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Rajkumar Kumawat, No, ., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27., 28., 29., 30., 31., 32., 33., 34., 35., 36., 37., 38., 39., 40., 41., 42., 43., 44., 45., 46., 47., , 09928305852, 08983389028, , 2015, , ONE WORDS, A Stern In A Tea Cup, Abjure, Absurd, Accolade, Accommodation, Aggravated, Albatross, Alien, All The Rage, Alleviation, Altar, Alter, Ambidexestrous, Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Ambivalent, Amoral, Amputated, Amputation, Anarchy, Anarchy, Anonymous, Apathetic, Aquarium, Arbiter, Arbitrator, Arbiter, Arbitrator, Aschellies heal, Atheism, Atheist, Autopsy, Baneful, Bibliography, Bibliophile, Bibliophile, Biopsy, Black Sheep, Black sheep, Break, Bribe, Brittle, Cacographist, Cacographist, Cacophony, Call On, Cameo, Canine, Carcass, Cargo, Cattle, Cavalry, , One Words, , To Quarrel Over Trivial Matters, Renounce A Belief Or Claim, Person Who Is Neat Clean And Tidy, Things Given As A Special Honour Or Reward, When A Company Or Organization Provides The Hone To Live For Particular Time, To Make Worse, A good omen bird (sea bird), One Who Live Among Stranger, Very Popular, Lesson The Pain A Distress, A Religious Table, To Change, One Who Used Both The Hands To Do The Same Work, A Word Or Sentence Which Has Two Meaning Or The Meaning Is Not Clear, Having Mixed Feelings, Not Concerted About What Is Right And What Is Wrong, To Cut Off Body’s Part, Absence Of Govt., One Who Wants To Throw Out The Overall Establishment Of Govt., A Written Who Don’t Want To Represent His Name, Lock Of Energy Or Enthusiasm, Where The Fish Is Kept, A Person Who Tries To Solve The Problem Between Two Person Or Two Parties, One Who Tries To Solve Out The Dispute Between Two Person Or Two Parties, Weak point, One Who Never Believes In God, Post Mortem, Cause Of Great Distress, List Of Books, A Lover Of Book, A Person Who Is Always Carrying Book With Himself, Operation, An Unworthy Person, An unworthy person, To Communicate, To Grease The Palm, Libel to breale, One Who Is Bad In Spelling, One Who Is Bad In Spelling, A Harsh Sound, To Pay Avisit, Guest Appearance, A Front Pointed Teeth Of An Animal, A Sign What Will Happen, Goods Carried On A Ship, Group Of Cows, Soldier On Horse, , Page 1
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Rajkumar Kumawat, 48., 49., 50., 51., 52., 53., 54., 55., , Cite, Cobbler, Coir, Compliant, Composite, Conformity, Contribution, Coup, Anarchy, , 56., 57., 58., 59., 60., 61., 62., 63., 64., 65., 66., 67., 68., 69., 70., 71., 72., 73., 74., 75., 76., 77., 78., 79., 80., 81., 82., 83., 84., 85., 86., 87., 88., 89., 90., 91., 92., 93., 94., 95., 96., , Crackle, Cursory, Cut The Gordian Knot, Cute, Dark house, Dessert, Desultory, Didactic, Disparage, Dodo, Drover, Eccentric, Edible, Effeminate, Effusion, Elocution, Emancipate, Enable, Epigram, Erratic, Eulogistic, Euphemism, Evade, Exalt, Exhilarate, Exhort, Extravagant, Extrinsic, Extrovert, Fatalist, Felicitous, Gallop, Garnish, Gentry, Gift Of Gab, Goose egg, Grapple, Green Horne, Gullible, Hypothesis, Illegible, , One Words, , 09928305852, 08983389028, , 2015, , To Quote, One who minds shoes, A fiber of coconut, Excessively Obedient, Made By Varisthing, Comply With Ruled And Regulation, A Set Of Principle, Absence Of Govt./ One Who Wants To Throw Out The Overall Establishment Of A, Govt., A fool, Hasty Not Thorough, To Perform A Difficult Task, Looking Nice, Unpredictable winner, Sweet Dish After Having A Meal, Lack Of Purpose, A Way Of Teaching, Speak Critically Of, Eragon (imaginary birds), One who leads with cattle, One Who Is Rather Unconventional Or Stage, Liable To Eat, A Boy/Man Who Is Having Girls Charcterious, An Outpouring Of Fallings, A Very Good Communication Skill, Free From Social Or Political Scene, Give Greater Dignity To, A Short Witty Saying, Happening or acting in a irregular way, Speech Or Writing Praising Someone, We use soft words instead of saying harsh mouth, To Avoid Something, Extreme Happiness, Cause To Feel Very Happy And Lively, Strongly Urge To Do Something, One Who Spends The Money Lavishly, Coming From Outside, One Who Is Ready To Express Ideas To Other, One Who Believes In Fate, Appropriate Or Well Chosen, Horses fastest run, To Decorate The Food, The Person Who Is Working Under Nobility, A Very Good Interpersonal Skill, Zero, Struggle To Deal With, An Inexperienced Person, Easily Deceived, The Idea Is Yet To Prove, Unable To Read Due To Bad Handwriting, , Page 2
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Rajkumar Kumawat, 97., 98., 99., 100., 101., 102., 103., 104., 105., 106., 107., 108., 109., 110., 111., 112., 113., 114., 115., 116., 117., 118., 119., 120., 121., 122., 123., 124., 125., 126., 127., 128., 129., 130., 131., 132., 133., 134., 135., 136., 137., 138., 139., 140., 141., 142., 143., 144., 145., 146., , Immaculate, Impersonate, Inevitable, Infantry, Inflict, Innocent, Invigorate, Invincible, Invulnerable, Jockey, Jury, Kleptomaniac, Kowtow, Lapidist, Latent, Legible, Limping, Limping, Loiter, Make Up, Malign, Martyr, Meddle, Men Of Letters, Mercenary, Minnow, Mitigate, Mongrel, Muffled, Mutilated, Naïve, Novice, Numismatics, Numismatics, Odyssey, Ornithologist, Ornithology, Oscar Wild, Ostentatious, Pain, Pane, Parasite, Parley, Parley, Parsimonious, Miser, Peasantry, Pen, Perjure, Perseverance, Philatelist, , One Words, , 09928305852, 08983389028, , 2015, , A Person Who Is Neat Clean And Tidy, Pretending to be another person, Certain To Happen, Soldier On Foot, Cause Something Painful, One Who Don’t Know The Difference Between What’s Right And What’s Wrong., To Make Strong, Too Powerful To Be Defeated Unable To Defeat, Unable To Harm, Professional rides of horse racing, The Group Of Judges, An Irresistible Tendency To Steal, Excessively Obedient, One Who Carves The Precious Stones, Existing but not yet developed, Able To Read, Unable To Walk Properly Due To Injured Led Specially For Animal, Unable To Walk Properly Due To Insured, To Stand Around Idly, Reconcile, Say Unpleasant Things About Someone, One Who Is Died For A Noble Cause, To Interface, A Scholar Person, One Who Goes To War For Personal Benefit, The Young One’s Fish, To Make Less Sure And Serious, A Dog Of No Particular Braced, Make a sound quieter, Severely Damaged, Lack Of Experience Or Judgment, One Who Is New In A Profession, One who collects the coins, One who collides wins, A Long And Eventful Journey, The Study Of Birds, The study of birds, The Importance Of Being Earnest, Intend To Display Something, Physical Discomfort, The Sheet Of Glass, One Who Depends Upon Someone To Live, A Meeting Which Is Held To Solve The Dispute, A Meeting Which Is Held To Solve The Problem, A Close Fisted Man, Farm Workers, Where The Sheep Is Lived, An Offence Of Deliberately Telling A Lie On Court Even After Taking Oath, Continuously Try To Achieve Something, One who collects the postage stamps, , Page 3
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Rajkumar Kumawat, 147., 148., 149., 150., 151., 152., 153., 154., 155., 156., 157., 158., 159., 160., 161., 162., 163., 164., 165., 166., 167., 168., 169., 170., 171., 172., 173., 174., 175., 176., 177., 178., 179., 180., 181., 182., 183., 184., 185., 186., 187., 188., 189., 190., 191., 192., 193., 194., 195., 196., , Phoenix, Phoenix, Pilfer, Pious, Platitude, Pompous, Posthumous, Posthumous Award, Posthumous Book, Posthumous Child, Potter, Preservence, Preside, Principal, Prop, Put To Death, Queer Fish, Quid Pro Quo, Quiet, Quite, Rash, Rectify, Rectitude, Reign, Renaissance, Reprimand, Resilience, Resume, Retreat, Rhetoric, Rise from ashes, Rise like a phoenix, Sadistic, Sanatorium, Saturnine, Scold, Sculptor, Shop Lifter, Shop Lifter, Shop lifter, Sight, Site, Slander, Sonnet, Sophisticated, Spy/ Espionage, Steward/ stewardess, Stubborn, Stubborn, Superficial, , One Words, , 09928305852, 08983389028, , 2015, , An imaginary immortal bird, Imaginary bird, To Steal Small Items, A Religious Pure Woman, A Common Place Remark, Foolishly Self Importance, Occurring After Death, An Award Is Given To That Lady Whose Husband/Son His Dead For The Country, A Book Is Published After The Death Of His Author, A Child Is Born After Death Of His Father, One who makes the pot, Continuously Try To Achieve Something, Be Incharge Of Meeting, Head Of The Institution, A Pole Or Support, Order To Kill Someone, A Strange Person, Difficult Condition, Calm, Completely Or All, Taking Decision Without Thought, Correct, Correct Behavior, In The Period, Revival of learning, Expressing Strong Disapproved, Able To Recover Quickly, A New Start, Move Bake From Difficult Condition, An Effective Public Speaking, To start afresh from new position, To start afresh from new position, A Person Getting Pleasure Inflicting Pain To Other, A school of mentally sick children, One Who Is Very Grave Gloomy, To Give Piece Of Mind, One Who Carves The Precious Stones, A Thief Disguise As A Customer, A Thief Disguises As A Customer, A thief disguises as a customer, Eye Sight, Where The Work Is Going On, To Criticize Publicity, A Short Poem Of 14 Lines, One Whose Know Current Fashion, The Act Of Spying, Care takes of horses, One Who Is Determined Not To Change One’s Mind, One who is determined not to change one’s mind, A Bird’s Eye View/ A General View From Above, , Page 4
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Rajkumar Kumawat, 197., 198., 199., 200., 201., 202., 203., 204., 205., 206., 207., 208., 209., 210., 211., 212., 213., 214., 215., 216., 217., 218., 219., 220., , Synchronized, Talk Shop, Theism, Theist, Thwart, To Aurangle Ass’s Shalow, To bribe, To cut the crackle, To disregard, To Feather One’s Nest, To Make A Wry Face, Tom Boy, Transparent, Un Companionable, Vault, Vermin, Vile, Vicious, Virtual, Virtue, Virtuous, Wild goose chose, Wool gathering work, , One Words, , 09928305852, 08983389028, Cause To Happen Or Operate At Sometime, To Talk Nonsense, One Who Believes In God, Prevent From Accomplishing Something, A Disputer Ever Unprofitable Things On Trivial Thing, To grease the palm, To stop talking and eat (to begin), To turn a deaf ear, To Gather Money Dishonestly, To Pull A Long Face/ To Show Disappointment, A Girl Having Boys Character, Where The Light Can Easily Pass Through, One Who Is Not Friendly, A Storage Room Special Bank, The Insets, Having Bad Qualities, All Most Described But Not Completely, Having Good Qualities, Having Good Qualities, Foolish and useless task, futile search, Easy and absent minded work, , Page 5, , 2015