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2. Long Term / Non-current Investments, (i) Investments in iced Securities, Debentures etc., scene Funds / Other Funds / Investments, (ii) Investments in immovable properties ps, (iii) Investments In Capital of Partnership Firms, (iv) Long Term Loans given —, 3. Working Capital, Quick Assets, (a) . Cash and Bank 3, (b) Debtors (Net) / Trade Receivables, (c) Bills Receivable, (d) Short Term Loans & Advances Given, (e) Accrued Income, (f) Short-term or Marketable Investments, Total Quick or Liquid Assets (a to f), g) Inventory, h) Pre-payments (pre-paid expenses, advance for goods, advance tax), A. Current Assets (a to h) ee, Less:, Quick Liabilities be, a) Creditors. / Trade Payables, b) Bills Payable, c) Advances Received, (d) Outstanding Expenses, (e) Accrued Interest, (f) Provision for Tax, (g) Unclaimed Dividend, (nh) Short Term Loans ;, Total Quick Liabilities (a to h), (i) Bank Overdraft a, B. Current Liabilities (a to i), Net Current Assets or Working Capital (A - B), Total Assets or Total Funds Employed, (Fixed Assets + Investments + Working Capital) (1 + 2+ 3), , 6.8 ILLUSTRATIONS | ol, , Illustration 1 - (Summary Bs), , oo, , , , , , , , , , , , , Equity Shares Capital, 10% Preference share Capital, 9% Debenture, General Reserve, Capital Reserve, _ 11% Bank Loan, Creditors, , ON eR oc oe ee, , ; Cash in Hang, Cash at Bank, , Preliminary Expenses, Goodwill, , Building, Investment (Lona-Term), , , , , , , , , , Following i |, stil g is the Summary Balance Sheet of Abhijeet Ltd. as on 31st March, 2017., , Analy, , Solut, , >= |B, , AS