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Test, Total Score, A2 vocab verbs, 60, Questions, 1. aufregen: excite, i am excited to meet her, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 2. auspacken : to unpack, After the vacation we had to unpack our luggages, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 3. benutzen: to use, Please use the stair cases. The lift is not working, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4. beschweren: complain, I must complain against the telephone company. I have received a high bill, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 5. bitten: request, i must request her. She can help us, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 6. sich freuen: to be pleased, look forward, I look forward to your visit, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 7. geschehen, i was sure something bad will happen, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 8. sich interessieren fuer, have interest for, i have interest in sport , especially Football, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 9. kuessen: to kiss, the bride and the bridegroom kissed each other, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 10. lachen: to laugh, During the movie we laughed a lot, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 1, LAta classes/
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11. legen: to keep, Please keep the book on the table, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 12. leihen: to lend/borrow, Can i borrow your car for the journey, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 13. malen: to paint, he likes to paint, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 14. nuetzen: to benefit, This deal will benefit me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 15. raten: to advice, he advised me during my problems, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 16. reden: to talk, the women talked a lot about the movie, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 17. sammeln: collect, He has collected many photos of his favorite sportsman, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 18. singen: to sing, the singer sang well, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 19. stoeren: to disturb, He disturbed us continously, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 20. weinen: to cry, The baby cried for a long time. it needed something, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, ita classes /