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Maulana Azad College of Arts , Commerce and Science, Rauza Baugh Aurangabad, Department of Biotechnology, Internal Exam 2021-2022, Class: B.Sc Biotech I year Paper No: VII-OIC, Marks: 20 Time: 45 min paper name: Organic & Inorganic, , Q.No.IMCQ [20], , 1) Identify the simplest alkane., a) Methane, , b) Mcthene, , c) Ethane, , d) Ethene, , 2) An alkane with 6 carbon atoms will have how many hydrogen atoms?, ail, b) 12, c) 13, d) 14, , 3) Saturated hydrocarbons are otherwise referred as, a) Alkanes, , b) Alkenes, , c) Alkynes, , d) Alkaloids, , 4) In Alkenes the Carbon atoms are connected to each other by a, a) Single bond, , b) Double bond, , c) Triple bond, , d) Not connected, , 5) Which among the following is not colourless?, a) Methene, , b) Ethene, , c) Propene, , d) Butene, , 6) Ethylene on reaction with bromine forms which among the following product?, a) BrHoC-CH2Br, b) BrH2C=CH2Br
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c) Zeolite catalyst helps in the synthesis of alkenes, d) The synthesis of alkenes is otherwise known as reforming, , 14) Identify the one which shows E-Z mechanism?, a) 3-methylpent-2-ene, , b) 2-methylpent-2-ene, , c) Methyl-3-pent-2-ene, , d) 2,3-methylpentene, , 15) Which among the following alkenes is used in the manufacturing of plastics?, a) Butadiene, , b) 1,2-butadiene, , ¢) 1,3-butadiene, , d) 2-butadiene, , 16) Which C-X bond has the highest bond energy per mole?, a) C-Br, , b) C-Cl, , c)C-F, , d)C-l, , 17) Which alky! halide out of the following may follow both Sy1 and Sx2 mechanism?, a) CH3-X, , b) (CHs):CH-X, , ¢) (CH3)sC-X, , d) (CH3)9C-CH-X, , 18) In primary alky! halides, carbon attached to the halogen atom is further attached to how, many carbon atoms’?, , a)l, , b)2, , o)3, , dj4, , 19) Which of the following is not the method of preparation of alky! halide?, a) Darzen’s method, , b) Halogenation of alkene, , c) Addition of HX on alkenes, , d) Hydration of alkene, , 20) Which alky! halide has the highest reactivity for a particular alky] group?, a) R-F, b) R-Cl
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¢)R-I, d) R-Br