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�l, •, , •, , (Booklet No., , -, , ), , JELET - 2012, (For Diploma Holders in Enggl.Tech.), : 100, , This, , question, , 2., , Questions, , paper contains, , must, , be, , all, , answered, , objective, , on, , · Left, 3., , hand, , questions., , Objective, , D), , appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C,, columns. Each question, , has, , Response, , or putting stray, , marks on, , incomplete/ incorrect filling, , darkening, , the, , the respective, , one correct answer., , it or any damage to the Answer Sheet as, , of the Answer Sheet, , Incorrect, , of the, , ,,.., answers, , will, , carry· NEOATIVE, , answer., , marks., , ,,,,, , 1/3, , mark, , will, , be deducted, , for each, , C, , wr�ng, , well as, , willbe the sole responsibility, , H, , candidate., , Answers without any response will be awarded zero mark. Wrong response or more than, , TE, A, , 5., , (ORS) · by, , All ORS will be processed by electronic means. Hence, invalidation of Answer Sheet due, to folding, , 4., , Sheet, , against the question numi,.;r on, , onJy, , : 2 hours, , AM, , 1., , Time, , EX, , Full Marks, , one response will be treated as incorrect answer and negative marks will be awarded for, the, 6., , 7., , same., , Write, , your Roll, , Application, , Form, , No., , and, , Question, , Booklet, , at, , the, , Use only, , Black/Blue Ball Point Pen to mark the answers by complete filling up of the, , phones,, , facilities, , �, , bubbles., , SY, , Mobile, , of. the ORS., , number, , locations, , respective, 8., , number,, , specified, , of, , Calculators,, , Calculator,, , Slide, , Charts,, , Rules,, , Graph, , Log, , sheets, , or, , Tables, any, , ·and, , other, , Electronic, form, , of, , Watches, , Tables, , are, , with, NOT, , EA, , allowed in the examination hall. Possession of such devices during the. examinations may, lead to cancellation, , 9., , of the, , paper besides, , seizing of the same., , Mark the answers only in the space provided. Please do not make any stray mark on the, ORS., , 10., , Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given, at the end of the question, , 11., , paper for rough, , This question paper contains, cheek, , _!.7.._l?lt.<Jse, , all, , pages and report., , hand over the, , ORS, , 24 printed, , work., , pages including pages, , for rough work., , Please, , if there is any discrepancy., to, , the InvigiJator before leaving, , [ 1 ], ,, =-, , the Examination Hall.
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JELET - 2012, . 3, , JELET-2012, (For Diploma Holders in Engg. I Tech.), 6., , Full Marks :, , Trace of a matrix is defined t, b, o, e the sum of its diagonal entries. lf A =, , 100, , Time : 2 hours, Each question carriers 1 mark, , n, , ( A ) = 1: a ; ; . S, , trace, , i::J, , Group-A, Question Nos 1 to, , 7, 0, , to x, y exist. If, u = xy, , u + log, , V, , =, , ·2, , ·, , J hold simultaneously, then, , x - y, , i�, , is equal, , to-, , 7., , ·, , 2, , v(y-ul, , (D), , u2 - v2, , u(y-v)., , (B), , (A)�, •, , (C), , .I+uv, , UV, , 1-uv, , UV, , Let f (x, y) = \ x, , I·, , (I, , +, , y)., , (B), , r:, , Suppose that A =, , (A), , 2., , ·, at A, B arc two n x n matrices· with real entries, then trace, , is always_:, , Thcn, , strictly positive, , 4, , 0, , 2, , 2, , 2, , (C) non-negative, , (D) strictly negative, , 6, 3], �, , 5, , ', and x =, , x2, t, [:, X:t l . Then x = Ax, , ., , IS, , the quadratic form-, , 6, , EX, , v + log, , - BA), , zero, , AM, , (A), , v tie functions .. of x and y such that all the partial derivatives of u, v with respect, , Let u,, , h, , of this Group are common to all branches of Enggfl'ech., (AB, , 1., , uppose t, , 3 X f - 4 x � -2Xj +7xi, , (B), , at (0, 0) is O, , (D) none of the above dx, , (C), , ax, , Let, , a = i +i']-Sk, b, , at (0, 0) does not exist, , =, , i + J +2k, c, , =, , i +4J-19k;, , where, , i, J, k, , vectors in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The value of. ( a x, , is-, , (B), , (A) 3x + 2y -7z = - 5, , (C), , 3x + 2y - 7z, , =, , (D), , 8., , 5., , denote, , Given that, , the, , unit, , vectors, , in. the, , =, , l, , �, , (A), , I, , ., , 0 ., , Th, ., , ·, ,, e smallest positive integer n for which A", , (B), , (C) 4, , 2, , j, k denotes, , the, , unit, , vectors, , in, , the, , Euclideafl, , 2, , 9., , [x, , 2, , a:a, , x2 � b2, , ne, , (A), , 10, , space., , the value of, , cb, , ::, x2, , J, , is, , equal, , to-, , +cz, , �.(a-2b), , is-, , 4, , x, , (x2 + a' + b', , + c2), , (B), , 0, , 4, 3 2, (C) (x' + •') (x' + b2) (x' + c'), C, id, · ·, ,(D) x, + x a, + x'b', 2, onsr, er the differential e, ti, z, 2, + x.c, qua ion x y, dx - (I + x') d, O, The solution isY =, such that y = l if x =, , (A), , y = I + tan, , -1, , x, (B), , y =, , -"7"''--, , tan-1 x - x + 1, , (D) - 10, , 5, , 3-dimensional, , [ 2 ], , ., ., , ,,.., , •,., , 0 is�, , (d) none of the above, , (D) Y = x tan-• x, i ,, , =, , - 3x - 2y + 7z = 0, , 3i + J - k ,, , (C), , 0, , 5, , x+J, , (B), , �), , -1, , I, , (2, 5, 3) with normal 3i + 2 J - 7 k, , 3-dimensional, , a = 2i + 3T-2k, b = i +3J + ic', c, , = (�, , •, (A), , ·, , i, 'l. k., , Let A, , ., , (D) xyz = l, , I, , 3xf + 8xt x2 + 6xtx4 + 2xft 4xzx3 + 12x2x4 + 5 x j + 2x3x4 + 7xi, , is....:..._, , EA, , The cartesian equation of the plane through the point, , C, , (D), , (C) - 4, , 0, , b)., , denote the unit, , SY, , (B), , (A) 4, , 4., , -, , (C), , . ar, , 3., , ��, , I, , C, , at (0, 0) is, , TE, A, , f, , (A), , H, , (B), , '-..., _, , Euclidean, , sp�ce., , o.
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JELET - 2012, , ,·.5, , JELET - 2012, , 11., , equation that determines the orthogonal traiectories of th ., , The differential, ., , ., , ', , �, , e, , 18., one, , Consider the, , family of curves y = Cxe" is-, , (A), , y', , =, , y{l+, , x), , (B), , system of equations, , parameter, , 2x1, , -, , 2x2, , +, , 3x3, , +, , 4x4, , =, , 4x1, , +, , Xz, , -, , X3, , +, , 2x4, , =, =, =, , ·Xt, , -, , X2, , -, , X3, , +, , 5x4, , 2x1, , -, , 3x2, , +, , 2x3, , -, , X4, , 2yy' = x (1 - 2y), , x, e-"y' + x sin 2y, , = 0, , + 3y2), , y' + 2ylog II+ xi, , T, h, e, , y+2, 12., , Th, e, , general, , solution, , o, f, , t, h, e, , differential, , equation, , is--, , y', , (C) XJ, , + - I, X2 = 5,, , 2L + .1 = c, y, , y2, , 10, , (A), , 25, , - log, , y :, , (D), , [ y + 2 [ = c, , 20., , -fx2 + x y + y 2 . = c, , 1, , an, , arbitrary, , constant., , (A), , x4 + sin, , (B), , an, , arbitrary, , . (D) _y, , (A), , (B), , 3e3', , 4, , largest root of x, 3.707, , 3', y" + y' - 1 2 y = e, , -, , 4x3, (B), , · (C), , .1 xe, 7, +, , x2, , x2, , - J ( 2x, ' J, , 1-, , + el•, , 3.71665, , (C), , (DJ, , 3.70625, , - 3 x 2 + 4 x - l) d x . The composite Simpson's, , .1, , (A) I = 26, , (B) I = 28, , ·, , = - 3,, , (D), , XJ, , = 0,, , is-, , X2 = - 4, X3 = 0, X4 = - l, , X2 = 0, X3 = - 6,, , (C), , .1, , ., , '4 = .0, , (D)., , 256, , 2, , (C), , l, , (B), , the most appropriate, , (B), , is, , secondary, , memory, , a, , non-volatile, , both A and B are true.., , location, , of the, , 1024 bytes. If T1, , and T2 are the time to access first and last, , RAM respectively then,il3r T 1, (D), , < 'f2, , signed, , �·s, , complement, , •, , Interrelationship of T1, , 3.70665, bit, , ...., , ·, , (C) T1 = T2, , 4, , with CPU., , storage., , correct., , T1>T2, , Consider, , 37, 42, , option-, , is used to speed up the interaction, , . (A), , 23., , (D), , 2., 42, , 3, , Suppose, size of a RAM is, , 22., , ?, , (A) secondary memory, , .EC), , representation, , where, , M, S, B, , & T2 is not, , denotes, , t, h, e, , (B), , (A)+ 0, , 24., , Specify, , sign., , (D), , (C) + 8, , - 0, , None of these, , the most appropriate option, , hard disk is an, , output device, (D), , neither A nor B, , (C) both A and B, , (D) I = 27.5, 25., , ( ll O 1010000),, , is cqui valent, , to-, , <. ., , (I)) neither, , Let, , (A), , I = J - .l!.!L.., . Th c composite, ·, +x, trapezoidal rule with the step, 2, 1, , ., gives-, , (6) I =, , 1.849317, , (C) I =, , 1.851944, , 26., , (D40) JG, , (C) both· A and B, , In DOS, FORMAT and A, TIRIB commands are, , (D), , both, , internal, , commands, , I = 1.849022., __.,__, , _, , -�--, , fo'both, , (C), , external, , internal, , (D) external, ,, , (B), , ·, , (A), , 1.849201, , (6500), 1, , length � = 0.1, , 0, , (A) I =, , 1000, , (B) hard disk is an input device, (A), , I, , 17., , defined, , represents-, , rule with step length h =, , (C) I =25.2, , system, , x,, , 63, , 25, , are black, , (D) neither A nor B is, , 3, , gives, , Specify, , (D) x2e3' + 12x, , + 1 . 2 ;;; Q is-, , t, , 0.5, , is-, , EA, , Let, , c, , log x + x2 sin h (y2) = c, , J, , 16., , 21., , constant., , 3', , 15._The, , is--, , ·, , + sin .h (2x + 3y) = c, , A particular integral of the equation, , (A), , o, , x sin x + y3 + sin h (2x + 3y) =, , 2, , xy + y, , where c is, , 14., , x + 3xy2 + 2y2 = c, , 2, , ( C )x3 +, , dx + {2x + 2y + 3 cos h (2x + 3y)) dy =, , H, , { 3x2 + 2y + 2 cos h (2x + 3y)), , X4 = 0, , above, , (B), , 256, , 42, , (A), , equation, , C, , solution of the differential, , TE, A, , general, , SY, , The, , the, , From a bag containing 4 white and 5 black ba11s a man draws 3 at random. What is the, , ..1., , 13., , o, f, , X4_ = - 4, , X3 = - 2,, , (B), , probability that all, , where c denotes, , elimination), , X2 = 3, X3 = 2,, , EX, , (C), , -3, , If 2 coins are tossed 5 times, what is the probability that there will be 5 heads and 5 tails?, , l, , (B), , Gaussian, , = - l,, , 19., y = x(41og[x[+c)2, , (by, , solution, , (A) x,, , x+y+2, , (A), , -11, -26., , o, , =, , AM, , (C), , (D) (I, , -18, , f-80, , commands, , and external, and, , internal, , command, , respectively, , command respectiVely, , _, , _A, , nor, , B
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6, , JELET - 2012, JELET - 2012, Specify, , the, most, , appropriate, , option, , :, , In, , DOS,, , which, , of, , the, , following, , represent, , a, , d!J:ectory ?, , Consider the following C code, , 32., , (A)., , (B), , Specify the correct, , 28., , {A), , a, , step, , can, , option, , have, , multiple, , .., , inward, , flows, , (CJ both A and B, Consider the, , 29., , #, , (B), , (D) neither A nor B, int, , a, , step, , can, , never, , have, , multiple, , outward, , main (void), , flows, , (D) neither A nor B, , following, , C code, , :, , x, , int, , y;, , ', , = ++x.;, , y, , int, , main, , = 5;, , int, ,, ,, , < stdio.h >, , include, , -cstdio.h>, , #include, , (C) both A and B, , a tlowchart, , : In, , (void), , printf ("%d%d",x,y);, , {, , int, , r.eturn(O};, , = - l;, , x, , AM, , 27., , int y ;, , ), , if(y = x)printf("yes");, , Theputput will be :, , else, , (A')' 5 5, , retum(O);, , 33., , The output, , will, , be, , :, , int, , the, , program, , gives, , rise, , Consider the following, , <, , include, , int, , compilation, , error, , (D), , the, , program, , gives, , rise, , {, void, , f, , char, , *c;, , ·c, , =, , run-time, , error, , stdio.h>, , (void), , main, , to, , :, , (char*);, , "abed";, , EA, , void' f(char*);, r, , c="cfgh'.';, , The output, (A), , wi, , II, , be, , :, , printf("%d",t);, retum(O);, , The, output will be :, ), ·, , compilation, , program gives, , rise, , to, , run-time, , (B) 3, , (A, ., . . r, C, �, n cutive .values diffe, , 34, ., , Ora, , code, , Consider, , the, , 'A', , and, , effort, , option--, , are two constants, , "A", , ., , _, , ..., , both, , · (C) both, , are, , the, , of same, , in, , a C program., , ..., , size, , options A and Bare true, , Now,, , contiguous, , mem, , ., , ., , (B), , both, , (D) both, , are, , character constants, , the· options, , --&'---->, , ., , ... .e., , w·, , d, , ws, , m o, (A), , tion, , . none of these, , (D}, , nts are homogeneous, (ii) elements, , ., , ., of, , values, , stored by, , a, , single, , ts, , ., , ., , .--, , I, , ..., , operating, , ., , . .., , valid, , ,;(, fA), , access, , data, , latency, , ., , system is-, , (B), , trom, , ftJ), , only statements (ii) and (111} are!, ., statements (1),, , ii), (ii, , an, , d (iii) are al, , l'd, va, , I, , and .<111) a, , ., , ., , T, o, , (B), , ., , are va 1, re valid, , ., , multiprogrammrng, , mult1taskmg, , A and B are false, , ·, , ', , resented inthe numbers-are rep, (C) excess-3 code, , if, , ., , ., , and (ii), , (i}, , (C} only statements (1), , specify the correct, , 37, , ·, �, , 1 - bit, , Now, choose the appropnate opl'd, , ,, , 6., , (A), , None of these, , error, , (A) only statements, that, , · (D}, , ·, , only, , . In case of an array, (1) elerne, ., ., d (iii) number, ory location an, Ill, , ·, , <(§) Consider, , ., , statements., , ., occupy, , in, , (B} BCD, , y, 35, ·, , rise to, , fa, , 4, ) 2, , name., the, , i=I;, , •, , �bed, , (D), , s=0.0;, , t.i:, , tes;, , efgh, , (C) the program gives, , ., , s=s+2/i;, , SY, , return (0);, , code":, , C, , while(i<=4), , f (c):, printf ("%s"'c);, , 5 6, , <stdio.h>, , float, int, , TE, A, , #, , to, , C code, , C, , (C), , 30., , (D), , 6 5, , main(void), , H, , (A) yes, , ·, , Consider the followmg, #include, , (C), , (B} 6 6, , EX, , pri.�tf("no");, , ·, d., , IS, , k, , the most, ', , (B), , crucia, ., , transfer time, , 1, , <,Cl both, , A a�d B. (D) neitherA �or .B, , ·, ts-, , (C), , seek, , time, , (D), , waiting time, , .
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.,,,, , -·, , 8, , JELET - 2012, , ·Zt·,, , . JELET, , .38., , Unix, , operating system, , (A) multi-user, , 39 ., , The program, 'I"), , 40 ., , that intera, , shell, ., , t, . h k, c s wit, ernel, (B), , the incorrect, , (C), , 1 ., , . ., , mu titasking, , ·-, , coils, , connected, , its, , with, , current, , 3-phase, , in, , coil, , the, , in, , A, , C, , and, , C, , phase, , lines., , line, , The, , reads, , phase, , zero,, , is, , ABC., , If, , the, , 1, , power, , factor, , of, , the, , ', , sequence, , then, , the, , mesh, , • 45., , �, s, , x, , ., y,, , in, , The, , . CD} none of the above, figure below, is-, , the, , 0.5, , (B), , zero, , (A), , vc, , following-, , (C) Ire, , The equivalent resistance R across the terminal, , load will be-, , (D) none of the ebo, , evice driver, , among the, , X, , current, , wattmeter, , (C) d, , topology, , (A) star, (B), , �II of the a'ixive, , rs, , ., compiler, , network, , Two wattmeter method is employed to measure power in a 3-phase balanced system wiih, the, , ., 1.rmes hanng, , (B), , <, , Specify, , · 44., , is, , ·, , .vA, , . 2012, , operator, , 'a', , is, , given, , by, , (C) 0.5, , leading, , a, , =, , ILl20°., , Which, , lagging, , one, , of, , .(D), , the, , none of the above, , following, , equations, , is, , correct?, , �--2, 2, , r � r Q, , l::JL, , (A), , (C), , AM, , ., , =a, , 2, , a-a, 46., , y�>, , Permanent, , (B), , Magnet, , ,s.7,Q, , type, , 1-a, , 1 - \ =-a, , (D), , l+a, , 2, , "", , a-a, , moving, , instruments, , coil, , are, , used, , (A), , . (B) only for low frequency measurements, , 3 r ,..,, , A, , J.n, , <BJ, , 2 ", 42·, , EX, , (A) only for high frequency measurements, , periodic, , voltage, , (C), , 2r Q, , (D) r Q, , (C) both for high and low frequency, , .. �,.,,f,.., , wave orm, , is, , shown, , in, , the, , figure, , below., , The, , r.rn.s., , value, , of, , (D), , the, , only, , for de measurements, , H, , waveform is-, , A, , measurements, , galvanometer, , has, , the, , following, , constants, , : Inertia constant = 1.5, , ; Damping constant, , 47., , = 6 ; Deflection constant= 8000 radians/ampere. The value, , TE, A, , C, , IO, , 5, , r, , 100, , To obtain, , (B) 5.77 V, , maximum power,, , the, , value of, zl', , (6 �j8), , in, , 1.156, , V, , \, , would, , result in critical damping is-, , Q, , +, , (C), , (B) 4, , (D) 2, , 8, , A 2200/220 V, 50 Hz single phase transformer has exciting, current of 0.6 A and a core., 48., loss, , of, , 361, , m�gnetizing, , watts., , current, , when, , its, , component, , high, , voltage, , of the, , side, , transformer, , is, , energised, , at, , (A) 0.5 A, , 49., , The equiValent resistance between terminals x and y in, below, , is-, , rated, , is-, , (C) 0.577, , (B) 0.164 A, , voltage., , The, , •, (D) 0.6 A, , A, the, , .(., , resistive 'network, ·, , -, , of, , figure, , ·, , (D). IO V, , the figure below,, , should be--, , EA, , ., , . (C), , the restoring constant that,, , �, , SY, , '.A) 5 V, 43., , 200 t (m sec), , of, , lO, , Q, , Z,,, , j8 Q, , /., , (A) 3.75, , (D), , (-10.67 - jB), , Q, , (B) 2.375, , (C), , Q, , 2.73, , Q, , Q, ,, , ·.',·, ,·,,, , '/.,�, , --{, 'J., , \, , ', , I, , 2, , \, , L C C, , -\co, , I, ', , .t.., , �, , 0, , ·_, , �, , =,·, , "·�·', � · - . , ' , , .] · · · - �
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', , 10, , JELET, , 2012, , �, , JELET - 2012, , -:-===���---:--�·\, 50., , =, , For the following network, it is given that v, , of v, , v, , 3,, , and v, , 4V, , 1, , will be-, , v, , - 2V, , 2 -, , ', , ., , •, , Y4, , ,, , .;: ,, , 5, , 54., , Cage type induction 'motors having double cage rotors are. used to aehieve-e- ; ., , = 3V. Then the values, , 6, , ', , -, , +, , v,, , (A) high starting torque and, , �i6, , + v,, , (B) low, (C), , high, , (D), , low, , + v,, , -, , -, , 55., , i,, , i,, , +, v,-, , v·, , starting torque, , low, , and low, , operating, , starting torque and high, starting torque and high, , operating slip, , Load (amp), , 20, , 30, , ! i,, , v,, , Distance, , ! i,, , 50, , AM, , (metres), , If the supply end voltage is 250, , , 5, , ·, , (, B) -2V,, , ·, , end is-, , IV, 5V respectively, , ., 1V, 5V, ·, ., , respectively, senes circuit the transient current th, h h, ,, ., ., damped oscillatory and alte, ., h, roug, t e crrcuit with d.c. excitation Will, ,, rnattng w en-, , be, , respectively, ., , (D) 2y, •, , 2, , (A), , (-R.), , (B)(-R.)2 > _, I, , LC, , 2L, , (C), , LC, , (·.R.), , =-1, , 2L, , LC, , (D) none of the above, , 56., , ., , 100, , (A), , C carry, , their usual, , Vx, with the polarities, , meanings., , shown in. the fizure below is eoual, 05, , v,, , to-, , 3 Q, , 10 V, , 4 V, , SY, , v'A., , +, 10 Q, , 75 V, , (B, , excited d.c,, , ), , LO V, , (C) 5.V, , EA, , (A), , 53 · A separately, data :, , (A), , 59., , =, , 10, , =, , yx\, , Friction, , constant is zero., h, , e. mec, , (A) 0.2, , ', gnical, , sec, , (B), , sec, , Strength, , Which, , (D) yellow··water., , (C), , 50 µ, , (C), , noise, , (D), , 70, , µ, , (B), , soil, , pollution, , JB), , anaerobic, , ¢) . air, , pollution, , pollution, , (C). facultative, , (D), , natural, , of the sewage depend on the value of-, , SJrJ, , one, , is, , B.OD., , (C), , C.O.D:, , (D) TD.S., , the major air pollutant in an Oil Refinery ?, , particulate, , Which, , matte�, , WJCO, , one of the following is criteria, , (A) C0, , (B), , (D) S02, , (C) NH3, , pollutant-, , (D) 3 75 V, , r/i'f CO, , HN01, , (D) H2S04, , ., , 2, , following, 64., , Which of the following is not a renewable energy(A), , hydroelectric, , � crude oil, , (C) biomass, , (D), , solar ., , {D), , berlin, , 0.05 Q, 65., , CDM, (A), , 66., , ., of the motor is-, , (C), , water, , treatment unit is-, , _____ !!., ? -,, , 0.02 sec, , (D), , O.QJ, , sec, , is a mechanism for stabilisation, , jH), , montreal, , Which one, , of GHG adopted in-, , kyoto, , (C), , ramsar, , of the following gases has the most GHG potential, , CH4, , (B), , CO, , ,, , (C) H2S, , ., , ?, , jifJJ, , CO,, , }'he ambient noise standatj, is notified under the(A), , 0 .I, , Pf grey, , •, 61., , 63., , 3 Nm/amp. _, , (inertial) time constant, , therrqcsphere, , troposphere, , used to control-, , aerobic, , (A), Th, , of-·, , (C), , (B) 20 µ, , water pollution, , F, AB, , Inertia of rotating parts, J = 18 lg:m2, Km., , region, , (B) brown water, , µ, , Bag Filter is, , (A), , Total inductance of m 1, ·, ., ., o or armatur� and SCR circuit L ·= 0.01 H, , M�t�� torque constant,, , (D) 243 V, , (C) 248.2 V, , 246.6 V, , Re�able particulate matter indicates particle size less· than-, , (A), , 60., , .Q per conductor per metre., , water generated from honseholds kitchen popularly known as-, , black water, , �, , 62., , ·, �otor, fed from silicon-controlled rectifiers has the, , Total �esistance �f motor armature and SCR circuit R, , 300, , the voltage at the tapping point nearest to the supply, , � stratosphere, , (A) T.S.S., , -, , 200, , (D), , mesosphere, , Waste, , C, , L and, , TE, A, , R,, , v., , Ozone is formed naturally in the upper, , 58., , .52., , (B), , (A) 244 V, , 57., , 2, , <_, I, , 2L, , EX, , - 5V respectively, _ JV, y, ., , H, , - IV,, , ., •, SL In an RLC, , 50, , from, , end, , The resistance of ihe distributer· is 0.0001, , 2Y,, , :, , 80, , +, Supply, , (A), , l, , operating slip, , A two-wire d.c. distributer supplies the following loads, , I, , (C) -2V, , slip, , operating slip, , water act, , ·, , JB), , air act, , (C), , civil act, , (D), , criminal, , act
Page 7 :
1;31, , JELET - 2012, , 12·, , JELET, , 2012, , , 75., · 68., , Sludge conditioning is, , Two particles A and B are traveling along the x and y-axes towards the origin with-speeds, , done to reduce itsof 4 mis, rn/ volume, , (A) · strength, ., , 69., , ., , (C), , J,,t5J, , zeta, , and 3 mis, respectively., , (D), , temperature, , (D), , PU, , (B), , J?{) PVC, , 70 .. Which environmental problem is, involves 'sulfur ? ", , (C) pp, , t�e, , result, , of, , chemical, , reaction, , in, , the, , approaching, , at a speed of 5, , (C) moving away, , atmosphee, , that, , · (D), , smog, , deforestation, , (B), , ., , (�cid rain, , -:--, , (B) 9.81, , about the point p for, , a_, , 3cm is-, , -, , =, , l, , ._, , a, , :,,:, , •', , ----,-, , a bicycle, , uphill., , •, The, , of the bicycle, , (CJ 66 crrr", , rolling, , fr, i, ., nction, , 88 cnr' ., , (D), , (RF•J, , and, , sliding, , are-, , (A) backward RF and SF on both the wheels, , (B) forward SF and backward RF on both the wheels, wheel and backward SF on both, , (D), , forward SF on rear wheel, , The, , dimensional, , unit, , ., , a�d backward RF on, , of moment, , of, , momentum, , both, , may, , be, , T�o cables, , •, , are, , (B), , ., , ML2T"z, , ML'T�', , (C), , I, , whee:.', , t, �, -.:, :,:, ,!,, ':,,., 's,, ,, ', ;, �, , ., , �, , �, ,::, ., , :<.-:,..y::', , ' ,..._, , it., , �, , o.3, , .. '�, , ','·, , ,,as-, , .<D), , m,, , (A), , (B), , 2'.(, , ., , g, , 3T, g, , (C), , ., , ·, , ·, , ., , 79., , Two forces, , i\ = 5i, , -3} + 2k'N, , ., , ' displacing it by, , S, , g, , and, , Fi = -i, , +6}-'2k N act, , _.�q _ _B -�q', , :_, , 80., , (B) 5 J, , (C), , The ratio of the second moments of inertia of an· elliptic disc about its major and minor, , 4, , 2, , I, , (A), , ', , )3��, , (B), , .l!, , .\L,a·, , a, , (D), , a body,, , (D) 7 J, , 6 J, , (C), , are, , used, , parallel, , and, , non, , intersecting, , non-parallel, , and, , non-intersecting, , '8kN, , (C), , �, b, , a', , for power transmission between, , Worm gears, , (D), , .l1._, , two shafts, , '(B) non-parallel, , 2, (C), , on, , axes, a and b, respectively, is-, , 81., , 2 kN, , simultaneously, , = i + } + k m . The work dope by ;he force is-r-., , (A) 4 J, , -A,---, , ., , H., , MLT-2, , -+------(-A), , (B), , in the right hand cable of the pulley system shown., , 0 5 m ·, , int:, , .L . . . ., , (A) 4 kN, , 1, , ,,'----,..,--,----', , ,...., ., , - ·, ,, , .fi., , (SF), , tied t�gether at B and are loaded as shown .. Tension in the cable AB is., , .L l, , ., , EA, , 74., , MLT-, , the, , expressed, , 1, , (A), , the whe, , friction, , SY, , forward RF on front, , (Ii), , �l, , I, , TE, A, , (BJ 44 ems, , (C), , 2, , C, , •, , •, , cm'', , i., , ', , the cable and the pulley, the. mass, M is equal to-, , • .:, , a, , 73., , (D) 48.12 W, , H, , :, , (B), , A spring scale indicates a tension, , b, , (C), , is released ?, , . in the figure. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the ignoring the friction between, , J_ _ _ f_, , p, , 2'8, , EX, , (A), , 78., , [he_ wheel_s, , it, , .(C) 96.24 W, , its axis, passing through one of its ends }s3bgy, , l, , 2b, , acting on, , ,, , Radius Of gyration of a slender rod of length l andmass m about a line perpendicular to, , T - - --, , /, , W, , Group-B, , Th e polar moment of inertia of the object in the figure, , pedaling, , the y axis, , A 2 kg mass is released from a height of JO m, Ne_glecting the friction of air, what is the, , Question Nos. 71 to 100 of this group are for all branches of Engg/Tech. except Printing Technolo, , are, , angle approximately 37,° with the y axis, , · rate of change of kinetic energy of the. mass immediately after, , ozone hole., , (D), , 77., , You_, , at an, , moving away at a speed of 5 mis at an angle approximately 53° with the y axis, , AM, , ., , (A) 33, , ·m1, s, , at a speed of 5 mis at an angle approximately 53° with, , (A) 0, , 12., , l, , ·, , ·, 76., , (A), , 71., , see particle A-., , mis at an· angle approximately 53° with the y ·axis, , (A) approaching at a speed of 5, , Dioxic and Furan are emitted during the incineration of (A) PET, , ., , Particle B would, , ·, , potential, , (DJ collinear, , and, , that areintersecting, , 1
Page 8 :
JELET - 2012, , 82., , When a slider moves with a velocity u on a link rotating at an angular speed of, , 00, , th, , Coriok's component of acceleration is given by-, , (A), , l'i.uw, , uco, , (B), , uw, , (C), , A steel bar of 40 mm x 40 mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive, e, , (D), , load of 200 kN. If the length of the· bar is 2m and E = 200 GPa, the compression of the, bar will be-, , \, , 2uw, , 2, , 83., , (A), , The mechanical advantage of the pin-removing system shown in the Figure is-··, , 90., , F, , ', , 1.25 mm, , (B), , 2.70 mm, , (C) 4.05, , mm, , ', , (D) 5.40 mm, , A cantilever beam is subjected to a unifqrmly distributed load over whole of its length., , The maximum bending moment developed in the beam will be at it�, (A) middle span, 91., , (B), , 113"' of span, , (C), , fixed end, , (D) free end ·, , The area moment of inertia of a rectangular beam cross-section of width b and depth h, , • about an axis which is parallel to its depth, is proportional to-, , AM, , 3, , (A) .hb, ,., , 92., , �, �, , 84., , 5.Jj, , :._.0.1-, , m, , (A), , 10, , (B), , The property by, , (C), , 10.Jj, , 93., A b_all falls from a height of 1 m, hits the ground and rebounds with half its velocity just, , (C), , 3, , hb, , (D) bh, , which an amount of energy is absorbed by a material, , without plastic, , is called-, , toughness, , (D) 20, , 2, , hb, , (B), , impact strength, , (C) ductility, , ., , (DJ' resilience, , EX, , (AJ, , (B), , deformation, , 2•, , From a tension test, the yield strength of s_t.;.l is found to be 200 N/mm, , Using a tactor, , of safety of 2.0 and applying maximum principal stress theory of failure, the permissible, , before the impact. Then, after rising,, , it, , again falls and hits the ground and rebounds with, , stress in the steel shaft subjected to torque will be-, , half the, , velocity of approach. ;rbe process continues till the bali comes to rest on the, , ground. The total distance traveled by the ball during this entire event is-, , (B), , 1, , the, , position, , m, , (C), , f, , 1 m, , (D), , m, , H, , 2 m, , 94., , 4 ., , The, , time, 3, , x = 2t, , 2, , + t, , constituent, , (A) u, , e6., , =, , variation, , of, , a, , particle, , in, , + 2t. It. If u is the velocity and a is, , units,, , 0, a, , of., , =, , the, , 0, , motion, (B), , started, , u, , =, , rectilinear, , the acceleration, , with-, , 0, a, , =, , 2, , A simply-supported steel beain of breadth, , (C), , u, , =, , 2, a, , =, , O, , value. Which of the, , (B) 4750 kN m, laterally, , (C), , loaded beam, , following measures, , given, , u, , (D), , =, , 6750 kN m, , =, , increase the span of the beam, , -, , (A), , than, , one, , having, , 88., , increase the magnitude of the load, , (C) the square beam experiences, , 15 m is, , (D) as the material, 95., , loaded Centrically by, , load (PCr) is given by- ., , a compressive, , load P., , cross-section, , and, , 100�, , another, , circular, , cross-section., , more bending stress than the square one, more bending stress, , column, , is, , reduced, , by, , 20%,, , the, , percentage, , reduction, , (B) 36, , (C) 49, , (D) 59, , (A), , yield strength, , (B), , proportional limit, , (C) elastic limit, , (D) tensile strength, , The stress-strain behaviour of a material is shown in the following figure, Stress MPa, , ., , I!� ··································, , i, , buckling·, •, , 2, , EI), , _30·, , (BJ, "'---�---J---.;---p,, Str�in (mm/mm), , (3L2), , of Euler, , Which one of the following properties is more sensitive to increase in strain rate?, , 7 0 - - - - - - �, , =(rr, , .,, , thah the circular one, , 60, , Per, , are, , is same both beams will experience same dcformatio1i, , If diameter of a long, , (A) 4, , · 96., , 97., , The critical, , ., , mm, , buckling load is-, , a specified, , A pin-ended column of length L, modulus of elasticity E and second moment of area of, the cross-section I is, , (D), , maximum bending stress developed in both the beams is the same, , (CJ select a different material having lesser modulus of elasticity, (D), , Square, , 86.SN, mm2, , mm2, , mm, , beams,, , (C), , 57.7N, , (B) the circular beam experiences, , 2 ., , (D)8750 kN m, , found to deflect more, , 2, , the material of both the beams are the same then-, , particle in, , 2, a, , Two, , (B), , 50N, , -subjected to the same amount of bending moment. If the cross-sectional area as well as, , by, , will reduce deflection ?, , (A) increase the area moment of inertia, (B), , was, , EA, , 3375 kN M, , of the, , SY, , The beam is subjected to a maximum bending moment of{A), , is, , 120 mm, height 750 mm and length, , subjected to an udl of 120 kN/w. Assume Es.,,, = 200 GPa., , 87 · A simply supported, , motion, , TE, A, , 85., , C, , (A), , (A), , l, , 0.004, , 0.008, ,, , O.Oi2
Page 9 :
JELET - 2012, , 16', , JELET - 2012, , resilience, , and toughness,, , Nm and, , in, , m3,, , respectively,, , (C), 98., , 14 x, , he, , !04,, , shape, , T, , 76 x 104, , 104., , of, , 4, , 90 x, , the, , (B) 28 x 10', 48, , ., , (D) 76 x 104,, , 10, , ending, , moment, , b, , diagram, , for, , In a multiple V-belt drive,, , distributed, , load, , over its, , length, , the broken, , belt only, , a straight, , line, , (C), , the broken, , belt and the belts, , cantilever, , am, , carrying, , be, , an ellipse, , (C), , The second moment of a circular area about, , Ari, , imaginary, , by-, , --, , (B), , (C), , (B), , .!'A, , PL, , (C), , The deformatiori, , 100 of this, , 81., , P.L, , 82., , :, , ., , group are for the, branch of Printing Technology., , L metres, , produced, , bar is-, , in the, , J_, , extends, , (BJ, , 73., , 74., , 75, , ., , Modular ratio of the two, , (A), , linear stress, , (C), , shear stress, , The, , volumetric, , strain, , original, , length, , original, , volume, , is, , the ratio, , reep in belt drive, , C, , o, , e, , s -due, , i, , change, , in, , length, , n, , 83., , linear stress to linear strain, , (D), , their modulus, , elt, , is, (A), 7, , 7., , of, , centrifugal, , one-half, , n the belt, , --, , (C), , sum, , in, , -or-the, , (D) .averagc, , w, , weak, , (C), , elt, , b, , tension., , is, , The, , um, , maxim, , orrect, , c, , passes, , hen, , w, , I, , word, , the, , words, , s stationary, it is subjected to some tension, is, , of the, , ·1e·�Sion;-;n 'the, , tension, , of, , sion, , ten, , blank, , (D), , n, , i, , the, , tight, , (B) tension in the slack, , e, , sid, , ight side and, , t, , d, , an, , ack, , sl, , slack, , de, , si, , side, , of the, , of the, , �he type, , (D), , gearing, , the, , 85., , double cover plate, , usually specified by-_, , IS, , angle, , circular, , (B), , pitch, , diameter, , (D) none of the above, , The instrument, , used to, , and depth, , depth, , measuring, , of holes,, , compressiv�, , I, , stress, , ., , external and internal diameter of shafts. thickness, , (B), , micrometer, , micrometer, , inside, , �), , ,emie7", , calliper, , A ring gauge is used to-, , Which, , the diameter of shafts or studs, , (B) test, , statement, , is, , not, , (D), , lower surface tension, , (B), , Jyophilic colloid has higher surface tension than that, , has, , all of the ab�ve, , sru,ie, , viscosity, , as, , than, , of the di�persi�n, , that, , that of the, , of the, , solution, , for, , 88., , dispersion, , he, , in, , ., , lithographic, , process, , of ammonium dichrornate,, , con�a1�, umen, , and, , egg, , a, , and, , egg, , �lbumcn, , phosphoric acid and gum, , arabic, , none of the above, , The solvent, , used, , for, , cleaning Neoprene blanket is-, , toluene, , (B) kerosene, , (C) ester or ketone, , Sodium sulphite, (A), , medium., , ., , image carrier, , aqueous solution of ammonium dichrornate, ammonium hydroxide, , (A) benzene and, T, , med1�11fl.., , dispersion medium., , colloid has poor stability., , coating, , of holes, , ., , lyophilic colloid.., , Light sensitive, , the accuracy, , correct 1, , (A), , (D), , three-times, , of, , is�, , micrometer, , gauge, , ., , placing a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to(B), , (C) lyophobic colloid has, , 87., , pitch, , (D) pitch circle, , (C) check the clearance between two mating surfaces, 86., , t, , side of the belt, , gearing, , one of the .above, , any, , tensile stress, , (A) check, , bel, , is-, , spiral, , used is, , of joint, , (B) a·lcOhol s�iution of ammonium dichromate, ammonium hydroxide, , own as initial tension., , kn, , boilers,, , (C) bevel, , shear stress, , (C), , 89., , belt, , with, , (D)' lyophobic, , equal to the--, , the t�t side, , in, , (C) _aqueous sojutton, , the., , in, , cirde, , as-, , gearing, , (A), , (A), , (CJ two-times, , one-third, , joint, , a nut is tightened by, , ( .\) · outside, , of the pulley, , maximum, , helical, , (B), , (C), , parts, , volume, , from tight side to slack, , material, , i, , value of this tension, tension, , a, , (B), , Whe, , (A), , by, , hen it, , b, , of the belt, , ower transmitted, , p, , strain, , of elasticities, , the original, , joint, , pressure, , When, , 84., , L, , of-, , to-, , weak material of the 'belt, , he, , The, , , ., , 0.0011, , (D), , 0.011, , is known, , arrangement, , The size of a gear, , (BJ change in length to the original length, , neven extension and contractions of the, , T, , of P kg., , (D) change in volume to, , volume, , i, , u, , (D) expansion, , ., , 76, , force, , (B), , side, (B), , tensile, , the ratio oft� ·, , th, , quadruple, , (D), , L, , is, , strain, , to the change, t, , under .a, , mm, , to shear strain, , (C), , A), , 1, , (C), , materials, , to lateral, , (A), , (, , by, , QJL, L, , L, , double, , (C), , clearance, , (D), , (D), , H, , A bar of length, , (A), , half, , (B), , circle, , (B) butt joint with single cover plate, , C, , to, , circle (C) pitch, , (C) butt, , is-, , TE, A, , 72., , equal, , longitudinal, , (C) diarnetral, , of a bar under its· own weight is --- the deformation, if the same, , EA, , (A), , l, , as the actual, , (A) lap joint with cine ring overlapping the other, , (A), , SY, , the blank, , For, , AE., (D), , body is subjected to a direct load equal to weight of the body. The correct word/ words, in, , the same motion, , gives, , ., dedendum, , (B), , (A) spur gearing, , L, , Group----C, to, , rolling action, , pure, , called-, , is, , addendum circle, , of 'the shaft. This, , 64, , AE, , AE, , Question No. 71, , l, , ---, , given by-, , LE, , 71., , (D), , 32, , The elongation of a long slender rod of length L. area A and Modulus of elasticity E due, , (A), , none of the above, , Two parallel and coplanar shafts are connected by gears having teeth parallel to �he axis, , (nn4), , --, , 16, , to an axial load P is, , which .by, , circle,, , EX, , 100., , (nn4), , --, , 4, , all the belts, , (D), , ·, 80., , (A), , (B), , on either side of it, , a parabola, , (D), , the diameter D is given, , (11n4), , (11D4), , is broken. t�e-n we should reP,l�ce-, , a, , (A), , 99., , the belts, , is-, , a hyperbola, , (B), , of, , 104, , gear,, , (A), , one, , if, , (A), , 79., uniformly, , ?, , x 10', , 104 x, , uniform, , a, , J, , are--, , 78., (A) 28 x, , AM, , ts, , I, , ·, , restrainer, , ls, , and, , little, , naptha, , (D) none of the above, , added in, (B), , a developing sohu.o.v a�, oxidant, , ((.'', , a-, , reducer, , elt, , b, , lt, , be, , - - - - - - - - - ------, , (D), , preservative
Page 10 :
JELET - 20i2, , 18, , 90., , In Frenkel defect of Silver bromide crystal,, , (A) cation, (B) anion, , ., , which phenomenon, , does not, , occur?, , vacancy, vacancy, , (C) the number of interstitial silver increases with the temperature, (D) the bromine, , 92., , Negative, , network remains, , working RS., , intact., , Plate contains-, , (A), , ammonium dichromate and gum arabic · (B) albumen, , (C), , silicone. rubber, , ·, , (D) diazo compound, , Solid photopolymer plate for flexography does not contain-CA) benzoin, , as, , photoinitiator, , (B), , (C) polyester base for package printing, , AM, , 91., , acrylate momomer', , (D) cobalt Napthenate, , 93., , The desired value of pH of the fountain solution to be used for sheetfed offset ink is-, , 94., , Washburn equation states that penetration of liquid through capillaries of paper depends, only on. the radius, , (B) only on, , of capillary, , pore, , (D), , 10-11, , the surface tension and the contact angle between the liquid and.solid surface, , (C) on, , viscosity, , (D) on, , all of the above, , and, , surface tension, , of the liquid, , WhiCh statement is not true for fountain solution used in offset lithe> printing process=, , C, , 95., , (C) 1, , 5.4-5.6, , H, , (A), , (B), , EX, , (A) 2-2.5, , (A) fountain solution serves to keep non-image areas of a lithographic plate free from ink, increases, , wetting ability, , of fountain solution, , TE, A, , (B) alcohol, , (C) citrate buffer maintains plI of fountain solution at a steady value, · (D) EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetracetic acid) Is added in fountain solution as, , 97., , Quickset, , ink is, , used, , (A), , sheet-fed offset process, , (C), , web-offset, , Waxes, , (A), , are, , .(B) gravure printing process, , process, , used, , increase, , in, , (D) flexo printing for publication, , printing ink to, , gloss, , (B), , (C) reduce surface tension, Choose the correct, , EA, , 98., , 99., , .., , 100., , impart rub-resistance, , . (D) improve drying time, , combination-, , (A), , strong paper-sulphate pulp, , (B), , stronger paper-sulphite pulp ., , (C), , newsprint-sulphate, , (D), , white, , Choose, , the correct, , (A) adhesive, , I-dry, , (C) adhesive, , 3-Hot, , Etching is, , pulp, , and bright paper-Mechanical, , (B) adhesive 2-develop bonds of polymerizing, , melt adhesive, , (D), , adhesive, , (A) nitric, , acid solution, , (B) ferric, , chloride solution of varying concentration, , (D) phosphoric, , pulp, , combination, , 2-dextrin, , done in gravure by, , --(G)-ammonium, , surfactant, , for-., , SY, , 96., , bichromate, , solution, , acid and gum arabic solution., ,, h, , .t,