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7. State any two benefits of e-Business., 8. State any two demerits of e-Business., 9. Name any two information-intensive products that can be delivered ele, , 10., ll., 12., 13., 14,, 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., , Four, , SL MPNAMRYNE, , your Computer., State any two risks of e-Business., What is Cryptography?, Give the meaning of Cookies., State any two ways of payment in Online Transactions., What is PayPal?, State any two resources required for the successful implementation of, Give the meaning of Outsourcing., What services are provided by Call Centers?, State any two features of Outsourcing., State any two needs of Outsourcing., State any two threats to Outsourcing., Give the meaning Verticals in Outsourcing Terminology., Give the meaning Horizontals in Outsourcing Terminology., , Marks Questions, , Bring out any four distinctions between Traditional Business and e-Bu, Explain briefly the steps involved in Online Transactions., Explain briefly the scope of e-Business., Explain any four benefits of e-Business., Explain any four limitations of e-Business., Explain briefly the ways of payment in Online Transactions., Explain briefly the risks involved in e-Business Transactions., What is Outsourcing? Briefly explain its salient features., Explain briefly any four reasons to justify the need for Outsourcing., . Explain briefly the concerns over Outsourcing.