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Types of Angles, , Types of, , Acute Angle, , Measures less than 90°, , Right Angle, , Measures exactly 90°, , Obtuse Angle, , Measures greater than 90°, but less than 180°, , Straight Angle, , Measures exactly 180°, , Reflex Angle, , Measures greater than, 180° but less than 360°, , Adjacent Angles, , Angles with a common side and a, common vertex., 21 and 22 are adjacent angles., , Complementary Angles, , Angles whose measures add to 90°., 21 and 42 are complementary angles., , Supplementary Angles, , Angles whose measures add to 180°., 21 and 22 are supplementary angles., , Vertical Angles, , Angles that have a common vertex and, , whose sides are formed by the same lines., , Vertical angles are equal in measure., 41 and 22 are vertical angles., , +,, , VL,, (2., x 2, ><, , , , WHAT IS AN ANGLE?, , An angle is the shape, formed by two rays, meeting at a common end, point, An angle is, represented by the, symbol 2. The angle below, is written as zAOB., , A, angle, ° B, PARTS OF AN ANGLE, , Arms: the two rays joining, to form an angle. Below,, OA and OB are the arms, of ZAOB., , Vertex: the common end, point at which the two, rays meet to form an, angle. Below, the point O is, the vertex of zAOB., , vertex arm, , Degrees (°) are the unit of, measurement for angles., is divided into 360, equal degrees, so that a, right angle is 90°., , 90° 750, ee, 30°, 15°, 180° 0° /360°, 270°