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1305/314, PLUMBING CRAFT THEORY, June/July 2017, Time: 3 hours, , THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL, , CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN PLUMBING, PLUMBING CRAFf THEORY, , 3 hours, , INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES, , You should have the following for this examination:, Answer booklet;, Drawing instruments;, Mathematical tables/calculator., The paper consists of EIGHT questions., Answer FWE questions., ALL questions carry equal marks., Maximum marks for each part of the question are indicated., Candidates should answer the questions in English., , This paper consists of 4 printed pages., , Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that, all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing., © 2017 The Kenya National Examinations Council, , Thmover
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(a), , Outline how safety is observed in each of the following:, (i), , clothing;, , (ii), , behaviour;, , (iii), , self care;, , (iv), , storage of tools., (6 marks), , (b), , Sketch and label the following plumbing hand tools., , t.-\-, , (i), , hacksaw;, , (ii), , pipe reamer., (8 marks), , (c), , Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals, stating two examples in each, case., (4 marks), , (d), , State:, (i), , the chemical name of water, , (ii), , the chemical symbol of water, (2 marks), , 2., , (a), , Name three major sources of water., , (3 marks), , ., , (b), , Sketch and label a flange joint for a mild steel pipe water main., , (5 marks), , (c), , A 14 storey building is to be supplied with water from the main. If the pressure on the, main is 300 Kpa, show the pipe arrangements for supplying the building with water, if, the local water authority allows a direct pumping from the mains., (12 marks), , (a), , O~tline four design principles of direct system of hot water supply., , 'Yo - •, ~, , ~, , ~~, , ~, , o~to"(, , \..h., , - VCt(\,., , pqoe-, , ~(b) ;~Differentiate, , ~, s:, , ()., , :\I~\J1d, , ~t,, qll, , ~, , \ ~, , ~, , cr~,, , ""'", , Y>O, , "'", , ~ ••..\, , ~, , .':! ~, , U ••, , Q, , ., , •., , 0..;.0.", , \('<, , ',.:p, , c~.,~~ '!!'~_:., , (3 marks), , 0.>, , ".., , ~~, , ~tI', , ~ 0- List four Kenya building code requirements for sanitary appliances., , !" C\, ~, , _, , (6 marks), ., , •, , L ~, , i~C)~:Sketchandlabelpipeconnectiontoawatertank., , 'J, , •, , between a tap and a valve in plumbing ins~allat' .ns_<'-', , 2;r, "t- 0, , ? 1d), , f', , !'1)tO, , • fo.L,-\, , ~, , A~O;\:>t.('., , (e) l~ § (i), , to., , or, -f~'a, , '('I, , rt'0, , (4 marks), (2 marks), , •.••, ..,., , I', , Define the term alloy. _,,", N\\)f~"{, , 0, , 0, , 1, , (1'\0, , 1, , a,, , (1 mark), , o, , 1, , ;::.~, , e ~., , (ii), , Describe the following alloys:, , c.... -~~ =-, , s, :;~, ~, <5, z», , 1~1, , June/July 2017, , brass; -:>- c.~?\,e< z ,,(, , (II), , bronze. - <J>V, , ..,., , lJ, , t, , (4 marks), , ", , NI'J ...:;-,., , ,./, , 1305/314, , (I), , I~, , 2
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4., , (a), , Explain the following water treatment processes:, (i), , screemng;, , (ii), , sedimentation;, , (iii), , chlorination., (6 marks), , 5., , (b), , With the aid of a labelled sketch, explain the operation of a double trap siphonic water, closet., (8 marks), , (c), , Sketch and label a single stack drainage system., , (6 marks), , (a), , Name three types of gas welding flames. 1>"-~:eN!, , (3 marks), , ~, , (b), , (i), , With the aid of labelled sketches, differentiate between rightward and leftward, gas welding techniques., ~, (8 marks), ~~, , (ii), (c), , Name four gas welding defects., , (2 marks), , Calculate the power output of a centrifugal pump which can lift 200 litres of water from, a shallow well 6 m deep in 10 seconds., 'O?~~l'", (7 marks), N, , ~, , (a), , (4 marks), , Name two physical and chemical properties of water., ~~\(l'~, o,!O\) \, , (b), , ;l?l>l', , \)u(, , -(3), , ,G, , (I, , r, , ., , )c.~'~, , tW\ .1 0, , List two examples of the following:, (i), , soil appliances;, , (ii), , waste appliances., , Q, , ""II', , IJ,0 C, , ~~~, , ,.1, , o'Co, , (4 marks), , 7., , (c), , Sketch and label an indirect hot water supply system for a domestic house., , (8 marks), , (d), , Sketch and label a running joint on mild steel pipe., , (4 marks), , (a), , Outline four reasons for arc welding electrode coating., , (6 marks), , (b), , Sketch and label an alternating current arc welding set., , ~markS), , 1305/314, June/July 2017, , Turn over
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(c), , Estimate the cost of installing sanitary appliances using the information shown, in table 1., Table 1, SINo., , Description, , Quantity, , Unit, , Unit cost, , 1, , Water closet suite, , 2, , No, , 3,750.00, , 2, , Bath tub, , 1, , No, , 7,850.00, , 3, , Wash hand basin, , 2, , No, , 1,900.00, , Assume any other relevant information, Labour @ 10% cost of appliance, Overheads @ 5% cost of appliance, Profit @ 8% cost of appliance, (7 marks), 8., , (a), , Describe the procedure of tinning a soldering bit., , (4 marks), , (b), , State four positions where manholes are used in drainage systems., , (4 marks), , (c), , List two reducing agents used in water treatment., , (2 marks), , (d), , (i), , Outline the four properties of a coagulant., , (4 marks), , (ii), , Outline four characteristics of below ground drainage system., , (6 marks), , TIDS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE., , 1305/314, June/July 2017, , 4