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Handwritten Notes, Paper 1, , Paper 2, (Management), , Soft Copy, , ₹ 100, , ₹ 300, , Hard Copy, , ₹ 150, , ₹ 450, , Call or Whatsapp for Notes : 7627096162, Note : Paper 1 includes 7 units except Comprehensions, Numerical Reasoning, and Data Interpretation because these units are practice based and theoretical, part of these units is covered in notes., For hard copies postal/courier charges are separate.
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Factors affecting Teaching, Teaching is an art and a skill; its acquisition depends upon so many factors., The major factors affecting teaching are as follows :, , ●, ●, ●, ●, ●, ●, ●, ●, , Educational qualification of a teacher, Skills, Teaching Experience, Classroom Environment, Economic Factors, Administrative Policies, Subject Matter, Parental Expectations
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Factors affecting Teaching, Educational qualification of a teacher : It is generally assumed that highly qualified teachers, should teach higher classes and less qualified teachers should teach lower classes., , Skills: Adequate skill set helps a teacher to do his or her job in more effective manner. Some, teaching skills may come with birth, but for many others, a prospective teacher has to make, conscious efforts., , Teaching Experience : Teacher himself is a learner all the time. A good teacher would always, like to share his enhanced knowledge with the students, and the experience also helps in better, handling of student queries and classroom management., , Classroom environment : A teacher has to take initiative in creating a classroom environment, that supports teaching learning process.
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Factors affecting Teaching, Economic factor : Teaching professionals always seek independence of thought. If that is, constrained by financial problems, the quality of teaching is affected. The same, learner’s situation as well., , applies to, , Administrative policies of school, college or university : As discussed, a teacher always seeks, independence in handling classroom situations; however, administration intends to bring, standardization in teaching practices., , Subject matter : Sometimes, when a teacher teaches a subject in which he is not specialized, he, cannot create any effect through his teaching, but the same teacher can teach his specialized, subject in a better way., , Parental expectations : Parental expectations may work as an intervening variable. They may put, stress on the learner and ultimately teaching may also get affected.
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Teaching Skills, The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in its publication Core, Teaching Skills (1982) has laid stress on the following teaching skills:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Writing instructional objectives, Organizing the content, Creating set for introducing the lesson, Introducing a lesson, Structuring classroom questions, Question delivery and its distribution, Response management, Explaining, Illustrating with examples, Using teaching instructional facilities, Stimulus variation, , , , , , , , , , , Pacing of the lesson, Promoting pupil participation, Use of blackboard, Achieving closure of the lesson, Giving assignments, Evaluating the pupil’s progress, Diagnosing pupil learning difficulties, Management of the class
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Factors affecting Learning, Certain qualities and traits of learners such as their level of intelligence, their attitudes, their, motivation, their learning styles, aptitudes, their readiness to take risks, etc. can impact the way they, learn. Following factors affects learning :, , , , , , , , Background of the learner (repertoire) Achieving, Nature of learning material (easy or difficult), Environmental factors (space, physical condition and psychological support), Motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic), Learning support (human-teachers and parents; electronic - audio, video and computer)
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Teaching Support Material, The support materials aim to support teachers and students in achieving the learning outcomes of any, subject. The ideas and resources are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. Teachers and students can, discover many other ways of reaching the learning outcomes. They can relate to any book, practical, sessions, some specific activities etc. We can take example from a book here :, , Teacher solutions manual : They are designed to assist teachers in effective teaching such as the, solutions manual provide suggestions on how to teach a topic. They are kind of comprehensive, supplementary resources such as an end-to-end solution., , Lecture slides : While teachers develop their own instructional facilities to deliver a lecture in the, class, the lecture slides provide a firm base for instructors to build on., , Extra practice questions: Students always demand extra practice that authors of a book can, provide. The texts are bundled with extra exercise questions, case studies, and other such materials, used by teachers to frame homework, quizzes and tests.
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Learning Environment and Institutions, The leadership approach of management also comes into play. That can be autocratic, democratic,, laissez faire and so on., , Political, social, legal environments can also be used here. The present trends in the management, of institutions of higher education indicate changes in many directions., , Democratic principles for better participatory culture, delegation of power to the lower level, executive bodies; faculty members participation etc., , Focus on identifying objectives and planning for both short-term and long-term perspective; and, greater concern for the economics of institutional operations., , The delegating and organizing function, organization Development, the directive function, the, operative function, and the evaluative function are all important for the management of an, institution., , The sharing of experiences, innovations, approaches and problems among institutions, feed-back, on various dimensions of teaching and, non-teaching activities and generating ideas and, suggestions to solve the main problems faced by the institution.
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