Assignment Details
Roadmap of Administrative Reform of Indonesia
Assalamu'alaikum. Good Afternoon. Our class, today will be conducted through Asinkronus System by doing a homework. You must cooperate with your classmate to do some tasks as follows: 1. Devide all of the student into 3 groups. You can devide it independently. 2. Each group has to make a power point presentation (exported to PDF) about: a. Group 1: Roadmap of Administrative Reform of Indonesia 2010 - 2014 b. Group 2: Roadmap of Administrative Reform of Indonesia 2015 - 2019 c. Group 3: Radmap of Administrative Reform of Indonesia 2020 2024 3. Each goup has to choose 1 representative student to present the material for max 15 minutes. It will be conducted for next meeting. All of the goups have to present their work next week. Therefore, next week, we will have 45 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion. 4. Each group has to submit the homework maximum the day before the class meeting.
Mar 22, 10:29 PM
Maximum marks
100.0 marks
Question type