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f, , (Booklet N o . �, , ), , f, , t, , JE L E T - 2014, (FOR DIPLOMA HOLDERS IN ENGG I TECH.), , l, , ', , •·, , Full Marks : 100, , Time : 2 hours, ,., , ', , 2., , This question paper contains all objective questions., Questions, , must be, , answered, , o, n, , Objective, , Response, , AM, , .1., , Sheet, , (ORS), , by darkening the, , appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, D) against the question number on the respective, , 3., , EX, , right hand columns. Each question has only one correct I best answer.', , All ORS will be processed by electronic means. Hence, invalidation of Answer Sheet due, to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to the Answer Sheet (especially the, , ·, , BARCODE) as well as incomplete I incorrect filling of the Answer Sheet will be the sole, , H, , responsibility of the candidate., 4., , Incorrect answers wiil, , 5., , Answers without any response will be awarded zero mark. Wrong response or more than, , carry NEGATNE marks., , 1/3, , mark will, , be, , deducted for each, , C, , wrong answer. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark., , 6., , Write your Roll Number and Question Booklet number at the specified ·Jocations of the, ORS., , 7., , TE, A, , one response will be treated as incorrect answer and negative marks will be awarded for, , the same., , •, , Use only Black/Blue Ball Point Pen to mark the answers by complete filling up of the·, respective bubbles., Mobile, facilities, , SY, , /, , 8., , phones,, , Calculators,, , of Calculator,, , Slide, , Charts,, , Rules,' Log, , Graph, , sheets, , Tables, , or, , any, , and, , other, , Electronic, form, , Watches, , of Tables, , are, , with, NOT, , allowed in the examination hall. Possession of such devices during the examinations may, , 9., , EA, , lead to cancellation of the paper besides seizing of the same., Mark the answers. only in the space provided. Please do not make any stray markon the, ORS., IO., , Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given, , 11., , This question paper contains 32 printed pages including pages for rough work. Please, , at the end of the question paper. for rough work . ., , cheek all pages and report, if there is any discrepancy., , 12., , Please hand over the ORS to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall., , [ 1 ], ,, •-,..., , --, , .-, , ...-
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JELET- 2014, , 3, , ENGINEERING I TECHNOLOGY, The position vectors of the points P, Q, R are, , 6., , Each Question Carries 1 Mark, , i + j + k, i + Sj - k and, , 2i, , +, , 3j +, , sk, , respectively. The greatest angle of the triangle PQR is, Time : 2 hours, , Full Marks : 100, (A) O, , 1, , (B) 90°, , (C) cos-, , Part-A, , 1, , (D) cos-I .2., -7, , 3, , (Question Nos 1 - 70 for all candidates}', , 7., , The, q, , I., , IfP=_[!, , ;J.Q=, , [;, , �], , an d 4 P - 3 Q + R = O t h e n R = -, , number of vectors, , = (0, I, I), , The vector i (a, , x, , i) + j, , (B), , [�, , �1], , (C), , [�, , �1], , Sx + S y +, , =, , 9z, , 0) and, , (a, , j) + k, , 'x, , x, , (a, , x, , (D) infinite., , k) is equal to-(D) None of these., , (C) 2a, , The value ofk for .<hich a { I , 0, 3), b(-1, 3, 4), c(I, 2, I) and d(k, 2, 5) are coplanar, is-, , 9., I, , ., , 2, , (1), , I, , (B) 2, , (C) 0, , �tegrating factor for the equation xdy - ydx - (I, , EX, , 2x + y + 3z, , p = (I, ·1,, , (D) None of these., , 2. _The equations-cx + 2y + 3z =, , x, , (B) a, , AM, , �I], , [�, , the vectors, , (C) three, , (B) two, , (A) 0, (A), , perpendicular to, , ., , (A) one, , 8., , of unit length, , is-, , = 4, , have, , (A), , l ·, , l, , (B), , (D) -1, - x)' dx = 0 is-, , I, , Y, , (C), , x2, , I, , (D), , xy ·, , x, , (A) Unique solutions, , (B) Infinite many solutions, , (C) Inconsistent, , (D) None of these., , sin ex], cos a, , (B) I, , [o, , =, , (C) P, , (D), , o, , �, , �I, , �], , then p - 1, , =-, , 0, , [�, , 0, , (B), , �], , [�I, , -I, 0, , I, [ �I, , ", , 5., , lfa,, , �I], , f3, Y are, , 2, , ., , ., , y, , f3, , Y, , a, , y, , a, , f3, , (A) p, , x, , (C), , l =, , Lex, 2, , (D) None, , �=e'(c-3x), , (d) None, , 2, , y, , is-, , x, , •, , (b), , l=x(c-logx), , (c), , y, ., , ., , 13., , y, , I, , The function f(x, y), , =, , l., , 3, , ;)_, , 30x2 y2 -2L, , is a homogeneous function of order, , y, , t, , (C) 2, , (B) 3 ., , (D) 0, , 14. - f(x) is known by the following data points, , X.j, , the roots of the equation xl + px + q = O, then the value ofthe deten:iinant, , =, , f(xi)=, , f3, , a, , d, d, y +, , '12.�olution of the equation, , (A), , (D) None of these., , 0, , is-, , dx, , (B) xe", , (A) ex, , �I], , EA, , 0, , (C), , dx', , 0, , -1, , (A), , -P, , TE, A, , ., , If P, , then p_pr =.-, , C, , If p = [ co_s a, +sin a, , (A) 0, , 4., , V-"'", , SY, , 3_, , d'y - 2 dy + y = ex, , � Particular Integral of, , H, , 11_, , 0, l, , l, , 2, , 3., , 4, , 7, , 23, , 53, , 109, , The approximate value of /(0.S) is-, , is-, , (A) 3.99, , 2, , (B) q, , (C) p, , -, , 2q, , (B) 3.125, , (C), , 1.4, , (D) None, , (D) None of these., , [2], , -, , t, , 42, \-�
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4, , JELET-2014, , ', , 15., , Th, e, , appro�imate, , value, , o, f, , t, he, , ..,...., , integral, , �-;--:-�-r!-�, ·, , rn, _, L, _, E, _, T, _, _, 2, _, 0, _, 4, 1, , 27., , · I, n, , DOS,, , (, A, ), , RESTORE, , Restore, , th, e, , command, , files, , fr, o, m, , i, s, , used, , recycle, , t, o-, , _)»'f, , I, , 0, , ., , Si, , using, , I, , 3, , ', , I, , s, , impson, , 28., , (, C, ), , B, o, th, , (, D, ), , Neither, , I, n, , 0.6994, , (B, ), , 0.9853, , (, C, ), , 0, ., , 7853, , (B), , 3, For, , =, , x, , 20,, , t, h, e, , approximate, , value, , x, , o, f, , using, , Newton-Raphson, , method, , w, i, th, , 3, , 1, , b, i, n, , 99, , 1, , 7, , ., , fai, , A, , (B), , c, , r, , is t ssed I, , oin, , 0, , o, , 1, , .74, , ., , 0, , BACJ<.UP, , command, , 6, , (, C, ), , he, , times, , ro, , T, , p, , 2., , ty o, , babili, , 5, , (D), , getti g tails an, , f, , n, , A, , �, , n, o, r, , F, r, e, e, , space, , i, n, , ', ,, !, , B, , c, a, n, , b, e, , used, , t, o, , find-, , Bad, , portion, , disk, , 2., , i, n, , (B, ), , ,..ED), , disk, , Occupied, , All, , o, f, , th, e, , space, , i, n, , l, , disk, , !, , above, , iterations, 29., , 2., , using, , B, , CHKDSJ<., , i, n, t, , i, , main(void), , ·is-, , (, A, ), , made, , O, n, e, , (, C, ), , 16:, , and, , A, , DOS,, , (, A, ), , (, A, ), , files, , 2, +x, , ., rs, , ru e, , th, e, , 714, , AM, , f, , Restore, , int a.b,c;, , d number of tim s, , o, d, , e, , ., fl a, o, , t, , s-, , f;, , EX, , i, , a = 3;, , None, , o, f, , h s, , t, , e, , e, , ;, , =, , b, , (D), , 2, , f = alb;, , 1, , 8, , ., , A card, , s sel c ed, , i, , e, , a d, , t, , r, , n, , ly, , o, , om, , f, r, , m, , a, , ck o, , pa, , 2 cards. Th, , f, , 5, , probability, , e, , at th, , th, , e, , card is, , r, , p, , either diamond or a ten is-, , ., , Th, , m, , e, , s, , ost, , A, , (, , ), , tab, , ui, , m, , le, , u e of c, , eas, , r, , an, , th, e, , (B, , m, e, , ), , (D), , tral t ndency is-, , en, , T, , a, , h, e, , v, , . (A), , riance, , th, , o, f, , data, , e, , med a, , th, e, , i, , (C) the mode, , n, , ( , 6, 8, 3,, , s, e, t, , (D, , I, 4] is-, , , 9,, , 2, , 7, , (B) 7, , 4, 0, , (C) 14, , (D, , ), , i, , A, , (, , f, , h, , o, , D, , ), , ec, , ir, , 22., , 23., , w, , fo lo, , c, , s, , ce, , s, , g w, , in, , t, , a, , t, , access f, , {/2'f D rec, i, , l, , t, h, e, , d, , m, , r, o, , ), , m, , cache, , ry, , (D) Dir ct acc, , emo, , e, , e, , p, , ue, , i, , re, , e, , (B) Lat, , m, , t on, , o, f, , o, , S gn d, , ), , i, , 11001, , 0, , e, , 0, , s, , i, , ary, , bin, , h, , t, , zer, , ent, , e, , r, , i, , ', , 2, , o, r, s, , t c, , th, a, , e, , Wh ch, , e, , (M', (C, , ), , th, , ssemb y, , A, , l, , Ja, , v, a, , a, n, , rr r, , (.y'Syntax, , o, f, , s, , o, , s, , b, , e, , r pr, e, , ·, , o, , anguage, , l, , e ta, , es, , n, , n, , ), , N, , one, , o, f, , h se, , t, , e, , 30, , ., , c, , rr, , e, , s, , o, r, , (, , 0, , 00, , (D, , p-1.500000, , ), , un m, , R, , ), , oid, , •, , a = 0;, , b = - l ;, i, f, , (a), printf("Y");, , f the above, , else, , o, , p, , f("N" ;, , rint, , l, , e, , ), , f(b), , i, , i, , printf("Y");, , (D) N n, o, , e, , of, , else, , pr ntf(''N " ;, , e above, , i, , th, , ), , (, , h, , A and B, , (D) Ne the, i, , irectly, , d, , ?-, , r, , A nor B, , }, , Th, e, , utput wil, , o, , l, , be----, , {A} NN, , ), , ), , n v, , ai, , 000, , 2., , int a, b ;, , o, , (B -C, (D, , (B), , 00, , retum O); ., , (C) B t, o, , 0, , of the above, , puter can understand, , om, , be->, , ., , e, , 6, , l, , {, , l, , ical, , ., , nt m, , i, , 75, , (D) Non, , 2, , wil, , ut, , e, , by a compi er are-, , e, , ), , ) 1 0 00, , (, A, , gned l's comp ement r presentat on, , .;, , utp, , o, , is-, , Si, , AU, , (, , I, , Th, , r, , (, C, ), , Log, a, , e, , epresentation of the decimal valut>-, , ement, , 6, , 3, , gu g, , lan, , (B), , (D, , l, , comp, , (B), , s tim, , cces, , ·, , tio, , tion, , pointed, , f llowing, , A, , l, , ta, , presen, , s gned, , e, , (C), , is possib e in-, , o, , (B) -, , The yrr, , i, , y, , enc, , ta i, , resen, , e, , s fr m CD-ROM, , es, , t, , i, , th s, , Direct access from RAM, , Un q, , (A) - 27, , ., , (B, , s, , ?, -, , a, , (�eek, , e, , ., , ccess of data, , e, , head, , C, , 26, , quick st, , e, , Time required for a sector to reach under read I write, , (, , 25:, , cau, , i k, , f, r, o, m, , (fiS Sign d Ts c mplem, , 24., , s, , ould, , o, f, , SY, , Wh c, , EA, , 21., , None, , e, , ), , ., , 20, , H, , g, , (C), , tf("%f' ,f), , in, , tum O ;, , re, , }, , C, , �g, , ), , A, , 19, , ·, , TE, A, , (, , ··1, , ·, , I, d, x, , .,, , (, , C, ), , (D ) YN, , NY, , None of the ab ve, o, ,, :..�·--, , ti, , e, , rr, , e, , or
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· � ·, , JELET- 2014, , 6, , '31:, , JELET-, , int main(void), , 36., , Which of the following components connect the comp\itl,rio a nel\\i�tk, , {, , ..(HJ DNS, , (A) NIC, int, , n;, , 2014, , (C) Gateway, , ti,,, , 'I�' "'q, , (D) Bridge, , r, -r, , ., , Whenever you add a new peripheral to a computer system, which of the following you, , 37., , int s u m = O·, , must install before you can use it 'l-«, , '·, , n = 2;, , (A) Icon, , .(B) Operating system updates, , while (n <= 15), , (C) Device driver, , (D) Any of the above, , A, , I, , J, , 38., , Which of the following is not a function of operating system ?'-, , (C) Provides a user interface, , 3;, , Telnet is=-., , 39., printf(%d", n);, , (A) Dialup program, , return(O);, , (C), , ., , EX, , The output will b.<r-, , appropriate sta�ment(B), , 17, , (C), , 16, , (D), , (A) Its scope covers the entire program, , 15, , (B) Its 'lifetime spans over the life of the program, , {, , (C) Neither A nor B is true, , H, , int rnain(void), , (b) Both, , char x[31], *y;, , printf("%s%s", x,y);, return(O);, }, , . 'The output of the program will be->, (B) ?bed ?bed, , (C) Compilation error, , (D) Runtime error, , SY, , (A) ?bed abed, , (C) Both' A and B, , *(*(X+i)+j), , EA, , (B), , *(X[i]+j), , ·, , --oJ,, , (�) s n, , /n, , s1, , and, , s2, , in a C program, , 'of, , this waveform is-, , az n -, , (D), , 10.2, , n, , \, , A, , ., , is always->, (B) Less than m + n bytes, , (C) Equal to m + n bytes, , (D) None of the above, , f, , ., , j, , o.s, , �, , are m and n bytes, , (A) Greater than rn + n bytes, , I, , ., , ·, , l, , -,--\----+--+---'[10, , Ethernet uses-, , (A), :·--, , (A) Bus topoli;,,ID'., , (C), , (D) None of the above, , occupied by two strings, , (Q) Ring topology, , . ., , ., , A non-alternating periZa�:forrn has been shown in following figure. The form, , respectively, then the space occupied by the string obtained by concatenating s1 and s2, , 35., , ., , �, factor, , ., , 2 n, , - r n �, , · 42., , Consider X is a 2-dimensional array of integers. X[i][i] is equivalent to-, , space, , S n, , TE, A, , x[O]="?";, , ). If the, , and B ar e ture, , C, , x=y;, , (A), , A, , 41. · The value of the equivalentresistance across x-y in the following circuit is-, , y = "abed";, , 33., , Standard internet protocol for remote login, , Consider a static variable declared within a function of a C program. Identify the most, , 40., , ,.(1() 18, , (B) Teller network, , J.B), , Telephone Network, , ', , }, , access, , (D) Load. and run applications, , AM, , (A) Manage resources ·, , n= n +, }, , 32., , ,EB)Internet, , sum.> su�+n;, , _, , @) Mesh topology, (D) None of the above, , "·�,, ;., , ', , /,...._____, , ·····--�,.,., ··--, , 1.414, , -··, , (B) 0.0707, , 20, , 30, , (C) 0.5, , 40, , (D) None of the above.
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8, , JELET - 2014, , 43., , For, , the, , JELET - 2 0 1 4, , following circuit, the relationship that will hold is given by-, , ' ., , A 28 volt source with an internal resistance _of0.75 0 is connected toan I O 1,QJIP_resi�tor, , 49., , (the load resistor is series with the source). The source line and the.load line, , rM----., , I1, , will meet at a point given by- ·, , r--+---{), , (A) (16A, 16 v), 50., , ·, 12 v), , (B) (16A,, , (C) (28A, 37.5 v), , (D) (37.5�1 28 v), , A three-phase 440 V distribution circuit is designed to supply not more than 1.200 amps., Assuming that a three phase squirrel cage induction motor has a foll-load efficiency of, 0.85 and a full-lo�d power factor of 0.8 and that the starting current at rated voltage is, , 5 times the rated full-load current,, , (A), , 51., , it is, , 373.'11, , started, , at, , full, , kW., , voltage;, , When the stability, , will, , 194.33, , '(B), , AM, , when, , the, , under transient, , maximum, , kW rating of, , permissible, , the, , motor,, , be--, , kW, , (C)', , 4 1 6 . 3 3 kW, , condition of the system is, , 124.37 kW, , (D), , studied without solving the, , swing equation, the method used is known as-, , . (C), , 5!., , A 33 KVA, 2200/220 V, 50Hz single phase transformer has the following parameters :, = 6.00, , 1, , • Secondary winding (l.v. side)- resistance r2, , = 0.03, , 0, Leakage reactancexj, , =, , o., , 0.07 O, , The total ohmic loss of the transformer at full load will be--, , ., , ft, , 45., , 1216 watts, , ·, , (B), , Consider the following, , 1205, , watts, , (C), , 1175, , statements-, , watts, , (D), , ,., , I. Interpole windings are connected in series with armature winding, 2., , Polarity, , of, , statements, , regardigg, , ·, , (A), , (B) 2 only, , d.c. machine, , (C), , l and 2, , 75 V, , ·, (B) 225 V, has, , I 00 µF. The Q-factor of, , ·43,, , in, , for-, , A series R-L-C circuit, , . · (A), , stability criterion, , phenomenon, , (A), , Cutting two, , (B), , Attaching, , of, , a small, , (C), , Employing any, , (D), , Incorporating, , (D). Hurwitz, , creeping in, , holes, , or, , slot,', , piece, , one, , or, , Equal-Area, , energy, , in, , the, , �l' iron, , Both, , meters can be, , disc on the, , wire, , to, , the, , edge of, , the methods 'described, , the, , ', , ..,, , (A), , and· (B), , ', , system particularly for light/fan loads in domestic buildings, ., , IS-, , ., , of the spindle, , disc, , (A), , 'in, , criterion, , by-, , a compensating loop, , Most commonly used wiring, , ,;,,C.,, , stability, , avoided, , oppositesid�s, , ., , ', , criterion·, , ., , ., , ., , ., , 1 .0, , (motors),, , the, , Cleat wiring, , \, , '(B) Casing-capping wiring, , (C) Lead sheathed wiring, 54., , ·, , (D) PVC' wirirtg, , In a 3-phase, half wave diode rectifier,, maximum ac voltage is-, , the, , ratio of average output voltage 'to perphase, , ·, , ', , correct, , (A) 0.9555, 55., , (B) 0.827, , (C) 1.654, , (D), , 1.169, , If 6 is the loss angle of the cable, its power factor is-, , (D) none of the above, , (C), , 250 V, , the following parameter values: R, , the, , (B), , ', 56., , (D) None of the above, , =, , 10 O, L, , =, , 0.01 H,, , c, , (A) sirt 6, , (B) cos 6, , (C) independent of 6, , (D) none of the �bov5r, , 1.0 0, , (C), , 1.0 H, , Sources of Air pollution, (A) Automobile, , =, , (C) Solid waste disposal, , circuit at resonance is-, , (D), , JQ-3, , The ratio of the readings of two wattrneters connected to measure power in, , mF, , 57., , a balanced, , Formation, , '(B), , ., , 3 phase, 3 wire load is 5 :, , 3., , _.,. JPf'), , ,, , (B) 0.917 (lag), , (B) Humidity only, , ', , 0.917 (lead), , (D) unity, , ()35, , Smoke and Fog only ·, , (C) Smoke <inly, .,, , (C), , All of the above, , of smrigc__, , (A) Fog only, , .The load. is known to be inductive with a Jagging power, , factor. The power factor of the load is-, , Volcanic eruption, , ,, , ·, , _ (A) 0.917, , I, , ., , scale reading of a PMMC voltmeter is 125 V. The meter will show a full scale, , deflection, , 47., , used, , EA, , half, , (B), , ., , (are), , (A) l only ,, The, , interpole, , SY, , statement(s) is, , 46., , study, , interpole must be the same as that of the main· pole in ahead of it in the, , direction of rotation, Of these, , 1605 watts, , TE, A, , (A), , Routh's, , The, , H, , • Primary winding (h.v. side) - resistance '1 =2.4 0, Leakage reactance x, , C, , 44., , Load-flow, , EX, , (A), , 58., , Toxic Air Pollutants are-, (A) Sulphur Dioxide (S02), -(p/Carbon-Monoxide (CO)., , (B) Nitrogen Dioxide ·�02�, (D) All mentioned above, , \ �
Page 6 :
10, , -.·, , JELET - 2 01 4, 11, , JELET-20i4, , 59., , Control of gaseous pollution include-P.mT.·B, (A) Combustion, , (B) Absorption, , (6} All, , (C) Adsorption, , of the above, , 1, , (Quesiion no. 71 • 100 for all cand.ldates exc_ept Pri11.ting T�bnology and Agricultural, 60., , Abatement of air pollutants, , from Thermal Power PlantEngineering capdjd'!,1"1'), , ffi), 6 I., , ESP, , (B) ASP, , (C) Sprinkler, , ., , (D) None of the above, , 71., , Source of wastewater-, , The cable AB prevents the 1 .5 m long bar OA from-rotating cloc;�ise a�out the pivot, O. If the cable tension is 750 N, the stress generated in th_e 10 cm, , (A) Industrial area, , bar 1s-, , (B) Municipal area, B, , (C) Thermal Power Plant, BOD means(A) Biological Oxygen Demand, (C) Bacteriological Oxygen Demand, , (B) TF, , (D) None of the above, , �WSP, , (D) EA, , The area upto 100 m radius of Health Care Institutions. Academic Institutions and Court, , is(A) Commercial zone, , (B) Residential zone, , ', , ., , (C) Industrial zone, , JP'f Silence, , (A) �72 kPa,, compress_ive, , �-, , zone, , i, , (C), , 65., , The World Environment is celebrated .on(A), , 5th September, , ,{B), , 5th June, , (C) 5th August, , (D) 5th October, , C, , (C) Dissolved matter in quantities harmful to man, �Ail of the above, 67., , ., , (D), , Effects of Water Pollution, (A) Poisonous drinking water, , Soil pollution control� Control use of chemical fertilizer., (C) Tree plantation to avoid s�il erosion, , 69., , ·, by the mgtnr ,,..:..,., through the center of gravity, of the ro II er, the torqu e produced �, Motor, , •, , (B) Use of Biological, , (A) 2000 N.m, 73., , ., , (C), , (B) 500 N.m, , 1000 N.m., , ., , (Dj 866 N.m, , (A) Open dumping, , BC and CA that are connected by flexible pin joints. The forcedeveloped m member BC, ·,, , Fertiliser, is-, , ., , A, , � All of the above, , (B) Sanitary landfilling, , .(Gf°Secured landfilling, , (D) None of the above, , 70,. Environmental Audit Process, , (A) IS 50000, ., , ', , is a part of-, , (B) IS 9001, ,, , %JS, , 14001, , ., , The 500 N weight is hung from the pin B of a system of rigid, massless.members AB,, , Management of solidwaste disposal system adopted for Kolkata Corporation at Dhapa, Area-, , ., , EA, , 68., , of the above, , ., , ,;;, , SY, , (C) Spreading, the water-home disease ., , ., , m/s.-w1thout, , If the roller and motor assembly· has a 'combined weight of_ I 000 N ..that acts, , (B) Depleting the dissolved oxygen due to excess organic loads, , !Pf A 11, , 837 kPa, tensile., , TE, A, , (B) Suspended matter in quantities harmful to man, , (B) 672 kPa, tensile, , ., , compressive, , A motorized-roller rises up a rough, 30' incline at a·co�stant velocity of 0.1, slipping., , 'Wholesome water' is the one, which does not contain, (A) Pathogenic bacteria, , 837 kPa,, , H, , ·12., , 66., , !, ·, , .;, , ,, ,, , Low Cost Waste Treatment(A) ASP, , 64., , ., •, , Oxygen Demand, , EX, , 63., , '8)Biochemical, , AM, , 62., , .{0) All of the above, , (D) BIS 2007, , (A) 1000 N, , (B) 866 N, , (C) 500 N, , (D) 250 N
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12, , JELET - 2 0 14, , 74., , (A) MLT-1, 75., , JELET - 20i4 ., , -, , The dimensional unit of impulse of a force may be expressed as(B) ML2r-2, , A distributed, , balances SI, , and a point, , (C) ML2r-I, , load acts on a 6 m long and, , 8O, , (D) MLT-2, , A 3000 N force, , ', , 5 kN heavy beam. The spring, , is' applied on a concrete, , slab, , 13, , at A as shown to keep, , it (rom, , turning, , . ., ., ., ight, If this force is to be replaced by one actmg on .B, the, clockwise due to its own we1, ·, ., ., , minimum magnitude of the force ·will be approximately-, , and .S2 read, respectively,, , """ ', �, ', "', ",, �, �, ""', "'*, , T D < Jm•�f-3m, , :ic, , SI, 2m, , I, , !, , (A) 4.5 kN, 0, , JA), (B) 3.5, , kN., , I kN, , (C) 3.5 kN, 2 kN, , (D) 7.5 kN., , I kN, , I, , ., , ., , ., , ., , 0, , =, , N, , (D) 4, , 1500 N, , (D), , rests on a horizontal, , 5�fficient of friction, , 1000 N, having, , V-notch, , between the, , an·, , surfaces. is, , I', . g of the cylinder in the, s tppm, , axial, , w, , W, , An isosceles triangle ADE is to be cut from asquare metal sheet ABCD·of dimension, , H, , 77., , ., , direction is-, , ,, , (B) 3, , 3, , _N, , angle 90• as shown m the figure. �e. co, 0.354. The horizontal force p required to cause, , diagonal is-, , l, , B, (C), , �A short circular cylm_der of weight W, , The ratio of the second moments of inertia of a square about its side to that about its, , (A), , 3000, , EX, , 76., , kN, , A, , (B) 20'00 N, , 0.6 m, , ·, , AM, , .L17-���-�........., 11s, . _m_,.__, l, 1_, . 2_m4, , ......J, , 3 kN, , S2, , a. ff thecenter of mass of the remaining sheetjshaded) is located at the vertex.E, the, B, , C, , C, , value of y is-, , TE, A, , T, a, , l, , -A"-----t, (A) 0.5a, , •, , (B) 0.728a, , If a rectangle, , has, , an, , aspect ratio, , (ratio, , of its, , sides), , of 3: I,, , SY, , (D) 0.25 a ., , 78., , the, , ratio, , of the, , second, , moments of area of the rectangle about its longer side to that about the shorter one, (A) 9 :, , (B), , I, , : 9, , (C), , I, , : 27, , (D) 27 :, , is-, , D, , I, , A massless wire mesh mounted on a massless frame ABCD has a circular metal, disc of mass M.and diameter D, , =, , EA, , 79., , I, , an, , r, , ., ., , 83., , (B), , ., , Jz, , -, , A toiler drum of'rad,�s r -1, , h, , T, , IO.,J2N, , =, , ., , . gh, , m an: wet!', , 10 N, , ., , 500' mm by a honzontal force, , W is to be pulled over a curb of a height of, , � t, , app ie ., , Yi!.., , CB), , 1w, , ,/3, , ..., (C), , w, ..[2, , (D), , w, , the end of a string that is wrapped around, , o p t, , the drum. The magnitude �f the rope t.ens1on, , (A), , (A) Ma2, , (D ) O N, (C), , N, , axis passing through A and perpendicular to the, , c, , plane of th� paper is-, , ION, (A), , 2a fixed on it centrally. The moment of inertia of the, , wire mesh-metal disc assembly about, , C, , o, , roll the drum over the curb 'is-- p
Page 8 :
14, , JELET- 2014, JELET-' 2014, , 84., , A 150 kg load is supported by the rope and pulley arrangement as shown. Knowing, , ihi:i, , 89., , J3 = 30°, and a can have any value between O and 90°, magnitude of the force p need� ., to hold the weight is approximately-, , IS, , A rigid bar is pivoted at a frictionless bearing as shown. A force of 100 N is applied to, it. If the Young's modulus of elasticity of the connected flexible string is I 00 GPa, the, , �, deflection of the free end of the rod is-, , p, , ��, , Frictionless Bearing, 100 N, String, Length = I 00 mm,, area=, , ll.::;'.;c=---.."4,=s-==-+l+-�500 mm, 1000 mm, 57 N, , (B) 87 N, , 117 N, , (C), , (D), , ISON, , AM, , _ _ l"), , 2, , 10 mm, , (A) 0.025 mm, , '-"' The range of P for which the block is in static condition is90., , _j\, , �, , (D) 0.05 mm, , ·i, , 1, , elastic line of the beam will be-, , ., �-·, , ·, , (C) 0.005 mm, , ., , ., , (, A, ), , 91., , 30�, , Parabolic, , (B), , ', r, , 't, , Sinusoidal, , (C) Linear, , EX, , µ = 0.289, , (B) 0.125 mm, , A cantilever beam is subjected to a concentrated moment at its free end. The deflected, , (D) Circular, , •, , A long column is strapped with a U-bolt at its mid length. As a result, the buckling· load, of the column, (A), , (B), , Decreases by half, , 125 < P < 375 N, , (, B, ), , C, , A homogenous and prismatic slender rod of cross-sectional area A and of length L is, , r, , be its specific weight then, , the maximum stress developed in the rod is given by(A) yL, , (C) (, , f )yL, , (A), , Proof stress, , (B) · Elastic limit, , . (C), , Failure stress, , ., , (D) Ult'.mate stre�s, , Please refer to the following figure. The magnitude of the maximum tensile, ),, , times, , to, , that, , of· the, , maximum, , compressive, , stress, , developed, , in, , s�ess, , IS, , simply, , the, , i, I, •, , ·, , 2yL, , (B), , 93., , TE, A, , hanging _freely from a rigid wall due to its own weight. If, , (D) None of the above, , 92. ·Formation of a "neck" during tensile test of mild steel rod affects its-, , (D) 500 < P < 625 N, , (C) 250 < P < 500 N, 86., , H, , (C) Remains same, , _u:,. <\ < P.< 500 N, , Increases exactly two times, , (D) None of the above, , supported beam. The beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed loading of intensity, , l, wn = kN.m-•. The value of ), is-, , l, , 50mm, , 100 mm, , •, , I, , ·I, , SY, , 87." With reference to Q. 86 cons'der another rod having identical geometry with the first rod, and of the same material. A concentrated load of magnitude equal to the weight of the, , ·, , t, , former rod is applied at its free end. Now ratio of the maximum elongation of the rod, , (A), 88., , I, , :, , I, , ,(B) 2 : I, , (C), 2, , A rod of cross-sectional 'area 1000 mm, , I, , EA, , to that of the previous rod is-, , : 2, , (D), , I :, , 1..---- 4000, , mm·------o,, 400 mm, , -Ii, , is subjected to the following loading.Ratio of the, , magnitudes of the maximum tensile stress to that of the maximum compressive stress, developed in the rod isI•, , 300N-, , +-, , 600 N, , --..., , 100 N, , ., , 200 N, , (A) 39 : 53, 94., , ,, , 100 mm, , 100 mm, , I, , -, , ., , -, , 600 mm, - --·, , (B) 41, , : 55, , 200 mm, (C) 43, , •I, , : 49, , 50 mm, (D) 23, , : 37, , ., , A stress-strain diagram is shown for a hypothetical tensile test specimen of a hypothet,�al, material., , Dotted line, , shows the unloading curve and the dark, , line, , shows th!', , loading, , ,, , I, , (A), , I, , : 2, , (B), , I, , . I, , curve of the specimen. The values of the Young's modulus and the permanent set at the, , (c) 2 : I, , (D), , of the above, indicated position areF-t6, ,, , l
Page 9 :
", 16, , JELET-2014, 17-, , .JELET- 2014, , Stress (MPa), , 98., , A slender prismatic rod is fixed between the two non-yielding supports as shown in the, figure below. The temperature of the rod is now raised by 100°C. Assume area of the rod, to, , be, , 1000 mm2, Young's, , modulus, , of elasticity of the, , co-efficient of thermal expansion of the rod to be, , 1---r--r-', , 150, , rod, , material, , as 200, , GPa and, , l x 10-0 I °C. The stress developed in, , the rod because of the temperature change will be-, , {, {, , so, , {, {, , � rm &:r; 0�11::, , {, , 1, , I, , �, , . ., , 1, , 1+--, , {, {, , I, , 10,051, , 0.25, , J.--.1 Permanent, , 0.40, , Strain (%), , Set, , (A) 20 MPa, (A), , 1000 MPa and, , (C), , 100 GPa and 0.10%, , (B), , 0.10%, , 100 GPa and 0.15%, , (B), , (D) None of the above, , be the correct event?-, , 95., , A slender prismatic rod of circular cross-sectional area, , 100, , mm2 is subjected to a force, , (A), of 100 kN. If Young's modulus of the rod material be, , 100 GPa, its diametral contraction, , 15, , O.Q05 mm, , (C) 5 MPa, , MPa, , (D), , LO MPa, , A load W falls on a simple beam suddenly at its niid point. Which of the followings will, , EX, , 99., , . •, , AM, , I, , o.o, , •, , The maximum bending moment and shear force will remain the same, , and maximum, , deflection becomes twice compared to the respective values if the load had 'been applied, will, , be (consider Poison's ratio = 0.25)--, , ·, , statically, , (A) 25, , x, , (B) 25, , 10-, , x [0-4, , (C) 25, , x, , H, , 3, , (D) None of the above, , 10-2, , (B) The maximum bending moment and shear force wilt remain the same and maximum, , A cantilever' beam of length 2.0 m is subjected to a 'concentrated load of magnitude'20., , kN acting at its free end. If the slope of the tangent drawn to its elastic line at a distance, , elastic, (A) 25, , x, , J0-6 radian, , (C) 65, , x, , ] l -<i radian, , A mass m tied to, , (B) 40 x 10-<i radian, ·, , (D) None or'the above, , a string of original length Lo and cross-sectional area Ao is made to, , SY, , rotate at an angular speed or'w rad. - I in the vertical plane. When the string reaches the, bottom most position, the new length of the string becornes-c-, , -, , 2L0}, _ ro, , deflection becomes half compared to the respective values if the load had been applied, staticaily, , (C) The maximum bending moment, shear force and maximum deflection become twic�, , line at a distance 2.0 ni from the fixed end of the beam will be-, , EA, , 97., , TE, A, , 1.0 m from the fixed end be 30 x 10-<> radian then the slope ofth� tangent drawn to the, , C, , 96., , compared to the respective values if the load had been applied statically, , (D), , 100., , None of these, , ,, , In the figure shown the mass, m = 1 . 0 kg is attached to a massless string of cross-sectional, , area 1.5 mm2. The string is wrapped around a pulley which can rotate about its bearing, in, , the, , vertical, , Assuming g, , =, , plane., , It, , is, , known that the breaking, , stress, , of the, , string, , is, , l 00. MPa., , IO m.s-2 approximately, the maximum upward acceleration of the mass, , .that can be provided, is-, , {1, , (A), , (B), , mg, , g, , +l, , L0, , I, , .r!, , AoE, , - " 0- · �, , ,, , I - co, , 2, , Lo, , g, , }, , {, , m, , (C), , mg, , Ao!, , Lo, , t, a, , (D) None of the above., , 2, , (A) 10.0 m.s-, , 2, , (B) 5.0 m.s-, , (C), , 2, , 1. 0 m.s-, , (D), , None of these
Page 10 :
'I, 18, , 82., , PART- C, , To transmit power from one rotating shaft to another wllose axes � hiithcr plirallel' nor, intersecting, use, , (Question no. 71 - 100 only for Printing Technology candidates), , · 72., , Hooke's law holds good upto->, (A) yield point, , (B) limit of proportionality, , (C) breaking point, , (D) elastic limit, , 73., , (A), , (C) kg, , (d) kg/cm!, , (C) linear strain, , . ·) (:D} worm gear, , has a head on one end and a nut fitted to the other, has.head at one· end and other end fits into a tapped hole in the other part tobe joined, , (C) has both the ends threaded, , Deformation per unit length in the direction of force is known as(B) lateral strain, , (C) bevel gear, , A stud--, , (B), , (B) kg/cm, , (A) strain, , 74., , 83., , The unit of Young's modulus is(a) mm/mm, , (B). spiral gear, , (A) spur gear, , (D) has pointed threads, , (D) linear stress, , In order to obtain bolt of uniform strength-, , 84., , AM, , 71., , 19, , JEtEt- 20(4, , JELET- 2014, , Modulus of rigidity is defined as the ratio of, , "\, , (A) increase shank diameter, , (A) longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain, , (B) increase it;· length, , (B) volumetric stress and volumetric strain, , _, , (C) drill an axial hole through head upto threaded portion so that shank area is equal to, , (C) lateral stress and lateral strain, , EX, , root area of thread, , (D) shear stress and shear strain., , _, , ., , (D) tighten die bolt properly, , If the radius of wire stretched by a load is doubled, then its Young's modulus will be=-, , . (A) doubled, , (B) halved, , hole to the nearest edge of the plate-in terms of diameter of rivet d should 'be equal to-, , (D) remain unaffected, , ., , (A) d, , During a tensile test on a specimen of 1 cm2 cross-section, maximum load observed was, 8 tonnes and area of cross-section at neck was 0.5, , cm2. Ultimate tensile, , In, , a belt, , drive,, , (B) ductility, , the, , pulley, , diameter, , (C) elasticity, , (A) The colloidal particles have positive charge., (B) The colloidal particles have 'negative charge., , (D) 22 tonnes/cmt, , is, , doubled,, , the, , belt, , tension, , and, , pulley, , (C) The colloidal particles are solvated., , (B) increase key depth, , (C) increase key width, , (D) There is strong electrostatic repulsion .berween the negatively-charged particles,, , 87., , :(I!) Chromium, , (A) Mercury, , 88., , Farmer's reducer, , (C) Copper, , ,, , (D) Arsenic, , is-, , (A) A mixture of aqueous solution of potassium ferricyanide and sodium thiosulphate, , (D) double all the dimensions, , (B) A mixture of aqueous solution of potassium ferricyanide and sodium ferricyanide, , to tum or revolve about a fixed axis of another element is known as-, , (C) A mixture of aqueous solution of potassium_ iodide and potassium cyanide, , EA, , The type of pair formed by two elements which are so connected that one is constrained, , (A) turning pair, , (B) rolling pair, , (C) sliding pair, , (D) spherical pair, , Idler pulley is used-, , (D) A �ix\ure of aqueous solution of cerium sulphate and sulphuric acid, , 89., , 90., , for increasing -velocity ratio, , (D), , all of the-above, , 81. -A-universal-joint is an example of(A) higher pair, , (B) lower pair, , ', (B) Evaporation only, , .(C) Absorption and evaporation both, , (B) for applying tension, (C), , Quickset irik is dried by(A) Absorption only, , (A) for changing the direction of motion of the belt, ,, , The following metal cannot be considered as photographic intensifler-e-,, , widtli, , SY, , . (A) increase key length, , 80., , Lyophilic sols are more stable tlian lyophobic sols because-«, , (D) malleability, , remaining same. The changes required in key will be-, , 79., , (D) 1.75 d, , (C) 1.5 d, , The property of a material which allows it to be drawn into a snialle; section is called(A) plasticity, , 78., , (C) 16 tonnes/cm-, , TE, A, , 77., , · (B) 8 tonnes/cm-, , 86., , (B)'l.25 d, , strength of, , specimen is(A) 4 tonnes/cm2, , In order to avoid tearing of the plate at edge, the distance from the center line of the rivet, , H, , �C) become four times, , 76., , 85., , C, , 75., , (D) Absorption and oxidative polymerization, , For film-foil lamination, the following adhesives are used ::......, (A) Pressure sensitive' adhesive, , (B) Contact adhesive, , (C) Starch-based adhesive, , (D) Hot melt adhesive, , ", , ---91-:-If dispersed phase is liquid and dispersion medium is solid, the colloid is known as(C) rolling pair, , (D) sliding pair, , (A) Sol, , (B) Gel_, , (C) Emulsion, , (D) Foam, , -
Page 11 :
,,, , '<, , -92., , 93., , The driographic plate must contain, , 74., , The SI unit of torque is-, , (A) N-m, , (A) Starch, , (B) Silicone layer, , (C) hydroquinone, , (D) dry diazonium chloride, , . 75., , Gold number represents-, , I, , (A), , Amount of gold in alloys, , (8), , Percentage of gold in bimetal ·plate, , (C), , Colloid protective power, ., , (D), , How precious, the metal plates, ., , (C) None, , (C) J, , (B) Pa, , Which tractor gives maximum.traction, (1) Two wheel drive tractor, , (B) Four wheel drive tractor, , (C) Crawler tractor, , (D} Power tiller, , ', , 76., , 94., , 21, , JELET - 20·14, , JELET -·2014, , 20, , Which of .the following is used to measure power- ., , are, , (A) Voltmeter, , (B) Dynarnometer, , (C) Solirimeter, , (C) None of these, , The sheetfed inks have their viscosity in the range of(A), , 1-2 poise, , (B) 40-55 poise, , (C), , 100-250 poise, , (D) 500-600 poise, , 95., , The ingredient that is not used as principal fillers for papermaking are-, , ·, (A), , (B) calcium carbonate, , (C) clay, , (D) titanium dioxide, , ', , ·, , 98., , 78., , The contact angle between a solid and liquid depends onthe material of solid and_ liquid, , (B), , the shape of the 'solid, , (C), , the mass of the solid, , (D), , temperature, , 79., , 80., , (8) toxic, , (C) it has low boiling point, , (D) it, , The following polymer is used as desensitizingagent-e(8) polyvinyl alcohol, , (C) phosphoric acid, , · (D) starch, , Aqueous fount solution spreads on the non-image area because of(A) its high contact angle, , (B) its low contact angle, , (C) its low viscosity, , (D) its high viscosity, , · 81., , 82., , SY, , The pH of paper coated with clay is(A) 4-6, , (B) 6-7, , (C), , (D), , 10-11, , EA, , PART- D, , 11-12, , 120°, , (B) 180°, , (CJ 240•, , (8) 20° - 25°, , 15° - 20°, , (D) 30° - 35°, , (A) MB plow, , The· difference between a 'shallow tube well and a 'deeptubewell is on the basis of-, , (8) harrow, , (C) sweep, , (B) position of water table ·11nd· pump', , (C) type of aquifer, , (D) depth of aquifer, , The bhp of a centrifugal pump varies directly(A) as tlie speed of the impeller, , ", , (8), , ··, , (Cfas 1he cube of the speed of impeller, , e •, , 85., , as, , the square, , of, , the speed of impeller, , (D)"'none of these, , The rotary pumps are-, , ,·, , (B) Power unit, , (A) Positive displacement ut\it, , (D) None of the above, , (C) Friction unit, 86., , · (D} all of the above, , (A) depth of tube well, , GTS means-, , (DJ.360•, (B) Grand trigonometrically survey, , A power tiller is most suited for rotary tiller because(A} It. generates negative draft, , (B) Its traction requirement is low, , 87 ....1tlt''·, ., ,, ., ,., ,.., .,,, ,, i\!\, , (C) It provides high degree of pulverisation, , (D) None. of these, , dro, P, , erosion is, ,;-,:\' ...., , '(�)"Rill erosion·, 73., , (C) 25° - 30°, , Which of the following is .a' primary tillage implen\ent ?-, , (C) Group trigo�omei,'_i�ally, .., , (D) all of them, , The valueof disc anglevaries from-, , (A). Great trigonometrically survey, 72., , (C) moong, , SJ°:, , The average firing interval for 3-cylinder 4-stroke engine isl(A), , (B) gram ., , ;, , (Question no. 71 - 100 only for Agricultural Engineering candidates), 71., , (D) all of the above, , (C) planter, , Dibbling is generally used for sowing-c-, , (A), , 84., .100., , (B) dibbler, , (A} vegetables, , makes the blanket soft, , (D)· None of these, , (C) - 23.45°, , Which of the followings is an.animal drawn equipment-, , H, , (A) it causes blanket swelling, , (D) 250 - 300 g I k,W I h, , (B) +23.45°, , (A) broad caster, , Kerosene should not be used for blanket washing as-, , (B) 150 - 200 g/kW/h, ..·, , Solar declination (6) on 21/2,and 22/9 is(A) 0°, , (A), , (A) gum Arabic, , 99., , ', , C, , 97., , ., , TE, A, , 96., , ., , 100 - 150. g/kW/h, , (C) 200 - 250 g I kW I h, , EX, , (A) cobalt chlorjde, , AM, , 77 . . Brake Sp. fuel consumption of CI engine normally lies in the range of-,-, , The firing order of a 4-S, 4 cylinder engine is-, , ,., , s�.T11,•Y., , !:., , ;, , ·;:,, , .(El) �ori�pf these, , 1, , is6't&:. �fi'�·,,··,.r-,. :=:, .,--��,·}�, �q�f".'·, �1. ....� r t ,;, , . h:-'.J. > ! - ., , �i)....., , · ·.· '{BY �ullery1eroslon, , . �., , (C)Wuil\·eioslon ., , (D}, , All of these., , ., --- -8S.-Soil erodibillty-is-a+:, , (A), , I - 2 - 3 c 4- ., , - - "(B)"! .; 2 - 4 - 3, ,, , (C), , I · 4 -3 -2, , (D), , l, , - 3 • 2 • 4, , (A) Static process, , . (B) Dynamic process(C). Both A·& 8, , (D) None of the above
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JELET- 2014, , 22, , A plot of rainfall intensity versus time is called(A) Hydrograph, , ·, , (B) Isohyet, , (C) Hyetograph, , 90., , The temperature range for UHT sterilization of milk is--, , 91., , Paddy is normally stored. at, , (A) 90 - I00°C, , (A), · (C), , 94., , 95., , 12% moisture content (d.b.), , (A), , long shelf life at room temperature, , destruction of only pathogenic micro-organism, , (D) all of these, , {A) air velocity, , (B) thickness of bed, , (C) air humidity, , (D) air temperature, , High speed rotor of the hammer mill rotates at the speed of(A) 1500 - 2500 rpm, , (B), , (C) 2000 - 5000 rpm, , (D) None of these., , 1500 - 4000 rpm, , The most commonly used solvent for extraction of oil in India. is--, , {l>) None of these, , (C) n- hexane, , (B) n-Butane, , Which of the following is the morden method of parboilingSingle boiling, , Double boiling, , TE, A, , (B, ), , (B, ), , CFTRI, , . (D) None of these, , LSU dryers were developed by-, , (B) England, , (C), , USA, , (D) Pakistan, , Strokes law is used to find(A) Terminal velocity, , (B) Surface tensio_n, , (C) Drag co-efficient, , (D) All of these, , The highest temperature recorded in a solar pond is-(A), , 100., , (B) destruction of all micro-organism, , Constant rate _of drying of agriculture produce is independent of-, , SY, , 99., , None of these, , (D) 15% moisture content (w.b.), , (C), , (M India, 98., , {D, ), , Pasteurization of Milk is necessary for-, , (A), 97., , ., , (B) 12% moisture content (w.b.), , 15% moisture content (d.b.), , (A) Ether, . 96., , 135 - !50°C, , EX, , 93., , (C), , H, , 92., , (B) 100 - 115°C, , (D) None of these, , AM, , 89., , C, , ·, , I 08°C, , (B), , 200°C, , (C) 300°C, , (D) None of these, , Which type of pump is used in· the lubricating system of (factor(A) Centrifugal .pump, , (B) Reciprocating pump, , (C) Gear pump, , (D) Any one of the above., , EA, , » ·, , Sulcx, , ('011111':r, , ((, , olll'�e Strl't:t), , LAKSHMI PRflKflSHflNI, 35/B,., , ·, , Beniatola, , .Mob., , :, , Lane, , (College, , Street), , Kolkata-9, , 9830196204/9051478724/9836742252, , .