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The Ballad of Father Gilligan Test {MARKS =20}, 1.The rhyme scheme of the poem is:- (abab ,abcd. abcb), 2.Find a word which means evening? (moth hour, whispered, sparrow chirp), 3 They slowly into millions grew...What is mean by" they."Mleaves, horses, stars), 4Find out a word from the poem,which is an expression of grief.( spake,mavrone,nodded), 5.What is the figure of speech used in "as merry as a bird" (metaphor,alliteration, similie), 6"He who is wrapped in purple robes".who is He here? (Gilligan, God, Sick man,), Z.Had pity on the least of things."What does the word least denotes about the character of, Father ? (love ,truthfulness, humility), 8.He rode as he never rode".why ?(was angry, was fearful, was guilty), 9.And whispered to mankind."Which image is used here?(auditory visual ,tactile), 10,What is the significance of the word flock?( parish people, Jesus, Sheep,), {Option A (black)., Option B (red), Option C( blue))