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“1 ‘Answer Type Questions, , Bo Why does earth appear blue from Space ?, 7: What is meant BY ‘water table’ > Name one factor which raises weter table, 15. What are the v arious factors which affect water table (or deplete water tall, 16- What 1s an aquifer ? What is the Upper level of aquiter known as’, — What is groundwater ? Name the main source of groundwater, 48. What is meant by ‘drip irrigation’ ? What is its advantage ?, 19. What will happen if potted plants are not watered even for a few days?, 20. What will be the effect of water Scarcity on plants ?, 21. What are the various Ways in which you can minimise the wastage of water at home ? —", 22. You have been asked to maintain a garden. How will you minimise the use of water for the terigations, plants in the garden ?, 93. Explain how, groundwater is recharged., , 24. Draw a labelled sketch showing the water table, groundwater and aquifer., 25. When is the World Water Day celebrated ? Why is it celebrated ?, , 26. Describe the mismanagement of water :, (a) at the level of Water Supply Department., (b) at the individual level., 27. Describe any two steps which can be taken for the proper management of water., 28. Describe how the increasing population is responsible for the depletion of water table., , 29. Explain how the increasing industrial activities are causing the depletion of water table., 30. How are the agricultural activities responsible for the depletion of water table ?