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SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE, 1. If x" occurs in the, coeftticient o f r ", , expansion, , is, , (27)!, , 7m)!(2n- m)!, , of (r, , +, , 1/x)",, , . T h e number, , 5, , (2n-m)!, , 2n-m4n+m., (2n-m, , 2., , 3, 3, In the expansion of (1 +, , 3x, , none, , (2) 288, , the coefficient, , of, , (3) 216, , (4) 576, , 3. The coefficient of the middle term in the binomial, expansion in powers of r of (1 +ax, , C), , 3, , and of (1 - ax) is, , 3) 3, 10, (3)-86, , (2)-82, in the, , (2) 792, , (3) 1594, , (4), , (2) 496, , (3) 506, , (4) 528, , (4), , +, n, , (1), , -, , n+1, , x"'d, , is L, m, If coefficient of ab'c in (a + b+ c" (where e N), coefficient of a'b'c' will, (L# 0), then in same expansion, , 13., , i s equal to, 2n, , (4), , J-x"d, , If(1+xy" =Co+ Cx+C+**+Cp", then C%C CGC3, +, , 4, , Ifthe 6h term, , in the, , expansion ofR, (2) log 10, , (1) 1, , (4), , (3) 10, , IfC+:"C,:"'C, (1) 20, , (2) 30, , +x* logi0, , =, , x, , does not, , ex, , ist, , (3) 40, , +0+, , the value ofd, (1) 32010, , |1:6:3, then, (4) 50, , (2n)!, (n-1)!(n + 1)!, , (2n)!, , (4) none of these, , (n-2)!(n+2)!, , 14. If(3, , S600, thenx equals, , (2), , (n!)*, , (4), (3), , 8,, , +, , 1, , (1) (2m)!, , 1., , of these, , +CC4+ +Cp2¬n, , (1) L, , (3), , of these, , (2) (r-1)= cdr, , 1+xY'de, , 3), , none, , n+2, , 0, , be, , none, , 15, , 12. Thevalue of, , expansion of (1 +x-x* is, , (1) 476, , of these, , +, of the coefficients in the expansion of (a b", then the greatest coefficient in the expansion is, , (1) 924, , (, , 4), (4) -81, , none, , sum, , 4, , 10, , 5. The coefficient ofx, , (4), , 3) 15, , 4. The coefficient ofr in the expansion of (r-x -2) is, , (1)-83, , (3) 127, , 11. The fractional part of 2""/15 is (n e N), , the same, if a equals, , (1)-, , (2) 61, , 10. If the, , of these, , IS, , (1) 144, , (1) 255, , is 4096,, , +2x)°,, , of, , of x), , (2m)!, , (4), , in the expansion, , terms, , is/are (with respect to different power, , then the, , (2n)!3!3!, , (2), , of distinct, , (3) 220o, , =d t ax +a,x* +, , -, , d, , ta, , 1, , 04, , +a,x", then, , as, , 5ta,, , (2) 1, , (4) none of these, , ., , IS
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r=0, , -1, , L, , is equal to, , r+2, , 1, , 3) 52, , x, , 16. 1+, , 2) 52x 50, , () p divides N, , (2) p divides N, , (3) p cannot divideN, , (4) none of these, , (4) none of these, , 51, , NUMERICAL VALUE TYPE, , 4x7, , 3x6, , 3x6, , T***, , Is, , 9", , x, , equal, , 21. The sum of the coefficients of the first 10 terms in the, , to, , expansion of ( 1 - x ), , (2) (1 +x)3, , (1) x, , (3) (1 - x), , (x+y+ (+y, i s (a| <1), , (1) 21, , 2) 25, , (3) 26, , (4) none of these, , 18. Ifft) = 1 -x +*-x'+, coefficient of x* in f x -, , - x + x 6 -x, , (1) 826, , (2) 816, , 3) 822, , (4) none of these, , =b+bx, , + b,x +, , +, , is, , 23. If 6th term in the expansion of, , is numerically, , greatest, when x = 3, then the sum of possible integral, , then the, , 1) is, , = ao+ a x + a^x, , is, , 22. The number of distinct terms in the expansion of, , (4) (1-x), , 17. The coeficient of r in (1 +2r + 3x+, , 19. Let f(x), , (4) none of these, , 20. p is a prime number andn<p< 2n. If N="C,, then, , 1, , (1) 50x5, , 2) b,-b-, , (1) b,+ b,-14, (3) b,/b,-14, , 50, , 15. The value of, , values of 'n' is, 24. The positive integer just greater than (1 +0.0001)i s, 25. If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (a+ b), "is 4096, then the greatest coefficient in the expansion is, , .. ta,x "+, , and, , + b,x"+,then, , 1-x, , ANSWER KEY, Single Correct Answer Type, ., , (3), , 2., , (4), , 3., , (3), , 4., , (4), , 5., , (1), , 6., , 12. (2), (1), Numerical Value Type, , 13., , (3), , 14., , (3), , 15., , (3), , 16., , 23., , (25), , 24., , (3), , 25., , (924), , 11., , 21., , (220), , 22., , (28), , 7., , (3), , 8., , (4) 17., , (4), , 18., , (4), , (4), , 9., , (2) 19., , (2), (2), , 10. (, 20. (1)