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QNE-WORD SUBSTITUTES L~, , One who plays » game only as « pastime — Ama, A place where fish are kept in house or building ~ Aquarium, ‘One who does not believe in God - Atheist, , ‘One who represents his government in a foreign country ~ Ambassador, ‘One who designs buildings ~ Architect p, , . One who studies the planets and stars sciemitically ~ Astronomer, , Pee, , 7. An unmarried man — Bachelor, , 8. A place where soldiers live ~ Barracks, , 9. A place where law cases are heard — Court, 10. One who trains others in games or athletics ~ Coach,, 11. One who looks after a museum - Curator, , 12. A restaurant in a college. factory etc, - Canteen, 13. One who drives a car for an employer ~ Chauffer, , 14, A person in debt ~ Debtor, , 15. A place where medicines are dispensed ~ Dispensary, , 16, One who investigates crimes ~ Detective, , 17. One who edits written material for publication ~ Editor, , 18, One who sells flowers ~ Florist, 19, Idle talk that spreads ~ Gossip, , 20. A place where cars etc. are kept or repaired - Garage, , 21. A place where grain is stored ~ Granary, , 22. A building where students live ~ Hostel, , , , 23. One who writes for a newspaper ~ Journalist, , 24. One who rides horses in races — Jockey, , 25. An insane person - Lunatic, , 26 One who handles cases concerned with the law, , 27.A place where scientific experiments are carried out, 28. One who sings or plays an instrument, , Musician, , 29.4 child whose parents ave dead —Pryhan, , 30. One who looks at the bright side of things - Optimist, 31, One who looks on the dark side of things ~ Pessimist, , 32. A place where criminals are locked up ~ Prison, , 33. One who flies an aircraft — Pilot, 34. One who journey’ to a holy place, , 35. One who loves and defends his country, , 36. One who loves mankind ~ Philanthropist, 37. One who watches a game etc. ~ Spectator, , 38. An unmarried woman ~ Spinster, , Pilgrim, Patriot, , 39, One who loves being cruel to others ~ Sadist, 40. A doctor who performs operations ~ Surgeon, , 41.A building where films are shown or plays are staged ~ Theatre, , 42. A holiday traveller ~ Tourist, , 43. A place of higher education ~ University, 44, One who does not eat meat ~ Vegetari, , , , 45, One who treats animals ~ Veterinarian, 46. A farm where grapes are grown ~ Vineyard, , 47. One who writes books ~ Writer, , 48. A Women whose husband is dead, , 49. Aman whose wife is dead, '50_ A place where books are kept, , , , 35, , ‘and who has not remarried ~ Widow, and who has not remarried - Widower, for circulation — Library