Question 1 :
Minimum possible number of positive root of the quadratic equation${x^2} - (1 + \lambda )x + \lambda - 2 = 0, \in R:$
Question 3 :
If $a, b$ and $c$ are non-zero real numbers and $a{z}^{2}+bz+c+i=0$ has purely imaginary roots, then $a$ is equal to
Question 4 :
If $a(p+q)^{2}+2 b p q+c=0$ and $a(p+r)^{2}+2 b p r+c=0$ <br> $(a \neq 0),$ then,
Question 5 :
Determine the values of $p$ for which the quadratic equation $2x^2 + px + 8 = 0$ has real roots.
Question 6 :
The roots of $a{ x }^{ 2 }+bx+c=0$, where $a\neq 0,b,c\epsilon R$ are non real complex and $a+c<b$. Then <br><br>
Question 7 :
if x be real and 0 < b< c then $ \dfrac { { x }^{ 2 }-bc }{ 2x-b-c } $<br/><br/>
Question 8 :
The set of values of k for which the given quadratic equation has real roots<br/>$2x^2$ + kx +2 = 0 is k $\leq$ 9
Question 9 :
Assertion: If $a$ and $b$ are integers and the roots of $x^2+ax+b=0$ are rational then they must be integers.
Reason: If the coefficient of $x^2$ in a quadratic equation is unity then its roots must be integers.
Question 10 :
The roots of the equation $(b+c)x^2-(a+b+c)x+a=0$ $(a,b,c\ \epsilon \Q, b+c \neq a)$ are
Question 11 :
If $a, b$ and $c$ are in arithmetic progression, then the roots of the equation $ax^{2} - 2bx + c = 0$ are 
Question 12 :
If one root of the equation $a{ x }^{ 2 } + bx + c = 0$ be the square of the other, then the value of${ b }^{ 3 } + { a }^{ 2 }c + a{ c }^{ 2 } $ is<br>
Question 13 :
For what value of $k$ is $x^2 + kx + 9=(x+3)^2$?
Question 14 :
If $b_1b_2=2(c_1+c_2)$, then at least one of the equations $x^2+b_1x+c_1=0$ and $x^2+b_2x+c_2=0$ has<br>
Question 15 :
A company wants to know when the sale of their product reaches a profit level of Rs. $1000$. The revenue equation is R $=$ $200x-0.5x^{2}$, and the cost to produce x product is determined with $C = - 6000 - 40x$. How many products have to be produced and sold to net a profit of Rs. $1000$?<br/>