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BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A), GROUP -1 (LANGUAGES), 1. English Basic:, Detailed Syllabus for, B.A. / BSW 1st Year, Basic English, Semester -l, Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per week, (80 Marks per paper of three hours ), (20 Marks for I.A), Pattern of question paper, 1) Objective type questions (Five each from prose & Poetry), 2) Reference to context (Two each from prose and poetry to be asked), (One each from prose and poetry to be answered), 3) Essay type Question on prose (One out of two), 4) Essay type question on poetry (One out of two), 5) Short notes (Two each from prose and poetry to be asked), (One each from prose and poetry to be answered), 6) A) Use of Articles, B) Use of Prepositions, 7) A) Antonyms, B) Synonyms, 8) Comprehension, 10X1= 10, 2X5= 10, 10, 10, 2X5= 10, 5X1=5, 5X1=5, 10, 5X1=5, 5X1=5, 10, 10, 80, Text Book :, Prose And poetry for the Young Reader (Eds) D.K.SEBASTAIN , A.G.XAVIER, (MACMILLAN Publishers India Ltd.), Only the following Lessons and Poems are to be studied, 1) Water – The Elixir of Life, - C.V Raman., 2) Journey to Niagara, - Charles Dickens., 3) Mrs. Packletide's Tiger, - Saki., 4) A Deed of Bravery – Jim Corbett, 1) On His Blindness, - John Milton, 2) The Village School Master, - Oliver Goldsmtih., 2
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3) The Solitary Reaper, - William Words worth., 4) Ozymandias, - P.B.Shelley., The following synonyms and antonyms are to be taught :, Synonyms : Abandon, Accident, Ambition, Assail, Banish, Behaviour, Bestow, Bonus, Caution, Cease,, Clean, Costly, Conquest, Command, Deed, Desire, Dissent, Error, Evil, Forgive, Faith, Glitter, Hit,, Jump, Kindle, Lazy, Magnify, Mellow, Noted, Often, Opponent, Peace, Pretend, Quarrel, Quick,, Rational, Realm, Scent, Solace, Tiny, Triumph, Unite, Useful, Vain, Vice, Wander, Wild, Young, Zenith, Antonyms : Abolish, Abortion, Abridge, Brisk, Bold, Capture, Cause, Common, Dawn, Defensive, Eat,, Eccentric, Eliminate, Fantasy, Famous, Fear, Gaiety, Gay, Heal, Harsh, Ideal, Illegible, II, Joyous,, Justify, Kind, Lavish, Latest, Luminous, Master, Major, Neat, Notorious, Odd, Pain, Quick, Refuse,, Sage, Shut, Tease, Total, Undertake, Utilize, Vain, Vacate, Weighty, Wanton, Yield, Yearn,, MODERN INDIAN LANGUAGES (MIL)/ ADDITIONAL ENGLISH, Additional English (MIL), Detailed Syllabus for BA / BSW / BA in CCJ 1st Year, Semester –I, Additional English, Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per week, (80 Marks per paper of three hours) (20 Marks for I.A), Pattern of question paper, 1) Objective type questions, 2) Reference to context, 3) Essay type Question on the stories (One out of two), 4) Essay type question on storiess (On out of two), 5) Short notes on the stories (Two out of four), 6) Match the word with their meanings, 7) Use of words, phrases and idioms (text based), 8) Résumé Writing, 10X1=10, 2X5 = 10, 10, 10, 2X5 = 10, 2X5 = 10, 10, 10, 80, Тext Book:
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3. Marathi Basic:, Syllabus for B.A/BSW/BA-CCJ, Semester - I, Basic Marathi, Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per week, Scheme of, Examination: a) One paper carrying 80 marks and of 3 hours duration, b) Internal Assessment 20 marks, Course, : Literary form - Short Story, Text, : Oza - Vyankatesh Madagulkar, Saket Prakashan, Aurangabad, Distribution of Marks:, Q.1. Essay writing (One out of four) 1x16, Q.2. Objective type questions (Eight out of twelve) 8x2, Q.3. Essay type question (One out of three) 1x16, Q.4. Short Notes (Two out of four) 2x8, Q.5. reference to Context (Two out of four) 2x8, 4. Hindi Basic:, B.A/BSW BASIC HINDI, Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per week, SEM I, 2011-12, 1. Sahitya Sarita, Ed. Prof. Jogendrasinha Bisen, Orient BlackSwan Private, Note: Only Prose Section of, Ltd., Bangalore., the book., 2. General Essay