Question Text
Question 1 :
An example of a producer in the aquatic food web would be
Question 2 :
There is an exchange of materials and energy between living organisms and their surrounding. Such system is called as<br/>
Question 5 :
First link in any food chain is a green plant because they are
Question 6 :
An animal on the verge of extinction in India is the
Question 14 :
The allotrope of this element is the primary absorber of UV solar radiation in Earth's atmosphere. What element is this?
Question 16 :
What would happen, if all the oxygen present in theenvironment is converted to ozone?
Question 17 :
Substances that are broken down by biological processes are said to be<br/>
Question 22 :
In the stratosphere, what does screen out a large fraction of the ultraviolet rays of the sun?
Question 24 :
UV radiation from sun causes a reaction that produces _____________ .
Question 27 :
Which of the following chemicals is responsible for ozone layer destruction?
Question 29 :
Assertion : Ozone is destroyed by CFCs in the upper stratosphereReason : Ozone holes increase the amount of UV radiation reaching the earth.
Question 34 :
The presence of which of the following gases in air checks the ultraviolet from sun light?<br/>