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(Booklet No., , -, , ), , JELET- 2013, ENGINEERING I TECHNOLOGY, Time : 2 hours, , I., , 2., , AM, , Full Marks : 100, , This question paper contains all objective questions., Questions, , must, , be, , answered, , on, , Objective, , Response, , Sheet, , (ORS), , by, , darkening, , the, , appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, D) against the question number on the respective, , EX, , Left hand column. Each question has only one correct best answer., 3., , All ORS willbe processed by electronic means. Hence, invalidation of Answer Sheet due, to folding or putting stray marks on, , or any damage to the Answer Sheet as well as, , it, , incomplete/ incorrect filling of.the Answer Sheet will, , be the sole responsibility of the, , Incorrect, , answers, , will, , carry NEGATNE, , H, , candidate., 4., , 1 /3, , marks., , mark will, , 1, , be deducted, , (or, , each, , mark., , Answers without any response will be awarded zero mark. Wrong resp(?nse or more than, , TE, A, , 5., , C, , wrong answer. Each correct answer will be awarded, , one response will be treated as incorrect answer and negative marks will be awarded for, the same., 6., , Write, , your Roll, , 7., , Use only Black/Blue Ball Point Pen to mark the answers by complete filling up of the, , 8., , Mobile, , specified, , number, Application, , Form No., , and, , Question, , Booklet number at the, , locations of the ORS., , ,, , facilities, , SY, , respective bubbles., phones,, , Calculators,, , of Calculator,, , Slide, , Charts,, , Rules,, , Graph, , Log, , sheets, , Tables, , or any, , and, , other, , Electronic, form, , Watches, , of Tables, , with, , are NOT, , EA, , allowed in the examination hall. Possessiorf�f such devices during the examinations may, lead to cancellation of the paper besides seizing of the same., , 9., , Mark the answers only in the space provided. Please do not make any stray mark on ·the, , ORS., , I 0., , Rough work can be done on the. question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given, at the end pf the question paper for rough work., , 11., , This question paper contains 36 printed pages, check all pages and report,, , 12., , if, , including pages for rough work. Please, , there is any discrepancy., , Please hand over the ORS to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall., , [ I ]
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'< ', , JELET- 2013, , ENGINEERING I TECHNOLOGY, , ,3, , Each Question Carries I Mark, , X and Y stand in a line at random with 10 other people. The probability that there are, , 7., , Time : 2 hours, , 3 people between X and Y is-, , Full Marks : I 00, , Part-A, , 2, 33, , (A), , (Question NosI - 70 for all candidates), 8., , 4, , 4, , TT, , (B), , (C), , I, , 33, , TT, , (D), , For a group of 200 candidates the mean and standard deviation were found to be 40 and, 1 5 respectively. Later on it was discovered that the scores 43 and 35 were misre�d as 34, , r., , If A = (, , i, , �, , l, , f, , then A +, , AT, , and 53· respectively. The corrected mean and standard deviation are respectively., , is-, , (A) Identity matrix, , (BJ Skew, , (C) Skew Hermitian, , matrix, , Hermitian, , matrix, , (C) Symmetric matrix, , below., , .·, , X :, · x + I, , 2, , d, , 2., , d, ., , 3, , Y :, , x, , I, , 2, , 3x, , x, , 14, , (C) 39:959,, , X and Y in ten, , 14.79, , (D) 39.955,, , innings during a certain, , season, , 14.97, given, , are, , 32, , 28, , 47, , 63., , 71, , 39, , 10, , 60, , 96, , 14, , 19, , 1, , 1, , 48, , 53, , 67, , 9 0 ', , 10, , 62, , ·40, , 80, , EX, , 2, , (B) 39.995,, , The scores of two batsmen, , ., •, , x, , 14.25, , AM, , (A) 38.955,, 9., , Which batsman is more consistent in scoring?, , · (A) X, , (B) 4, , (A) 0, , 12, , (C), , (D) 5, , b1, , C1, , a2, , b 2 ', , 02, , a3, , b3, , C3, , B1, B2, B3, , (A), , 4., , A, , +C1, + C2, + C3, , ,, , then, , C1, , +A1, , A1, , + B1, , C2, , + A2, , A2, , + B2, , C3, , + A3, , 0, , A3, , (B), , man travelling East at 8, , doubling his speed, , he, , TE, A, , a1, , 6 =, , is equal to, , + 83, , 262, , Km/hr, , (C) 26, , (D), , finds that wind appears to come from, , 5., , 8, , Km/hr North, , West, , ·, , EA, , (C), ,, , (B), , Km/hr North, , Projection, , of vector, , (D), , A, , = i -, , 2j +, , k, , North, , 8, , Km/hr North, ,, , on the vector, , B, , Km/hr, , = 4i, , East., , Population, , (in, , thousand), , The population for the, (A), 11., , (C) Both X and Y, , Y, , in, , the, , Year, , x :, , ·, , curve, , 189 1, , 190 1, , 46, , 66, , 56.2, y(x), , is, , 6., , (13), , 1i, , (C), , I, i, , 1, , given, , 911, , 5, , 0.50, , 0.75, 0.5714, , 1.0 0, 0 . 5 000, , ', , Find, , 0.69, , (B), , the velocity, , 0.59, , (C), , 0.48, , (D) 0.65, , 13., , Gauss elimination method of solving a system of linear equation, , xl, , 1.3275, , � x, -, , 1, , =, , A real, , (A), , root of f(x), , =, , 12 ., , 0, , is, , given, , by, (C), , (BJ '1.3292, , 1.3 28 1, , (D), , 1.3222, , is-, , East, (A), , + 7k, , 14., , Iterative, , Given, , that, , method, , F(u), , =, , Then xu, + yuy +, , is--, , (D), , V, , (B) Floating method (C) Exact method, , (x,, , ZUz, , y, ,, , z) where, , Vis, , u, , 15., , If 8, , (D) None of the above J, , a homogeneous function in x,, , (A), , 2, , F-82, , z of degree n., , nF(u), , (D), , (B), , F(u), , (C), , (B)-, , i, , nVu, , F'(u), , = t• exp (- r214t) then the value of n for which, , l, , y,, , will be equal to-, , nux, , 1;, , [ 2], ,, , 57.5, , (D), , 0.6667, , L, (CJ, , IOI, , below., , u, , .L J__ (r2, r2, , 5, , 1931, , 93, , be-, , ae ), , 1, , (A), , them, , 1921, , 81, , 0.25, , ?, , -----3, , of, , On, , Five persons A, B, C, D, E occupy seats in a row at random. What is the probability that, A and B sit next to each other, , None, , (D), , as below., , (C) 5 5 .82, , nF'(u), 1, :, , given, , Find the area in sq. units under the curve bounded by the lines x = 0, x = l and y =·0-, , (A), , (A), , was, , 0.8000, , o, , 1.0000, , y :, , census, , 1 8 9 5 was estimated to, , (B), , values of a, , decimal, , :, , year, , 54,85, , Tabulated, , (A), North., , North, , - 4], , (B), , The population of a town, , I, , finds that wind seems to blow directly-from, , of wind(A), , in-, , C, , Bi, Ci b� respectively cofactors of a1, bi, Ci, i = 1 , 2, 3, , If Ai,, , SY, , 3., , H, , 10., , ar, , dr, , =, , ae, a,, , (D)-, , is-, , t
Page 3 :
4, , JELET - 2 0 1 3, JELET - 2 0 1 3, , 2, , 16., , The particular _int�gral of, , return ( ] ) ;, 2, , + a y = sec ax is-, , �}, , �ompilation error, 22., (A), , ax +, , 2' sin, , -t cos ax log (cos ax), , a, , a, , 5, , (B), , ,, , ; cos ax +, , (B) Runtime error, , (C), , 10, , The output of the following stretch of code will, , be, , (D) 0, :, , -t sin ax log (cos ax), , a, , int main(void), {, , (C), , ; sin ax - -t,cos ax log (cos ax), , (D), , ; cos ax, , +. -t sin ax log (sin ax), , a, , int, , a,, , b ;, , int, , 2, , Given that y, , =, , d, , 3, , x, , is a solution-of x, , 2, , --t, dx, , p = & a ; a =, , d, , =, , + x dy - 9y, x, , 0., , The other linear independent, , f, , e 3x, , (C), , e, - 3x, , is given, , The solution, , /, , of I + y2, , + (x - e_,,,,-,;) dy, , /', , = a213 where a is a variable, , (B) x413 _ y413, , = c413, , (D) x213 _ y413, , =, , =, , O, , =, , at y(O), , 1, , if(•x, a 113, , is given, , by-, , dx, , -I, , (A) x tan-I y, , =, , e-tan, , -I, Y, , -, , 1!., , (B), , 1'", , xe-, , Y, , =, , tan-, , 1, , _,, Y, , - {, , (D) y =, , cos-I, , (3/7), , What will, , (B), , A, , = 3i - 6], , cos-I, , (1/7), , + 2k, , ex "?", , (C) cos-I, , 0,, , s =, , 0 ;, , while (x), {, , (D), , EA, , =, , l, , (4/7), , be the output of the following stretch of code?, , {, , +, , makes with x axis is-, , int main(void), , int x, , Y, , SY, , 21., , x = e-toa, , The angle which the vector, , (A), , *p);, , •x,' int, , • y,, , int *z), , ., , •y), , ., <, , {, , z = y ; * x = • z + l ;, , ), (a), , 4, , -I, , 20., , a,, , y - .TI., , 4, , (C), , = 20 ;_, , b, , }, , y, , by, , = c4/3, , y4!3, , +, , x -3, , void f (int, , x213 - y213 = a213, , (C) x413 +, , (D), , 213, , H, , parameter, , 1, , (B), , EX, , 3 e3x, , The orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves xW, , (A), , ;, , return (0) ;_, , TE, A, , 18., , x, , _*), , ;, , d %d",, , by-, , C, , (A), , is given, , IO ;, , (& a; & b, p), , printf("o/o, solution, , t ,Jnt--�;-int, , AM, , void f (i.!!!._, , 17., , *p ; ·, , a-, , �/4, , 23., , 10, , (B), , 20, , 21, , 21, , (C) 21, , 20, , (D), , IO 21, , ., , int main(void), , {, int x [4], , int, , i,, , •, [SJ ;, , j, k ;, , for (i = 0 ; i, , <, , 4 ; + + i), , for (j = 0, k = I, , x, , [i], , ; j < 5 ; j+ +), , ., , {, , lil, , }, , =, ,., , k, , i, , k++ ;, , r-, , i = l ; j = 2 ;, printf("%d", ••(x + i + j)) ;, return (0);, , s = s + x ;, , }, , x +.+;, , ., , if (x > 4), , Consider the size of, , break ;, , will be the output?-, , --------i--, , (A) Error, , printf("%d'', s ) ;, , _, '-., , ...., , · ., , ., , ., , ", , ·, an, , integer to be 2 bytes and the array starts at address, , (B) 3, , (C), , 1, , (D), , 130, , 100. What, , -
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,., JELET- 2 0 1 3, , JELET - 2 0 1 3, , 6, , --, , --, , ., , 24., , i, , ���������--���-------------..........._._.-----·����-�����, 36., , Choose the most appropriate option.-, , Student record contains roll, name, address and score. In a C program, such records have, been, , written, , in a file using fprintf()., , .kKS'A program, , Specify the most appropriate option.-, , ;, , B are true, , A program written in, , language needs a translator to generate the object code, , assembly, , are guaranteed to be of fixed length., (C), , (C) Both the options A and, , 1, l, , .(Ji), , .tB) Records, , (A) The file will be an ascii file., , written in machine language needs a translator to generate the object code, , (D) Neither option A nor option, , Both, , options A and B are true, , B is true, (D) Both options A and B are false, , 25., , Two square matrices of dimension N, , x, , N are, , t, o, , be multiplied., , Computational, , cost will, 37., , be-, , Which tile keeps commands to execute automatically when operating system is started?, , ·, (A), 2, , (C) Order ofN, , 3, , (D), , 38., , 26., , Using 4 bit sign - 2's complement form, range of values that can be represented, , W27., , 8 to + 7, , (B) - 7 to + 8, , 'Fwo, , (B) 0 1 0 0 0 1 0, , integers, , are, , t, o, , (C) 0 1 0 0 1 0 0, , be added using sign 2's, , (A) Both the, , complement, , is-, , W S�ck, , Choose the, , (D) 0 1 0 0 1 1 0, , representation. Choose the most, , time, , (B) Access time, , (D) Integers are, , Connections to the internet, , (C), , (D) Dish connection, , Baseband connection, , The current flowing through the 2Q resistor in the following circuit, , (B) Processors, , (B) 23/3, , H, , (D) 27/5, , of errors, , of errors, , be, , delivered, , to the client. For necessary, , (A) Interpreter, , interpreter, , Choose the most appropriate· option., hard, , disk, , In TCP/IP, which protocol, , 20, , •, 23.Y, , -, , (C) Multiplexer, , � FTP, , In which network configuratio.n all data pass th!Yt1gh, , (e) Star, , (B) Ring, , 42., , The r.m.s. value of a current that starts of zero, rises, , instantaneously,, , then remains at a, , value of20 amperes for 10 seconds, then decreases instantaneously remaining at a value, of 10 amperes for 20 seconds and then repeat this cycle, , (A), , 1 4 . 1 4 amperes, , (B) 6.66 amperes, , (C) 3.65, , is-, , amperes, , (D), , IS, , amperes, , 43., , Two coils on the armature, , hard disk, of each coil, , is, , of, , an alternator are displaced 60 electrical degrees, The emf, , 100 volts. The resultant emf of the two coils when connected in series, , (D) None of the above, , is used for transfcrrin_,9 mail, , (B) SNMP, , (A) Bus, 35., , so, , amperes, , interpreter, , for modulation and demodulation?-, , cs{Modem, , (A) RPC, 34., , 5 0, , amperes, , in DOS-, , (B) Formats data in, , Which of the following is used, (A) Gateway, , 33., , of the above, , requires-c-, , (D) Both a compiler and an, , FDISK command, , (.ef Partitions the hard disks for use, 32., , the company, , �, ) Compiler, , (C) Either a compiler or an, , (A) Fixes errors in, , conversion,, , SY, , to, , 31., , A II, , is-, , I\ company has developed a program for a client using C language. The object code h a s ., , EA, , 30., , TE, A, , Odd parity can detect even number of errors and even parity can detect odd number, , (, -0), , (C) 1/0 devices, , C, , Odd parity can detect odd number of errors and even parity can detect even number, , cal\ed--, , 41., , of same. sign, , number of errors, , are, , Operating system manages-, , (C) 9 amperes, , (D), , a phone line ;!Jld a modem, , {B) Dial-up connection, , (A) 4/3 amperes, , (C), , using, , number of errors, , Both odd and even parity can detect even, , (D) None of the above, , 40., , most appropriate option-, , (A) Both odd and even parity can detect odd, ·(B), , (C) Rotational delay, , (A) Broadband connection, , (A) Memory, (B) Both the integers are negative, , (C) Integers are of opposite sign, , (D) None of the above, , - 8 to + 8, , if-, , integers are positive, , (e) Config.sys, , The time required for the correct Sector of a disk to arrive under read write head is-, , is-, , appropriate option. Overflow can occur, , 29., , (D), , 39., , 2's complement of 1 0 1 1 1 0 0, ,(A) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1, , 28., , (C) - 7 to + 7, , ., , (ii')' Any batch file, , None of the above, , AM, , (B) Order ofN, , EX, , (A) Order ofN, , (A), , (D) None of the above, , from one, , ., , subtracting is, , ·, , machine to another?, , 44., , (13), , 173.2 volts., , The value� of r, , 2, , and r3, , 100 volts, , (D) 50 volts, , (C) 200 volts, , in. the following circuit are respectively-., 'r--'--""---,----., , (D) SMTP, , a central computer?--, , (D), , Point to point, , (A) 2.50 and, , 6.39 0, , (C) 6.93 O and 2.50, , (B) 50 and, . (D), , 1 0 and, , IOA, , v,, , m, , +, , so, , 1', , 3A, , Choose the most appropriate option., 1 0, , V, , �, , 5 0, �RAM, , is Volatile, , r2, , (Bj Onl� write operation can, , be done. with, , (C)t"leither option A nor option, , (P) Both the options, , 1\, , and, , B is true, , B are true, , RAM, ,, , I O, , +-, , S A
Page 5 :
JELET- 2 0 1 3, , 8, , ",..., . .:, !U;�-1, , -:'., '."":, -:--'"'.'""-:, -:--:-:J, E, L, _, E, _, T, _, _, 2, _, 0, _, 1, 3, As, , comparede, , to DOL starting,, , a cage, , induction, , motor with, , Star/Delta, , starting shall, , 55·., , hav.e(b), , (C) Reduced starting current, , (D) Smoother acceleration, , Move starting time, , (a) 58% tapping, field, , (b), , 33%, , .tapping, , (C) 66% tapping, , base, , by, , an auto, , (D), , None, , RV., , w inding, , tapping, , 75%, , which, , is more than the emf per turn, , in, , L.V., , Li11e, , (B), source, , in the house, , of air, , pollution, , IO, , is, , (C), developed, , ' .{BY A road, , ', , I 00, , • (D), , 1000, , in-, , ., , (C) A bunch of stacks, , (D) Furnace, , 59., , The atmospheric layer that _protects life by filtering out ultraviolet rays- is called-, , 60., , in human body is due to-, , Layer, , is a phenomenon, , The area upto, , (D) N02, , (C) Chlorine Layer, , jBJOzone Layer, , 'Thermal Inversion', , . (A) Water Pollution, · 61., , je)C02, , (B) S02, , (A) CO, , lie near each other so that 60% of the·, , two different positions, , Asphyxiation caused, , inv-:, , winding., , in L.V. winding., , Two coils, A of 1200 turns and B of 800 turns,, , j, , warming potential of carbon dioxide is-, , (A) Boron, , winding ies less than the emf per turn, , I, , in the house, , 58., , (D) None of the above., , 49., , Globj, , (A) Single stack, , (8) Both the windings are same., , (C) H.V., , ensure, , lightning, , �!, , 57., , are-, , of above, , In a single phase two winding transformer, emf per turn, , t, o, , (D)_ lndependent control of a single load from, , (8) Below the base speed, , speed, , (8) Above and below _the base speed, , (A), , (D), , motor gives speeds, , done, , (C) Enhancement of the capacity of the .fuse, , 56., , control of a d.c. separately excited, , (A) Above the, , 48., , is, , (8) Accommodation of a three phase load, , transformer starter with-, , The, , switching, , (A) Prevention from, , (A) Move starting torque, , With Star/Delta starter, a cage induction motor behaved as if it were started, , 47., , w, a, y, , EX, , 46., , T, �, o, , AM, , 45., , which, , is associated, , (D). Troposphere, , with-, , (8) Oil· Pollution, , � Air Pollution, , (C) Noise Pollution, , IOOm·radius of Health care Institutions, Academic Institutions and Court, , is-:-, , in A links, , 8., , It, , is found that a current of SA in A produces, , a flux of, , 0.25 mWb while the same current in B produces a flux o f 0 . 1 5 mWb. The coefficient of, , (D) 0.6555, , In a balanced three phase system, power is measured by two-wattmeter method and the, , 50., , ratio, , o, f, , t, w, o, , wattrneter, , (A) 0.866, , readings, , is, , .fj :, , 1., , The, , (B) 0.9, , power, , factor, , (C) 0.5, , system, , i, , (A) 695 revolutions/KWh, · (C). 0 . 1 5 revolutions/KWh, , 150 revolutions/KWh, , (D), , 1/150 revolutions/KWh, , (8) On, , (A) Lightly loaded, (C) On fullload at 0.8 power factor lag, 53., , 54., , A, n, , R, L, C, , series, , _64., , 66., , (8) Below the resonance frequency, , ., , -·-, , (C) Square, , (D) .Plain sedimentation, , solids, , 68., , 16th, , is-, , 69., , Population, , {022n� April, , �--, , (D) 22nd March, , �500, gm, , (C) 200 gm, , Equivalent is used to determine, ., , ., , the, , loads in, , 'tH5, , ., , (D)_ 300 gm, , the treatment systems of-, , Waste Water Management, , (D) Auto Emission Management, , Which -is the clean fuel to run the car-, , Which, , one, , ,.(121' UASB, , (D) Triangular, , saline, , The average 'per capita solid wastes generated in class-I cities of India is-, , (8) Diesel, , is, , an, , anaerobic, , (A) Trickling filter, , ·, , •, , Hard and soft, , (D) Saline and non, , September (B) 5th June, , (A) Petrol, , lower half power frequency ,, , oxygen demand, , The Earth Day is celebrated on-, , (C) Air Shed Management, , A single phase diode bridge rectifier supplies a highly inductive ioad. The load current, , ., , . 67., , i, s, -, , (D) At the, , (8) Constant de, , (8), , (A) 400 gm, , (C) Above the resonance frequency, , --(ATSinusoidal, , Def Suspended, (D) Chemical, , cold, , (A) Noise Management, , frequency, , waveform, , ·, , Fresh water ecosystems can be classified into- ·, , (A), , full load at unity power factor, , be. assumed to be ripple free. The ac supply side current, , ,, , ·iPfF! and stationary, , i s- ·, , the, , o;ef°silence zone, , The turbidity of a stream reflects .its-, , (A) Hot and, , (D) .None of the above, , circuit remains predominately inductive when, , (95. Coagulation, , (8) Disinfection, , (A) Sterilisation, , zone, , impurities are remoyed from water by--, , (A) Biochemical oxygen demand, , 65,, , (A) At, resonance frequency, , can, , ·-�, , ., , it, , EA, , 52. Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is experienced when, , (8) Residential zone (C) Industrial, , light colloidal, , . . (C) Total dissolved.solids, , 380 revolutions in that period. The, , (8), , Very fine and, , is-e-, , (D) 0.732, , meter constant iS-, , -, , the, , 63., , A single phase energymeter is operating on 230 volt, 50Hz supply with a load of 20A for, , two hours at unity power factor. The meter makes, , ., , o, f, , SY, , 51., , ·, , C, , (C) 0.6, , TE, A, , (8) 0.667., , (A) 0.6325, , (A) Commercial zone, , 62., , coupling between the Coils is.., , H, , flux produced, , (C) Coal Bed Methane, , ., , waste water treatment unit ?(8) Activated sludge plant, , (D) Oxidation dit�h, , ,,._�,<'., , Bi�-dieseI, , w{, , '
Page 6 :
JELET - 2 0 1 3, , JELET- 2 0 13, , 10, , 11, , �--��----�-�-���---�-----�--·, 70., , Environmental Audii Pro'7'5s is a part of(A) IS, , 50000, , ., , )13), , IS, , 1400 I, , (C) IS 900 l, , (D) BIS 2007, , PART- 8, (Question no. 71, , -100 for all candidates except Printing Technology and Agricultural, Engineering candidates), , 71., , The uniform, , 1 5 ;,, long pole as shown in Fig., , 1, , has a weight of 18 0 N and is supported, J, , ·Fig., , its smooth ends against frictionless Vertical walls and by tension T in the vertical, , cable. Magnitudes of the cable tension, and the reactions at A and, , (A) 60, 30 and 30 N (8) 1 8 0 , 40 and 60 N (C), , .,.,, , ·.,, , J, , •, , ,;(A), , I, , (8) 0.75, , (C), , ., , M, , �, · •, •, , =, , 60 N.m, , ,, , 76., , i, , i, , is applied. If the wheel does not s l ip, the reaction on the roller A is-, , ', , ', ', •, , _,, , 30°, , H, , I, , TE, A, , 74., , Fig., , C, , --12m----l, , ., , (D) 0.5, , l.33, , 'xi{. The I 000 N wheel rests on a rough surface and bears against the roller A when the couple, , EX, , -, , B are, respectively,, , 180, 40 and 40 N (D) 80, 50 and 50 N, , AM, , by, , Fig.·4, , (A) 400/, , .,fj, , N, , ·(B), , Moment of.inertia about the, , 100/, , x, , J3, , N, , (�) 60/ .,fj, , N, , (D), , 0 N, , axis of the uniformly thin square plate of sides 4R with, , A block of mass 200 kg, sliding with a speed of 12 mis on a smooth levi:I surface, makes, a head-on, , elastic, , collision, , with, , a block of unknown, , mass,, , i n itiall y �t, , rest., , c o llision the velocity of the 200 kg block is 4 m/sec in the same dire�tion as, , a central, , hole of radius, , R _is-, , After the, , y •:, , 2R, , its initial,, , 2R, , l, , · velocity. The mass of the 2nd block and its speed after the collision ar'e.,, (A), , 1 6 mis, , (8), , IOO kg,, , 12 mis, , (C) 50 kg, 32, , mis, , (D) 50, , II�,, , •, , x, , The bending moment at the base of the 2 m long cantilever under a uniformly disJ;ributed, , EA, , load of 2 kNim shown in Fig. 2 is=-, , (A), 74., , 2R, , 6 mis, , SY, , 73., , 1 00 kg,, , I, , kN-m, , (C) 3 kN-m, , (8).2 kN-m, , initiaJ-tension, , ', F_ig., , 5, , 4, (D) 50 R, , 4, , (A) 40R', 77., , The theoretical, , center of mass, (D) 4 kN-m, , The sphere of weight W i s supported by two massless strings A and 8 as shown in Fig 3., The, , -·, 2R, , ., , 0), , ...J.Y."Two, , t/2.,fj, , · (8) 20.6R4, , ., , (C) 2l.3R, , radius of gyration of a rectangular, , pendulum, , rod, , ., , of length I about, , its, , is-, , ., , ., , (8), , 2, , c/ .,fj, , rectangular blocks of weights, , W, , ., , (C), , 2/ ..f5, , (D), , 31/ .,fj, , each arc' connected by a flexible wire that passes, , in string A is T1. If the string 8 is suddenly cut, the tension in the, over a frictionless pulley (refer to Fig. 6). The co-efficient of static friction between '.he, , string A at that instant is T2. The ratio T2/T, , 1, , will be;blocks 'and the horizontal and inclined surfaces is µ. The angle, , of the two blocks will impend, ,, , a for which the motion, , is-, , F-1!3, �:, , c:;x, , ., , '
Page 7 :
.., 12, , JELET- 2013, , 82., , A, , particle, , a = 6i, µ, , initially, , at, , rest, 2., , + Sj + IOk m/s, , 83., Fig. 6, , (µ), , The mass-less beam in Fig 7, , is, , (C) 0.5 tai,-1, , (µ), , supported, , pass�s over� frictionless pulley and carries a wei��� Pa t, a weight Q rs to be, , placed to, , keep, , the, , rod, , (D) tan-I, , (µ), at, , it�, , position, , is, , (A), 84., , I, , on, , earth., , The driver of, , an, , level road faces, , is-, , Q, , A, , comes, , 200, , gun, , The distances of centroid of the thin metal sheet, , from, , TE, A, , ', , a, , ', --+, , x, , 2a, , •, , ., , (C) S a / 12, , The rectangular plate is inade up of l u c m squares as, , SY, , (B) 3a/l, , shown, , (D) 9a/ 16, , (B), , m, , muzzle, , a, , The, , horizontal,, , m N.m, 1s75 N, , cm, , 10 cm, , A ., , -.fs, , axial, , tensile, , Po, , Failure, , 201-.fs, , will, , be, , m, , (D) 0 m ·, , off with, , an, , acceleration, , is, , 5o/o, , (D), , a, , =, , If, , 15g, , the, , 16, , 36 kmph along a, , of the weight of, , s t a ndstill ., , of, , be--, , 15, , constant speed uo, , with, , the, , car., , the friction, , Jfhis, , force, , straight, , engine, , fails, , remains, , frotTl the moment the engine, , fail�d, , the, till, , approximarcly=-, , 102 m, , minimum, , A,, , (C), , of, , =, , u0, , speed,, , in, , 50 m, , (D), , mis, , 500, , fires, , mis, of the bullet, , a, , bullet, , during, , (C) 250, , 100, material, , 36, , m, , angle, , an, , at, , its course of, , (D), , (Young's, , m odu lus, , having lengths L1 and L2 are rigidly, , but, , force, , is, , Po, , (L1, , given, , of, , flight, , of, , 500, , elasticity, , connected, , =, , E), , and, , end-to-end. An, , is, , applied at the free end of the assembly. The maximum, , elongation, , by-, , L2)/AE, , -, , of a mild steel, material., , (B), , tod, , It, , Po, , 12, /AE, 2)1, , (L1L, , (c), , P, , + L2)/AE, , 0(L1, , (d), , None of these, , during tensile testing occurs at a stress lower than the ultimate, , is due to, , (A} Non-hornogenous stress, , i, , :, , (8), , Saint, , (C), , Van, , the, , occurrence of-·, , distribution, , within, , the, , ", , rod, , (D), , Necking, , 88., , M o d ulus, , (A), , (C), , 89., , Lx, , 90., , (C), , 16/, , -.fs, , effect, , Waal's, , force, , 91., , of rig_idity of a, , Pressure/longitudinal, , material, , as-c-, , (8), , Tensile stress/longitudinal strain, , Principal, , Shear stress/shear, , strain, , (D) Shear stress/longitudinal strain, , plane of stress is defined where--, , Longitudinal strain = 0, , (B), , Shear, , Dimension, , The, , is defined, , strain, , (A), , (A)., , _ _ ._F,ig. 9 ., , Venant's, , der, , ', , stress, , =, , (8) Longitudinal, , 0, , maximum, , =, , 0, , is-, , (8) ML-IT, shear, , stress, , (D) None of these, , of strain energy density, , ML-IT-2, , stress, , stress a, , developed, , (C) MLT-2, in, , an, , axial, , prismatic, , (D) None of these., member, , subjected, , to, , is, , (D) 8, (A) 2cr, , .,., , area, , � Compressive axial, (B), , moving, , velocity, , (B), , stress of the, , \, , 'J, 14/, , 87., , y, , \, , (A), , takes, , (C), , slender prismatic rods of same, , cross-sectional, , (A), , in Fig. 9. A 75 N force is, , B, , \, , c, , 1Wo, , of the rod, , ., , �pplied at point A in the direction shown. The moment of the force about the hinge C,, , 10, , accel�ratiin, , Fig. 8, , EA, , 81., , ·, , an, , ., , a, , 2a, , (A) a, , has, , the x and y axes in Fig."8 are--, , •, Y, , C, , 80., , (D) PQI, , rocket, , eventually come to, , (A) 0, , �6., , (C) PQ I I, , m, , +2k, , from the origin after 2 s 'will be, , be---, , H, , w il l, , Q, , the, , friction resistance that, , to a standstill, , having, , 60° with, , p, , automobile, , a, , the car will, , EX, (A), , P l/, , [f, , at all speed, the distance the car will travel, , the car, , 85., , (B), , (C) 24, , (8) 2, , ., , . same, , ,, , 6j, , +, , ., , stationed, , suddenly,, , (A) QI I P, , Si, , =, , pendulum will oscillate n times per second, The value of n will, , (2µ), , B by a vertical cord which, , �nd. Th� distance x at whi9h, , in a horizontal, , Fig. 7, , r, , A pendulum mounted in a rocket records a time period of 2s for its oscillation when the, rocket, , hinged at A and, , position, , (B) 32 m, , AM, , (A) tan-I, 79., , a, , apprcxirnately-c(A) 40 m, , 1, (B) 2 tan-, , at, , The distance of the particle, , (B) cr/3, , (C) cr/4, , (D) None of these
Page 8 :
), , ., , ), , (, , JELET - 2 0 1 3, , JELET - 2 0 1 3, , 14, , 2, , 92., , The point of contra-flexure, , in a beam, , is, , (A) Bending moment changes sign, , 93., , (B), , (C) The beam elastic curve changes, , its curvature, , Maximum, , beam,, , shear, , force, , in, , a simple, , Assuming g = 10 m.s-, , a point on the beam axis where-Shear force, , (D) All, , uniformly, , that can, , is maximum, , approximately, the maxi mum, , upward acceleration of the mass, , be provided, is-,-, , of these, , loaded, , (having, , intensity, , = w0), , throughout its I length L, 1/2 span and. its value is w0L, , (8) Occurs at, , 1/2 span span and, , its value is w0L/4, , (C) Occurs at, , 1/2, , span span and, , its value is w0L/3, , (D) Occurs at, , 1/2 .span, , span and, , its value is woL/2, , The critical load of a column of length L fixed at one end and laterally guided at the other, , end is found by solving the equation, , 95., , =, , (B) tan(x), , (x)2, , =, , (x), , (C) tan(x), , =, , (x)l/2, , (D) None of these, , (A), , A mass m tied to a string of original length Lo and cross-sectional area Ao is made, 1, , rotate at an angular spee� of ro rad. s-, , isto, , 98., , in the vertical plane. When the string reaches at, , 2, , (C), , (B) 5.0 m.s-, , 10.0 m.s-2, , 1.0, , (D) None of these, , ni.s-2, , A solid circular shaft of diameter d and length L is subjected to a uniformly distributed, , load of intensity, , the bottom most position, the new length of the strin� becomes-, , a, , Fig, 10, , EX, , (A) tan(x), , t, , AM, , 94., , (A) Occurs at, , we throughout its length while its two ends are simply supportedon the, , H, , two bearings. The maximum bending stress developed on shaft is given by-, , (A), , (B), , C, , (A), , ., , {I, , (C), , +, , w'gLo }, , mg-·, , A0E, , 96., , (d) None of the above, , L0, , TE, A, , 99., , A load W falls on a simple beam suddenly at its mid point. Which of the following, , 2, , \, V, , w, , L, , 2, , (B), , L2, , 4w, , L, , (C), , _o_, , _o_, , 4�dl, , 1td', , 1td', , A solid circular shaft of diameter d and, , length L is subjected to a uniformly. distributed, , load of intensity we throughout its length while its two ends are simply supported on the, two bearings. The maximum deflection of the shaft is given by, , 4, , (A), , will, , 3w L, 0, --21td4, , SY, , be the correct event?, , 100., , (A) The maximum bending moment and shear force will remain the same and maximum, , A slender prismatic rod is fixed between the two non-yielding supports as shown in the, adjoining fig. 1 1 . The temperature of the rod is now raised by 100°C. Assume area of the, , statically, , rod to b e / IOOO mm2, Young's modulus of elasticity of the rod material as 200 GPa and, , (B), , EA, , deflection becomes twice compared to the respective values if the load had.been applied, , co-efficient of thermal expansion of the rod to be, , The maximum bending moment and shear force will remain the same and maximum, , the rod because of the temperature change will be--, , deflection becomes half compared to the respective values if the load had been applied, statically, (C), , 1 (10.-,;)/°C. The stress developed in, , · ', , 1, , The maximum bending moment, shear force and maximum deflection become twice, , compared to the respective values if the load had been applied statically, , ., , ., , ., , 1, , (, , 100 mm, , . 1 1+(D) None of .these, , ., , ., , 0.005, , mm, , I, , i'ig. II, , 97:, , Tn the, , fig., , 1 O shown, , the, , mass,, , m=, , t.O, , kg, , is, , attached, , to, , a massless 'string of cross, (A) 20, , sectionat area 1 . 5 mm-. The string is wrapped around apulley which can rotate about its, bearing in the vertical plane., , It, , is known that the breaking stress of the string is 100 MPa ., , ., , ·--, , ,,,--......, , ..,:.,,..,,_, ··--, , MPa, , (B) 15, , MPa, , (C) 5 MPa, , (D) 10 MPa
Page 9 :
JELET- 2 0 1 3, , 16, , 1,7, , JELET - 2 0 1 3, , ", PART- C, 85., , The longitudinal joint in a boiler shell, , is usually-, , (Question no. 71-100 only for Printing Technology Candidates), 71., , Hooke's, , (B) Lap joint, , (C) Butt joint with two cover plates, , (D) Butt joint with single cove; _plate ., , law is valid upto--, , (A) Yield, , point, , (B) Elastic, , limit, , (C) Proportional, , limit (D), , Ultimate point, 86., , 72., , (A) Butt joint, , The ratio of volumetric stress to volumetric strain, , Which statement is not correct?-, , is called(A) Sheetfed quickset ink requires a fountain solution of pH 5.4-5.6., , (A), , Bulk modulus, , (B) Young's modulus, , (C) Shear modulus (D) Modulus of rigidity, (B) Rotary offset heatset ink requires a fountain solution of 4.6-5.0., , of 40, , 2, , 100 kN I mm, , · cross section, (A), , 1, , · 77., , material, , having, , Young's, , modulus, , of, , (C) Increased acidity, , is-, , mm, , (B) 0.1, , load, , mm, , (C) 2 mm, , is the strength, , (D), , 1.2, , 87., , mm, , against-, , (B) Shear load, , (C), , The maximum value of the ratio of belt tensions, , Impact load, , (D) Wear and tear, , 88., , in flat belt drive depends on--, , (A) Angle of contact, , (B) Angle of contact and co-efficient of friction, , (C) Centre distance, , (D) Belt strength, , 89., , (A) Creep, , (BfSlip, , (C) Friction, , (D) Difference, , A flat, , belt drive, , is, , used, , to transfer 5 kW from, , ., , (B), , I 000, , 90., in pulley diameters, , a motor of 1500, , mm tc a pump pulley of diameter 450, , r.p.m, , and, , (C) 2250, , ., , is-, , (DJ 1500, , (B) Addendum circles, , (C) Pitch circles, , (D). Dedendum cir�les, , be transformed to translation, , (B), , by_:-, , Helical gear, , (C) Worm gear, , Gelatin, , is used, , (B) Rigid gel properties, , (C) Thixotropic gel, , (D) None of the above, , properties, , Potassium Bromide is used in developing solution as-, , (B) Module, , (C) R.P.M, , The threads in a bolted joint are to be checked, , (D) Buffer, , (B) Kerosene, , (C) Acetic, , (D) lsopropanol, , acid, , Identify the false statement-, , (B) Starch, , 91., , 92., , (C) Clay, , increases· strength of paper, , improves printability of paper, , {D) Rosin increases water. penetration of paper, The thermoplastic material used as anti-set-off spray is(A) Polymethylmethacrylate, , (B) Polytetrafluoroethylene, , (C) Polyvinyl alcohol, , (D) Polyvinyl, , chloride, , ., , (C) Crushing failure only, , (C), , (ll) Driers, , Defoaming agents, , (D) Antioxidants, , 93., , The capillary direct films for screen printing arc presensitised with a backing of-, , (DJ Pitch circle radius, , for--, , (A) Polyester, , 94., , (B) Polyethylene, , (C) PVC, , (D) Cellulose, , Farmer's reducer is(A) A mixture of potassium ferrocyanide and sodium thiosulphate solution ·, , (D) Shear failure only, , (B) A mixture of potassium ferricyanidc and sodium thiosulphate solution, , The linear advancement in one rOtation in bolt-nut depends on(A) Pitch, , (B), , Bolt diameter, , (C) Thread angle, , (C) Mixture of potassium iodide and potassium cyanide solution, (D), , Torque applied, (0) A mixture of ferric ammonium sulphate and sulphuric acid. solution, , 83., , B., , S. W. threads have the angle of-, , (A) 55°, , 84., , (B) 60°, , (C) 20°, , 95., , (D) 58°, , ihe smallest division is" I mm in 'linear scale and circular scale contains 50 divisions. The, reading for the diameter of a thin wire is obtained 4 in, , linear scale and 34· in circular, , (B) 4.68 mm, , Lithographic ink is thixotropic as its viscosity(A) Increases with time and finally attains a constant value, (B) Decreases with time and finally attains a constant value, _(C) Increases with temperature and finally attains a constant value, , scale. The diameter of the wire is(A) 4.34 mm, , (C) 4 . 1 7, , mm, , (D) 4.5, , mm, , (D) Decreases with temperature and finally attains a constant value, ,, ,·, , .., , ,,, , Hydroquinone is used in paste inks as-, , (B) Crushing and shear failure, , (A) Tensile failure only, , 82., , (CjPreservative,, , same for the gear and pinion is-, , EA, , 81., , (B) Restrainer, , Deep etch plate is washed by-, , (D) Spur gear, , SY, , (A) Number of teeth, , improves drying of paste Inks., , in photographic emulsion for its-, , (A) Surfactants, , The gear parameter that remains, , solution below 4.5, , (A) Titanium dioxide improves opacity of paper, , pulley of, , mm. The r.p.m of pump, , (A) Base circles, , (A) Bevel gear, , 80., , fountain solution causes scumming., , (A) Elastic gel properties, , (A) Water, , The c_ircles of a gear and a pinion which arc tangential to each other are called-., , Rotation can, , in, , (A) Developing agent, , The diffe�ence in belt velocities in driver· pulley and driven pulley is due to..:....., , . (A) 500_0, , 79., , of a, , (D) ApH value of fountain, , The ductility of a material, , diameter 300, , 78., , made, , H, , 76., , and, , shows 4 mm elongation under a load of 40 kN. The length of the square, , (A) Longitudinal, , 75., , length, , C, , 74., , mm, , AM, , rod, , EX, , A square, , TE, A, , 73., , ·, , ., .
Page 10 :
.·v,, , JE, ., , JELET, , -, , L, , E, , T, , - 201, , 3, , 2013, , ', , T, , k, , f, , a, c, , (, , o, , ) V, , A, , C, , (, , ·97,, , J, , c, , is, , n, , k, , y, , osit, , Sp, , t, , v ry, , o, t, , h, , o, f, , d o, , ee, , n, , does, , ctly, , a, , 79., , th-, , dire, , wi, , k, , e, , the press, , f, , (BJ, , Thic, , (, , Area, , in, , k, , J, , D, , s, , nes, , f the, , t, , o, f, , ink fi l, , o, , he, , m, , Th, , e, , firing order o, , (, , ), , 1-2-3-4, , ·, , A, , 80., , film being split, , Strike out the incorrect combination(, , ) SBR, , S y, , A, , (, , J Egg al, , (B, , (CJ P, (DJ, , 98., , i, , a, n, , o, , G, , ly, , t, , b, , vin, , butadiene, , rene, , u, , y, , me, , n-, , Li, , th, , u, , o, , s, , et, , l, , ac, , 81., , nk, , la, , et, , p ate, , iv, , e, , i, , n, , b, , k bindin, , oo, , 82., , g, , Strike out the one which, , (A) U, , I 00., , (BJ, , re, , t, , ha, , ne, , Alumin, , is, , iu, , (60 ). C) I, , m, , °, , I, , (, , D, , n, , ro, , (, , 178 ), °, , St, , (D), , ai, , nles, , ste l (I IQO), , s, , e, , CJ, , rin, , (, , An, , 84., , im, , g ue, , al, , (D, , l, , (BJ, , Pick resistance is pot, N ws, e, , n, , pri, , t, , s, , h, , ou, , ld, , (A), , 13.5-15.5:, , ), , hi, , (C) Smoothness of paper is essential, , 85., , for gravure printing, , C, , · 86., , T, , no, , l, , (A) P im ry, r, , (CJ, e, , a, , l ag, , ti, , l, , c cul u, , lnt, , r, , t, , ope, , d, , n, , 73., , A Coulter is used with-, , ldboar, , (A) Ma le, l, , (, , ), , A, , h, , o, , (BJ MB, , rrow, , g o, , he powe, , T, , r, , h, , T, , e, , 1 - 1.5, il, , t, , t, , a, , f, , c, , p, , (BJ C, , ro, , tt, , u, , c d, , produ, , by, , e, , a, , hp, , ng, , (A) MB p, , el, , centre, , (, , e, , g, , male, , g, , a, , is, , p, , v, , ro, , w, , d, , ide, , a, , cu t, , ri, , BJ 0.6-0.8, , le, , gr s, , o, f, , l, , p, , h, , s, , J, , Cf S, , (, , ural, , a, , th the-, , wi, , J, , (B, , sc, , Di, , plow, , o, , C, , (, , J, , Seed, , u, , dr, , ill, , w, , s, , r, , i, , t, , J Pa dy ·, , ea, , O, , lpad, , (B, , s a typ, , i, , -1Afl'low., , e, , d, , Harrow, , 4, , is--, , e, , CJ, , hr, , S, , t, , ee, , cyl nd, i, , 1, , e, , -4 3 2, -, , r e, , (DJ, , -, , n, , g n, i, , g, , en, , ), , ine, , t, , I, , (, , (, , °, , x ur, , mi, , s, , e, , n, , i, , J, , nge, , t, , °, , f-, , ra, , 15.5,20:J·, , (C, , ) 360, , D, , he, , i, , 1-3-2-4, , e, , CJ 720, , (, , B) 9-13.5:, , J, , 12, , J, , ccJ, , °c, , ballasts are used, , o, , ·, , (, , J No, , D, , t, , ne, , o, , f, , the, , se, , t, , Increase s, , (, , (, , a, , 11°c, , (, D, J, , 1, , B), , n, , rac or vibr tion, , t, , 112°c, , in a tractor to--, , rac io, , t, , Top l nk, , xp, , i, , N, , n, , o, , e, , e, , of, , bil ty, , ta, , J, , c, , D, , De, , When differen i l, t, , Eq al, , n the ra ge, n, , c, , h, , hp, , i, , tr ct r s ippage, , rease, , a, , o, , l, , r, , ar, , ow, , J, , (D, , ), , (, , CJ, , Se, , ed, , d, , ri, , l, , l, , ), , (D, , Indigen, , V, e, ry, , d, , an, , a, , J, , hp, , o, , a, , n, , P�siiion, , (C) Mo, , io, , 91., , w, , lo, , u, , a, , re, , head, , Atmospheric, , L, a, w, , Both, , is, , dependent, , _of, , CJ, , (, , i, s, , s, , i, , o, n, , at, , w, , I, , er, , Turbulent, , 1, I, , l, , of aqu fe, i, , r, , in the shadow to avoidd sch, i, , ge, , DJ N, , ar, , (, , e of, , on, , hese, , t, , •, Vapour, , pressure, , Medium, , coarse, , o, f, , water, , soil, , on, , Sandy, , o, f, , loam, , soil, , thise, , pressure, , f, o, r, -, , and, , turbulent, , flow, , (BJ, , /(D), , flow, , Laminar, , fl, o, w, , Transient, , flow, , in which water level remains at the water table level are know as-, , Non-artesian, , Dug, , the basis of�, , b e & pump, , a, , pump, , valid, , Laminar, , well, , A Cipoletti, (A), , r, , f, , o, , soil, , pump, , Suction, , The well, , (, C, J, , h eshe, , o, , soil, , textured, , o, f, , Darcy's, , (A), , us p, , p wer, , p tubewell, , e, , BJ. Cavit t, , get-, , s, , dee, , (D) Typ, , (, , l, , ee, , r.p.m., , al, , (B, , u, , coarse, , Fine, , NPSH, , (CJ, , S garcane, , r, , w tubewell, , allo, , q ifer, , a, , w, , (D, , (D)'AII, , e, , 1.5-2.0, , T, , h, , s, , h, , e, , ) Differential, , a, , a, , t, , J Equ, , B, , nd r.p.m., , orque, , t, , h, , o, , Mole drains are suitable for, , (A), , CJ Grass, , (, , (, , to, , a, , b th, , then, , (B), , of thes, , e, , 90., , D, , a tractor,, , n, , For irrigation, the centrifugal pump should be installed, , (C), , (, , fo, , s used i, , n, , (A), , f, , D), , rce., , e, , ., , i, , The difference betwee, , (CJ, , 89., , o, , (, , lock, , a, , l, , ensi, , e, , rque, , u, , o, , (A), , iler, , N n, o, , o, , (D), , Su, , J, , t, , s, , b v, , a, , (B), , l, , b sa, , (DJ, , e, , erienc, , the, , (A) Priming, 88., , 92., J, , i, , °, , J.C., , B, , C) Depth of, , of-(B, , ng n, (, , -, , a, , (, , (, , (, , 87., , The mowers are designed for culting-, , (A) Wh, , e, , (A) Depth of tubewell, , Mi d steel, , J, , p, , i, , 1, , (, , g pur ose (D, , in, , 0. -0.4, , i, , D, , e, , so, , CJ D s, , (, , n, , o, , rged ste l, , Fo, , eed, , l b, , e, , f-, , C, , in, , o, , o, , (CJ, , ste, , plow, , (, , lo, , 78., , S ft, , BJ, , i, , y made, , all, , A reaper is used for -, , (A), , 77., , s usu, , i, , ), , p ration, , l, , J Seed ng op rati, , low, , p, , (, , r, , a, , (D, , MB, , ble I on, , in, , 76., , a, , a, , c, , (A) Cutt, 75., , of, , e, , EA, , 74., , s, , Di, , a, , (, , atio, , Th, , Engineering Candidades, , l, , BJ S cond ry til age, , tion, , 72., , mo, , ra, , ltu, , for-, , a, , per, , r, , re, , u, , o, , e, , r Agricu, , f, o, , TE, A, , . 71-100 on y, , o, , SY, , Questi n, , o, f, , 4, , d, , 110°c, , (A), , PAR -D, (, , er, , BJ 2 0, , (C) B th equ l, , A cultivator should be used, , al, , (, , a, , (D), , (D) Dimensional stability is not essential for screen printing., , 71., , li, , In three point hitching system of tractor, , (C, , gh absorbency, , possess, , c, , (B) Two side links experiences compressive force, , important for gravure printing, , i50, , - y nd, , 3-4-2, , g interv, , rin, , 4, , 1-, , (A) Top link experiences compressive force, , Starch, , J, , Strike out the i�correct statement-, , (A), , fi, , e, , (CJ Decrease, , adhcsiye-, , ext, , J, , AIF ratio of st ndar, , a, , (A, , not a Class, , (B, , Th, , H, , 99., , e, , ver g, , EX, , pp r (I 8°), , o, , a, , 120°, , ) Increase, , the image area of a bimetallic plate?(A) C, , (BJ, , 83. · Front wheel, , which one ischosen to make, , ink,, , stro, , (A), , (A), , late, , Considering the contact anglebf following metals with, , ke, , 4, , In engine cooling system thermostat valve starts Opening at-, , Arabic-Flexo p, , um, , a, , The, , e, , l, , ce, , hes, , - Offset b, , ber), , a, , rf, , d, , ate-A, , b, , ru, , f, , AM, , 96., , h, , t l, , on, , r, , a, , a, , nt, , Artesian, , well, , J Tubewell, , eir, , ho izo, , (BJ, , (D, , w, , iz, , or, , well, , ·, , l, , is hav ng, i, , t, , o, , t, , o, , a, , side, , (BJ, , 4 vert ca, i, , 1, , i, , I, , vertical, , t, o, , 4, , horizontal., , l, , (D), , v rt c, e, , ., , slopof-«, , Any, , one, , o, f, , these, , al, , F-84, , IJl!�!,l"'."':"'....".'.":���!'C:O::��\,;-,?i�=:.!la!�-"l""--..."".'7'!=......,.,.,..,,.:---.:z.�, , '!, . -"'.�, ·�i:'e:"'· '1-_c:,"'."'.C, ,, · c, ", · ', """.', ', .·"', �, ,,,;, - ", ', :, ", t, ·-e;, ., :::, ,, . ., ., s:::, :;..., :", ,�, ·, �, ", 111, , .JP, , .h., , .=c;=:;:, , �·-·--·, , ·.:t�., ., , �:r;_scza;,:"'-)q.�, , · u, , '\�{c-�:��)_-�·,ffi
Page 11 :
100% slope means-(A) sin 45°, , ·(B), , (C) cos 45°, , tan 45', , (A) Critical velocity, , (B) Threshold, , (C) Absolute velocity, , 95., , 96., , by common drying technique is-, , (A) Equilibrium moisture, , (13) Total, , (C) Free moisture, , (D) Bound, , (13), , 12% m.c. (w.b.), , 15% m.c.(d.b.), , (D), , I 5% m -,c, (w.b.), , (Bl, , 100°c-115°c, , The temperature range for UHT of milk is-··, , 135°C-150°C, , (D) None of these, , Constant rate of drying of agricultural, , products, , is independent of, , (13) Air humidity, , (C) Air temperature, , (D) Thickness of bed, , H, , (A) Air velocity, , is--, , The specific heat of water as compared to other common substances, , (B) Less, , (C) Equal, , C, , (A) More, , I 00., , moisture, , (A) 12% m.c.(d.b.), , (A) 90°c-100°c, , 99., , moisture, , Paddy is stored normally at, , (C), , 98., , velocity, , (D) Intrinsic velocity, , Type of moisture that can be removed, , (C), , 97., , (D) None of these, , The minimum wind speed required to initiate the movement of soil particle is known as, , AM, , 94., , EX, , 93., , Tile most commonly used solvent for extraction of oil, , (B) n-heptane, , in, , None of these, , India is--, , (C) n-butane, , (D), , None of these, , SY, , TE, A, , (A) ii-hexane, , (D), , FI\OM, , DIPLOMA TO DEGI\EE WE fll\J; flLWflYS flliEflD, Only Solution Book, , EA, , For Excluive Cor:r..ect Solution,, , @M@M+lS•iMil'jf@Qf-Prof., , s�,11:s, , Counter, , LAKSUMI, , Kaja/ Kr. Sarkar, , (College Street), , PKAKASHANI, , .f), , 3.�i'B, Bcniatoh, Lane (College Street) Kolk•ta-9, . l\t.Qh,: ; _'!83.019.6204/90514 78724/.98367 42252, , •, , '·-\., , - - -, , ,, - - -