Assignment Details
1.What are the end products of aerobic respiration. 2.The cellular respiration process takes place in which cell organelle? 3. Name the end products of anaerobic respiration in yeast. 4. In some animals, exchange of gases takes place through its thin and moist skin. Name one such animal. 5.Give the name of respiratory organs in following animals. (a) Fish (b) Human being (c) Cockroach (d) Pigeon 6. Our nostrils has hair and mucous. What is the need to have them in our nasal cavity? 7. Various organs constitute the respiratory system of human. These organs are located according to their functions. Identify them with a proper diagram. 8. The vocal ability of humans is the responsibility of an organ commonly known as voice box. What is its scientific name? 9. What changes are observed in diaphragm during inhalation? 10. When we exhale or breathe out, percentage of a certain gas is high. Name the gas. 11.Certain small pores are present on the surface of plant through which gaseous exchange occurs. Identify these pores? 12.What happens to your breathing rate when you (a) exercise (b) go to sleep 13. Name two respiratory pigments. 14. Name two respiratory muscles in human. 15. Respiration is a continous process. What is the need for it to be continuous rather than being like photosynthesis? 16. A part from stomata another structure is used by plants to respire. Name that structure. 17. Explain cellular respiration. 18. The process of fermentation is based on which principle? 19. When oxygen enters our body it combines with haemoglobin to form a new substance. What is that new product? 20. On a very cold morning, Sirsha and Kaushiki were talking with each other as they walked down to their school. They observed that the air coming out of their mouth looked like smoke. They were asumed and wondered how it happened. Help them to find the answer. 21. Pick the odd one out from each of the groups given below on the basis of respiratory organs. Give reason for your answer. (a) Cockroach, grasshopper, snail, ant (b) Lizard, cow, earthworm, snake (c) Crocodile, whale, dolphin, fish (d) Snake, tadpole, crow, goat 22. Frogs are amphibians. They survive on land and water, do they have any respiratory issue? How does frog breathe when they are in water? Do they possess lungs? Explain the role of lungs in frogs. 23. After we work hard or perform physical activity, we feel hungry. Explain why. 24. Smoking is considerd harmful due to certain effects. Explain in brief. 25. Whenever we feel drowsy or sleepy, we start yawning. Does yawning help us in anyway? 26. Respiration in fish is different from humans. Explain in brief how fishes can breathe through gills? [Labelled diagram required] 27. There are three animals named A, B and C. Among them A can stay on land as well as in water. When it stays at land is respire through lungs but when it goes into water, it respires through its moist skin. Animal B has specific organs to respire in the water which is not found in any other water animal. While animal C is a water animal which respires through nostrils and lungs. Now give the name of animal A, B and C. 28. Whales and dolphins are seen many times releasing a fountain of water sometimes at the surface of water. Why do they do so? 29. (a) Plants lack a specialised respiratory system. How do they carry out respiratory process? Explain. (b) The plant roots being underground respire by using which mechanism? 30. It is not wise to sleep under a tree during night. Why?
Dec 23, 11:59 PM
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