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Basic Poy, Basic Pay Ouiline Clases, , https: / /, email , WhatsApp Only 8000661414, , Test — CCS (Temporary Service) Rules 1965, Maximum Time - 30 Minutes, , Total Question in this Paper - 15, Maximum Number -30, , ‘Read the following instruction carcfully before you begin to answer the questions, , 1. This is an objective type test in which cach question comprises of four responses - (A), (B), (C) and (D). You, are to select only one correct response and fill the OMR, , 2, There are equal marks for all question, , 3. All questions are mandatory to attempt., , 1, The CCS (Temporary service) Rules,1965 shall come into force with effect from..., A. 1" Jan 1965, B. 1" July 1965, C. 1" May 1965, , D. 1" Sept, 1965, , 2. CCS (Temporary service) Rules, 1965 shall apply toA. Railway servants, B. Who are employed temporarily in work-charged cstablishments and who have opted for pensionary benefits., C. Govt. servants not in whole-time employment,, D. persons employed in extra-temporary establishments or in work-charged establishments other than the, , persons cmployed temporarily and who have opted for pensionary bencfits, , 3. According to CCS(TS) Rules, 1965, the appointing authority defined under., , , , A. CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, B. CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, C. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, , D.CCS (Leave) Rules. 1972.
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4, What is period of notice to termination of temporary service?, A. One month, , B. Three months, C. 6 months, D.9 Months, , 5. If any temporary Govt. servant was terminated without one-month advance notice, the Temporary Govt. servant, , , , will be eligible for .., A, Pay and allowance of one month., B. Not eligible any pay and allowance, C. Half of pay allowance, 1D, Only Basic pay, , 6. For the termination of any Govt. Servant the notice sent by registered post is returned unseryed it shall be published, in_the Official Gazette and upon such publication, it shall be deemed to have been personally served on such, Government servant from..., , A. Next day from the publication, , B. From the date it was published in the Official Gazette, C. Next month fram publication, , D.None of the above., , 7. Any Govt, servant was terminated from the service by given a notice, Head of Department may re-open the case, within,...... Month (s) from the date of notice., A. Six months, B. One month, C. Two months, , D. Three months
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%, , Basic Poy, , Basie Pay Oviline Classes, , https: / /, email , WhatsApp Only 8000661414, , 8. The three months period of re-opening of termination case. The three months period will count from ........000«, (i) From the date of notice, where notice is given,, (ii) From the date of termination of servicc, in a case where no notice is given., (iti) From the date when information received by the competent authority, A. (i) & (iii), B. (i) & (ii), C. (i), (ii) & (ii), D. Only (iii), , 9, Which of the statement is not correct as CCS (TS) Rules 1965?, A, Reason should be mentioned in the termination order., B. Service can be terminated during suspension or/and departmental proceeding., C. No formal relieving is necessary on expiry of notice period, D- Break in service to be condoned if appointed to another post within the notice period., , 10. Termination of temporary service a Govt. servant will entitle for cash equivalent leave up to?, A. Maximum of 300 days of EL and HPL, B. Maximum of 150 days of EL or half of his credit,, C. Notentitled, D. Entitled only 315 EL, , 11. The terminal Gratuity shall be paid to the temporary Govt. servant on superannuation retirement as per, A. CCS (TS) Rules 1965, B. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, C. Both A & B are correct., D. None of the above.
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12. In the case of a temporary Government servant who is compulsorily retired from service as a disciplinary, measure, that the rate of gratuity payable in his case shall not be less than ...... of terminal gratuity,, Al‘, B. 2/5, C.2/4, D.2/3, , 13. A Temporary Govt. Servant died after 5 years of regular service but before 11 years of service. His family shall, be eligible for death gratuity..., A. 12 time of last month’s emoluments, B. 6 times of last month's emoluments, C. 2 times of last month's emoluments, D. Not entitled., 14, A Temporary Govt, servant shall not be eligible for terminal gratuity......., A. When he resigns his service., B. On superannuation, C. Discharged due to invalidation, , 1D. Compulsory retirement on disciplinary measures,, , 15. Which rule is related to Termination of temporary service?, A. Rule 3, B. Rule 2, Cc. Rule 5, , D. Rule 10