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SYSTEMATICS, The study of different kinds of organisms and their diversities, and also the, relationships among them is called systematics., The word systematics is derived from the Latin word ‘systema’ which means, systematic arrangement of organisms., Carl Linnaeus coined the term systematics., Linnaeus used Systema Naturae as the title of his publication., TAXONOMY, , 1., , 2., , 3., , 4), , It is the study of characterisation, identification, classification and nomenclature., Characterisation, identification, classification and nomenclature are the processes, (steps) that are basic to taxonomy., Characterisation:, It is the understanding of characters of organisms such as external and internal, structure, structure of cell, development process, ecological information etc., Identification:, Nomenclature is only possible when the organism is described correctly and we, know to what organism the name is attached to. This is called identification., Classification:, It is the grouping of organisms into convenient categories (taxa) based on, characters., Based on characteristics, all living organisms can be classified into different taxa., This process of classification is taxonomy., Nomenclature (naming):, It is the providing of standardized names to the organisms such that a particular, organism is known by the same name all over the world.