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A guidance for JELET where all subjects will be taught ONLINE., Facilities & specialties-, 1. All subjects will taught from basic. Students who haven't studied properly in 1st or 2nd, semester, he / she can manage to do by attending the classes., , 2. Regular interval mock test & teacher-parents interaction based on student, performance., , 3. All tests questions will be solved completely in batch., , 4. All previous years question will be solved in batch., , 5. Softcopy study materials will be given ALONG WITH DETAILED, YEARSOLUTION QUESTION ANSWER PDF., , 6. Class recording will be available if anyone misses live class., BY---SUMAN DEY, , CONTACT NO—9593791540/6297012221, , FREE DEMO CLASSES LINK,, ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-NUMERICAL METHOD (INTERPOLATION),, STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-MOMENT OF INERTIA,, ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY-BASICS & DC CIRCUIT,, , COMPUTER APPLICATION & BASICS IN PROGRAMMING-(INFORMATION, REPRESENTATION), ,, , ENGINEERING MECHANICS-SYSTEM OF FORCES
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EKHON, , Computer :, ——~ General Introduction, , Introduction, , A computer is a man made electronic machine which stores, reads, and processes data to produce meaningful information as output. ft works, very fast and does not make mistakes but its \, , {|, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , copacity is limited, It is made af English word, “to compute’, Itoperates under the control of a set, of instructions that is stored in its memary unit, |, A computer accepts data from an input device, and pencesses it into useful information which it gOS, displays on its output device, , Actually, acomputer tsacallectionofhardwareand software components, that helps ts te accomplish many different tasks. Hardware consists of the, computer itself and includes a CPU, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and, any equipment connected to it. Software és the set of instructions that the, computer follows in performing a task., Computers and Calculators, , A calculator ts a small electronic device used for doing mathematical, calculations. A calculator cannot be used for writing letters or drawing, images, while « computer con be used to calculate, draw images, write, fetters, and do many celver things as well., Human Being and Computers, , Computers cannot work on thetr own. They do what we want them to, do, only we give them the right command, Its memory is better than human, memory, It can’t forget anything it has saved, so itis also called an artificial, intelligence., , , , Comparison between Human beings and Computers, Muman being * Computer, , Human beings are slow in doing — Camputers ean do complex calculations in, calculations. seconds., , Human beings cannot remember — Computers can store and remember a large, Sots of things at one tiene. senount of information at ene time., ‘Human beings can make mistakes. Computers do not make mistakes., Human beings have feelings. ‘Computers do not bave feelings., , ‘Huiman beings can think. ‘Computers cannot think,, , mB teed if Mred, wokiringions nea, , , , Scanned by CamScanner
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‘t= ASJEET. SINGH SEKHION _., , : aa ‘al, orto putit the other way information we putinta the computeriscalled | amounls of date’ that sand ga ets are capable of storing, , ‘ and retrieved very The, gathered from any source but cannot be organized. It cannot capability to store and retrieve volumes of datais the core of the formation, Sa fos dadslon making, te « collection of nprocomed West ao, , and combination of characters, numbers and symbols collected for 4 2. Aulomation + Once.a Niece +% 3, specific purpose. Generally it is divided into three types : numeric data, functioning automatically, It does not require an operator at each of, siphabetic data and iphanumeric data, the process. stage, , - Numeric Data : Numeric data consists of ten digits 0, 1,2, 3, 4,5, 4. Diligence = His of at exactly the same level of speed, , 7, 8, 9, There are different types of number system that ace used and accuracy even if it oasry Out the moet veberian ee, represent numeric data. These number systems are decimal number | ‘Operations for a long period of time, It does not suffer from physical and, system, binary numbersystem,octalnumbersystemand hexadecimal | ntl fatigue, lack of concentration and lazinoss,, number system. Examples are examination score, bank balance and 5. Versatility : The wide use of computers in so many areas such as, ca ae. commerce, scientific applications, education in day to day life is ample, 2. Alphabetic Data: Alphabeticdata isused to represent 26 alphabetic i} CYIENCE OF its versatitity,, consist of capital letters from A to Z, small letters froma toz and blank Basie applications/uses of « computer, , space. data is also called non-numeric data. An example |! Entertainment or Recreation : Computer is used for playing games,, is the address of an employee. listening to music and watching movies. It is also used for making, 3. Alphanumeric Data: Alphanumeric data is used to represent Gartoon movies, animation films and drawing pictures ete,, , Iphabetic special 2. Education Computerisused inschoolstorteaching, doing mathematical, all data, rhc data, characters and symbols An yr ", example is any eed c culations and campleting homework., , 3B Banks Cc isused in|, > Information = Information is well organized data which we get alter Pattee frused in banks for storing information aboutdiflorent, , account holders, keeping a record of cash and providing all kinds af, of data and it helps in decision making. It is processed data information regarding sty account in he bark ee, maeee syamelnghal: toad vackehs j {Avtomatic Teller Machine) of a bank which provides eath without any, Characteristics of a computer al a AS Weker is a6 «Computer helps in providing, Computers are the esprit business, travel, rca ae Information about scat avail hocking tekete a akc en, eritulpeaucnpcotmeaeaeatumatirnes silty separa caer tates in Providing information about the arrival ond, pow erful machin: speed, aceun reliabil storage capacity departure as well as. ming of trains, to operate automatically, diligence, scientific approach and * mee, , é | * MedicatScience : Computer helps in keeping records of all the patients, Speed : Computers provide the processing speed required by all face in rs, ot society. The ck service we exper tthe ork, ote pce Controlling machines iat operate Mesa oe It hetps doctors in, on the stock exchange, and on the Internet are dependent on the speed of),, , . > Busskness : Computers are used totypeand print documents, betters ote., computers. The speed of a computer is measured in the following time usitt They help in keeping,, , , , ‘ es seat Ofemployees and sending emails ete, “ aacon ~ Defence : In defence computer to help in building weapons,, for the access time or instructions per o contoiling thei functions, launching missles and hoc ese a, Millisecond [ Lms] A thousandth of a second oF 1 criminals. It helps in establishing communication links betwowr the, Micro second [ims] A millionth of a second or 10* i ‘ pte -osteriny omy rie pies, i second Designing « Computer in designing magazines,, Nanosecond [ns] thousand millioh of a zecond or 10" books anal advertisements oe, I ala helpe in detigane okey, Pico second [ tps} A million millionth of a second or 10° houses etc., Per Second. % Scientific ich 1 ules is used, Kilo Instructions _ ; Seale Computer is used in sclentific research and is handy, MIPS ah ea quite accurateard ty Administration : Computer fs used to improve administrative services, + OTe s marhine and do not make errors co 8 11, Publication : Computer is used in desk-top publication,, elite a wl, Tony es coy Sor ey eoeapnth 4 aa, own. Errors are caused by humans,, , , , Scanned by CamScanner
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7, , =, , . _ JASPEELS, , exrmail, chatting ete, , Limitations of a computer A ‘, telligence {Programmed by human/Can‘t think } : Thougs, 1. eos to work efficiently, fast and accurately, ba, by human beings todose. Without «program, computer, iemothing. A program is 2 eet of instructions. Computer only felons, these instructions. If the instructions are not accurate the working of, computer will not be accurate., Prone to virus : The computer sometimes malfunctions and results ix, logs of data if some virus attacks., Depends on electricity + One of the limitations also includes machine |, failure in case of some or software problem. The computer, sometimes results in loss of data if power fails,, Functions of a computer, L Data collection : Data collection is a process of preparing and collecting, data to obtain information to keep on record, make decisions and pass, information on to others, Computers collect or gather data, which meses, that they allow users to input data., Data storage : Data storage means that it retains digital data used ke, computing at same interval of time., , Data processing : Data processing is a process to convert data into, information., , 2, , 3, , 4, Date output : It is a processed data which we got as an output,, Impact of computerization, () Time saving (i) Erroriess work, (iii) Saving of paper (iv) Unemployment, Data Processing and Electronic Data Processing, 4, In the nae manual techniques used for collecting, manipulating, and distributing data to achieve certain objectives, were known as,, , i . As technology advances, computers are used to achieve eesultt, accomplished by humans and machines. Example : calculator, typew#t=, and computer. This is known as Electronic Data Processing (ED.P}, , The major objective of data processing is to get the desired informa, from any raw data. Data refers to raw facts thut are gathered, , , , , , source but are not organized. That data cannot be used to ‘a, to data which is well, Leaseiseniegn tno refers ae eh organised, , , , GH SEKEION ., , Computer System, , A Zroup of equipments put togsther to process a data ts called a, , computer system. A computer system consists of several components to, , achieve electronic data processing,, , th. Input Units: They are devices which accept data from user and transmit, , it to the central processing unit as electronic pulses. For example the, , ATM (Automatic teller Machine) system, when we want to withdraw,, , Weare required to enter our Personal identification number (PIN). When., , we enter our PIN, we are using an input device, the, , 2. CPU (Central Processing Unit) : It is an abbreviation for central, , unit, and is pronounced as seperate letters. The Central, Unit is the brain of the computer sometimes referred to, , simply as the central processor, but commonly called 4 processor. ‘The, Central Processing Unit is the unit where most calculations take place,, Its linked with the input unite and output units te ferm the computer, Seep einai ctace cent ne Pomse ea CEU i Son mare ligoetant, componentofacomputersystem. On personal computer (PC) and small, workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called « microprocessor, ‘or microchip., ‘The fundamental sequence of stops that. a CPU performs is also known, as the fetch-execute cycle or instruction cycle. It ix the time in which, @ single instruction is retrieved from memory, decoded (determined, what actions the instruction requires) and executed (carried out those, actions). The first half of the cycle transfers the instraction from memory, to the instruction register and decodes it. The second half executes the, instruction, This cycle is repeated by the CPU from Start, oF boot-up to the wins Gn comput niktacne, , Instruction cycle, Each computer's CPU can have different cycles based on different, , instruction sets, but will be similar to the following cycie—, , iemory via the data bus, and it i then placed into the CIR. The, Progrom Counter is instructed to contain the address of the next, instraction., , 2 Decode the instruction = The instruction, , decoder interprets, If an instruction has an indirect address, the effective, , address is read from main memory, and any required data is fetchod, from main memory to be processed and then placed into data, registers., , 3, Execute the instruction : The CU the, , as a sequence of control signals to the relevant function units of, the CPU to perform the actions required by the instruction, such as, Teading valves from registers, passing them to the ALU to perform, mathematical of logic functions on thom, and writing the result back, , into a register If the AL is involved, it sends a condition signal back, tothe CU,, , , , Scanned by CamScanner