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Test, Total Score, Develop vocab for B1 (chapter 1) VERBS, 105, Questions, 1. Aergern:annoy, I must not annoy him, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 2. auffallen: to stand out,to be noticed, Because of his hair he always stands out, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 3. Aufregen: to excite, This song always excites me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4. Ausruhen: relax, Please relax here, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 5. Bedeuten: to mean, What does that mean? I don't understand, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 6. Begruessen: to greet, I must greet the guests. They are coming tomorrow, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 7. Bemuehen: to make an effort, He must make an effort if he wants to be successful, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 8. Beschweren, You must complain if you have received bad service, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 9. Bewegen to move, You must move fast If you want to reach there, 1, classes /
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Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 10. Fordern: to demand, You must demand for a big salary because you work really hard, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 11. Fuerchten:to fear, You must not fear. Life is a challenge, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 12. Gehoeren: to belong, This big house belongs to me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 13. Gruessen: to greet, I must greet the guests today, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 14. Haengen: to hang, Please hang it on the door, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 15. Hoffen to hope, I hope that you will pass this time, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 16. Interessieren: to interest, This story does not interest me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 17. Kaempfen: to fight, You must always fight against injustice, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 18. Sich kuemmern: to take care of, I must take care of it, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 19. Kuessen: to kiss, I want to kiss you, lita classes/
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Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 20. Passen: to fit, This dress fits you very good, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 21. Singen: to sing, Can you sing well?, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 22. Stellen: to place, Please place the apple in the fridge, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 23. Toeten: to kill, You must not kill the wild animals, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 24. Traeumen: to dream, She always dreams of her prince, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 25. Umarmen: to embrace, The king wants to embrace his queen. She is far from him, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 26. Unterhalten: to entertain, Peter likes to entertain people. He wants to become an actor, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 27. Verlangen: to demand, He demans too much salary. Nobody can afford it, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 28. Sich verlieben: to fall in love, She has fallen in love with him, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 29. Vertrauen: to trust, Do you trust me? I will never cheat you, iita
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Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 30. Vorstellen: to introduce, I must introduce her. We are meeting for the first time, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 31. Warnen: to warn, The police has warned him. He must not repeat it., Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 32. Weinen: to cry, The baby is crying. It needs perhaps milk, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 33. Wuenschen: to wish, I want to wish her for her success, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 34. Zuwinken: to wave, I must wave at them, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 35. Zweifeln: to doubt, He doubts my abilities, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4., Lalita classes /