b. 1, c. 3, d. 4, , Copyright © Mass distribution in any mode is strictly prohibited., , 3/5
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myCBSEguide, Class 09 - Mathematics, Term 1 - Statistics - 01, Solution, , 1. (c), Explanation: The mean is equal to the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of, values in the data set., 2. (a) Cumulative frequency, Explanation: An o-give (oh-jive), sometimes called a cumulative frequency polygon, is a type of, frequency polygon that shows cumulative frequencies. An o-give graph plots cumulative frequency on, the y-axis and class boundaries along the x-axis., 3. (c) 34, Explanation: Prime numbers between 30 and 40 are 31 and 37., Mean =, Mean = 34, To practice more questions & prepare well for exams, download myCBSEguide App. It provides, complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams., 4. (a) 3, Explanation: from the given frequency distribution table:, 3.5, 3.5, 70 = 4x + 58, 4x = 12, x=3, 5. (b) 26, Explanation: Range = 32 - 6 = 26, 6. (a) 11-20, Explanation: In a discontinuous class both lower and upper limits belong to that particular class., 7. (c) 33.1, Explanation: Number of classes = 9, Lower limit of the lowest class = 10.6, Width of each class = 2.5, So, Upper limit of the lowest class = 10.6 + 2.5 = 13.1, Now, Upper limit of the lowest class + Width of each class = Upper limit of the next class, Thus, we have, Upper limit of the lowest class + 8 × width of each class = Upper limit of the highest (9th) class, Upper limit of the highest (9th) class = 13.1 + 8, 2.5 = 33.1, 8. (a) 11, Explanation: count all the numbers in the frequency table between 3 to 5., Frequency of the numbers from 3 to 5 is 11., 9. (b) k, , Copyright © Mass distribution in any mode is strictly prohibited., , 4/5
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myCBSEguide, Explanation: Let us take n observations Xi, ..., Xn, If, , be the mean of the n observations, then we have, =, , Multiply a constant k to each of the observations. Then the observations becomes kXi, .... kXn., If, , be the mean of the new observations, then we have, =, , =, =, =k, 10. (b) 10, Explanation: The class width is the difference between the upper or lower class limits of consecutive, classes. In this case, class width equals to the difference between the lower limits of the first two, classes., w = 10 - 0, So, the class width is 10, 11. (a) 1.0 Kg, Explanation: 1.0 Kg, 12. (d) 15, Explanation: 15, 13. (d) 4, Explanation: 4, To practice more questions & prepare well for exams, download myCBSEguide App. It provides, complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams., 14. (d) 4, Explanation: 4, 15. (a) 2, Explanation: 2, , Copyright © Mass distribution in any mode is strictly prohibited., , 5/5